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Hello Schmoedown Patrons,

I am currently online and ready to answer any questions you might have about Patreon. Just post them below. 

My office hours today are 11:30am PST - 12:45pm PST. 




Thanh Lu

Hi. That's all. Y'all do good work. The Lord's work. All hail Lord Finstock. Kidding For someone wanting to eventually take a trip to LA And watch a match in studio, what days do they usually shoot?


What are the chances you add a tier where you give the Patreon your title shot?

Neil Varma

Hey; I have a question; I know it’s called the movie trivia schmoedown but would u all consider spinning it off to music or TV trivia schmoedown?


Yeah, or a video game one with Kinda Funny or another site?


Would it be possible to vary the times of the weekly live stream for the $10 patreon tier?


Unfortunately not at this time. But you can always post your question in the post I will make before the stream gets going so if you can't make it to the stream, you can leave your question and come back later and watch it. -Brianne


Do you know who the competitor will be this Friday?


How’s your day been brianne? 😊 also who would you want next?


Hey Brianne, great work on the patreon and the show in general, have you thought about player reaction for the patreon. Basically sitting a player down LTTP style and having them react to another teams match? Would be more of a time commitment I am aware, but could potentially be a cool way to give patrons some story adjacent content without it being essential for the main show.


My day has been well so far, thank you! I don't really want anyone, I'm married. -Brianne


That would be more production than I would be capable of at my rate. I like the idea though. You will see some more audience reactions in this next behind the scenes video for May. -Brianne


Hi Brianne! Do you have your own office at Collider studios? Or who's room are you filming in for all the scenes with competitors trying to get your title shot?


When is Movie Fights Champion Cucumber joining the Schmoedown?


So, do you know when the new Four Horsemen will be revealed? ; )


this is from Alex Macfarland, but I like the question, so I am asking it here on this thread: How are categories decided for each match and when are new categories added? For example, cult movies or period pieces.


It isn't my own space, but it is a shared space for people that are in studio intermittently. -Brianne


I don't really know how that would work for round one but I could see Cucumber and Chunk perhaps doing interviews or calling a match. -Brianne


That is a question for Chris Skalisky. I only know that the patreon slices are placed depending on if the patron has requested a certain team or individual to have the slice. -Brianne


What’s the next big event? Collider collision right?


When’s collision scheduled for?


Did you see the Fyffe Club's speed round study session vid? Did you and Stacy used to have study sessions and practice together before 6 Degrees matches?


How many patrons to make Brianne the real commish forever? Also, how do we get MORE Brianne on the show?


A big criticism of Flashpoint on CW's The Flash was that it lasted for only 1 episode. Likewise, I kinda think only 1 week of Dagnino as the Comish doesn't feel like a lot. I understand there could be time commitment issues with a talent like Bobbi Gucci, but I'd think a month of Dagnino as Comish would feel more impactful. In a world where all fans accept all Schmoedown decisions without question and always show 100$ positive support, who long would YOU have Dagnino as Comish?


Can a stern talk be had with whomever was in charge of the lighting setup for the latest backstage interviews Brianne did with Napzok? You can't have the Queen of the SD being lit like if she was in some bad horror movie!


I think he should be commish for as long as his faction has held belts for. So a year to start (unless Brianne takes over!).


Brianne, how many patrons to have you do a 'fashion emergency' show with some of the SD competitors? Like, teach JTE what a blazer is, or some other male competitors that too tight a tshirt is not always the best tshirt...


Will you ever do ALL the episodes an an 'early drop' for Patreons? (say 24 hours)


Just wanted to say that you are a great person Brianne!


I tried to get patrons to have early access to matches but it just didn't work logistically with all the the work Collider has to do in addition to the show. -Brianne


5 minutes remaining -Brianne


Brianne, don't ever stop being so AWESOME! xx


Where do I submit questions for the live stream? I won't be able to catch it live since I'll be at work while it's going on. Keep up the great work Brianne!


Also, what live stream? :P


That post will be up shortly after Office Hours are over (like 12:50pm PST). -Brianne


If you support at the $10 tier, you have access to a weekly live stream AMA with a competitor. -Brianne


Thank you for joining me during office hours. Until next time... -Brianne