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Today I started porting the Final Exam game from the IF Action engine to the Construct 2 engine. I already have a test prototype ready.

Yes, the Consttruct 2 engine is no longer supported either. However, it is still relevant and has less problems than IF Action. A definite advantage of Construct 2 is its perpetual license (unlike the new Construct 3 engine, for which you have to pay every year).

Let's see what kind of game we will get on the new engine.

I haven't made a public demo yet, because I haven't created a single level in the game yet. The prototype is only available to paid subscribers on Patreon and Boosty.

Now I need to completely port all the locations of the first level to the new engine. After that I will continue to create other levels. Fortunately, the level designs are already prepared (as I said earlier).

For now, the game will be made only for Windows PC. It's hard for me to say now what the minimum computer requirements are to run the game. I tested the prototype on three computers:

1. AMD Ryzen 7 4700G 3.60 GHz, 32GB RAM, GeForce RTX 3050, Win10 (Sam Smith's computer);

2. AMD A6 9220e 1.60 GHz, 8GB RAM, integrated graphics card, Win10 (my work laptop that I do everything on);

3. Intel Atom D525 1.20 GHz, 4GB RAM, integrated video card, Win7 (my kids' computer).

The game ran on all of these computers. No problems were observed on Sam's computer. On my kids' weak computer, the game was a bit slow, but was quite playable... On my work laptop, however, the game slowed down a lot! I can't tell what the cause of this is right now. Perhaps it's because I haven't had my laptop serviced for a long time. I'll definitely look into it when I have time. I hope that the problem is really just me!

Also, I really hope that the Construct 2 version of the game will be able to launch for those users who didn't launch before.

The game prototype has been uploaded to the paid subscribers folder. The old working build on the IFAction engine has also been saved so that new users who will be able to run that version of the game will have an understanding of it.

As for the SHMUP style game - I will postpone the development of that game for the future. Unfortunately, as much as I'd like to, I can't develop three games at the same time. I don't have the time or energy. Those who don't know about my life situation - I wrote about it in previous posts.



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