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Hello Schmoedown Patrons,

I am currently online and ready to answer any questions you might have about Patreon. Just post them below. 

My office hours today are 8am - 9:15am. 




Oliver Gehrmann

I became a Patron today and just wanted to say that I'm a big fan of the Movie Trivia Schmoedown and I'm looking forward to each and every episode. :)


Just joined up, from the UK, the fees suck to covert currency and such but worth it to support a great team and a great product, BTW napzok rules


Just signed up, glad I could help out!!!


One of my main concerns about the Schmoedown behind the scenes is that the competitors need to at least get somewhat compensated. What is the target participation for that to happen? (if you could disclose that of course).


what is the next goal after we reach 2500 Patreons? :)


Who do you have for the match today, Top 10 or Top That and why?


Are we ever going to be privy to how much we donated as a group? I understand if not, it's just nice to see how much we've helped and reach higher goals.


As of now, no. I am unsure it this will be made available in the future. -Brianne


Haha - I always like to see newish teams do well, just to keep the game interesting, so my heart says Top That. -Brianne


Is there an app that is recommended for the podcast for patreons? I got the link emailed to me, but can't seem to get it to work.


Previously it was 5,000 but I don't know if that has changed. -Brianne


What is your personal favorite part of the Shmoedown as a competitor?


I am glad that is a concern of yours. One of the goals of this Patreon is to pay competitors for their appearances and all the hard work they put into the show as well. I am personally a big champion behind that. - Brianne

Steven Stark

Ms. Chandler? Miss Movies?


This is something that I am learning as well. I believe it works with itunes and soundcloud but I will need to research more on this. I know the audio will also be available on here. (for the $2 monthly broadcast. - Brianne


My favorite part of the Schmoedown is getting to know everyone outside of the show and building friendships with them. - Brianne


I really loved that you and Stacy helped Rachel with her LotR entrance. Did she ask you for help? Did you spontaneously offer it? If you had the chance to help any other competitor(s) with their entrance, who would it be? If we got enough Patreons would you consider being an entrance/costuming coach for newbies?


Do you know when the match, bts, newsletter or audio broadcast will be released?


If you can add a wheel slice what would you add?


How'd you fill in KOs beard so well?


My wife and I always look forward to your entrances. I hope the Patreon can make them even more spectacular. Also looking forward to how season 5 unfolds. The drama!

Corrine DePatra

I dont necessarily have a question, but, I wanted to take the time to say you are awesome. #girlpower ✊


What is the average turnaround for an episode? Is it a couple of hours or a few days? There are a lot of graphics that are added and I am sure that takes time. Just curious. Thank you for making yourself available for answering questions.


Rachel reached out to us about helping her with hair and makeup and I held the fan for her as well. If I had the chance to help others I would and sometimes I do when people come to me. I did the concept behind Scott Mantz' Clark Griswold entrance against Hal Rudnick. I realized after the Den came out for Spectacular that we should have had dollar bills raining down. I would love to be hired as an entrance/costume/makeup coach for the league. -Brianne


I know when we would like to roll those out but it will vary from month to month based on the match we decide to have as the Patreon match. I would say that you can expect the newsletter and audio broadcast to be at the end of the month. -Brianne


I'm vibing a Jack and Diane category that covers Jack Nicholson, Jack Black, Jack O'Connell, characters named Jack, Diane Lane, Diane Keaton, Diane Weist, characters named Diane. -Brianne


Is it possible for you to tell us when you’re next match is and/or who it’s up against? I’m excited to see you back in the ring!


Hi Brianne, what made you decide to go behind the scenes for the Schmoedown?


That I do not know. When I first started, we taped the show on a Friday and it aired the following Tuesday (teams) and Friday (singles). -Brianne


Hey Brianne, do you know when the 1st patron match will be?


Hi Brianne, After we hit 2500 patrons will there be a new patron total to hit along with new goals for the show to be met?


Just want to wish you luck in the new season looking forward to see you destroy your opponents in the schmoedown


anyone else having trouble following what question is being answered??


Do you enjoy being a heel? Will you be a baby face this season?


Me too. I gotta manually refresh the page every few minutes.


I enjoy developing a character and you'll just have to wait and see what happens this season. -Brianne


Hi Brianne, really enjoy your character in the Schmoedown! Will you and Mike Kalinowski be competing in the teams league this season as well as being a faction?


Brianna, do you have a team name you can share with us?


Brianne - you are the best, so glad to have you on this show/team. Hope you are enjoying your vacation. <3


Mrs B, how excited with the potential things this Patreon opens up would you say Kristian, Mark, Yourself, ect working behind the scenes to bring us the SD (thanks by the way) are?


I don't have any info to share with you regarding this, but I will tell you that my name has an "e" at the end. -Brianne


I think everyone is pretty excited about the potential boost that this can bring to the show. As they say in High School Musical: we're all in this together. -Brianne


The match I'm looking forward to is Kristian vs Thad.... for commissioner-ship =)


Hi Brianne - Will there be exclusive behind the scenes where we see the shootings of the schmoedown?


There will be, but I can tell you that it won't be as glossy as the BTS videos that Perri used to put out for Collider. However, it will still show you fun stuff that no one else but the $5 and up patrons will see. -Brianne


Mrs B, is there any competitors in the League who you are personally nervous about ever facing?


Hey Brianne,


....are there any people you'd love to see brought in to compete?


Is there any player in the league that you’d like to go against?


I wouldn't mind seeing Bald Bryan from the Adam Carolla Show. I used to do The Film Vault podcast with him. He knows a lot about movies and is really good at trivia. He won 100k on Who Wants To Be a Millionaire and he beat the geeks on Beat The Geeks. He's also quite a character. -Brianne


Do you know if there is any chance of getting Kevin Smith on the SD?


Not sure if anyone asked this but how much input do players have in developing their characters? I imagine Kristian is heavily involved in the early process but I was wondering if new players can come in with their own ideas. P.S. Love your creativity and thought you out into your entrances and you are missed in the ring


I know that is someone we have tried to get on. With celebrities like Kevin, there CAN be a fee for an appearance (not saying this is true, just saying it is possible), plus he is a super busy person. BUT, I don't think we have stopped trying. -Brianne


Is there plans for anymore Star Wars matches?


I love to see you, Kristian, and others compete in a "Mommy and Daddy Fatal Fiveway" where you and other parents compete in only kid-friendly movie categories. Would you like to do something like that? Who would you put in that match? Besides you and Kristian I can only think of Drew McWeeny.


Thank you, Jacob. We give Kristian our input. In my case, with my match against Perri, I came into it knowing what I wanted to do and doing it. However, I had no clue all the things I wanted to do made me a heel. Haha. - Brianne


I am sure there are plans for this but I don't know how often they will be happening. -Brianne


Haha - this is awesome and I would love to partake in it. I am definitely the only mother that is regularly on the show but Matt Achity is also a dad. -Brianne


Thank you for joining me for office hours today. I will do this again in a few weeks for anyone that has additional questions about Patreon. -Brianne


Thank you Brianne. And Tell kristian and the others how much we LOVE the schmoedown and we support it. And top 10 is gonna kick ass tonight :D


Hi Brianne!


Sorry I missed the time window but excited you're doing this again. TTFN.