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I want to update the devlog of The Final Exam game.

Thank you all so much for the feedback!

I've written down all your comments and suggestions. I've already managed to fix some of them. Some things I will definitely come back to during the polishing phase.

Unfortunately, some things cannot be changed due to engine limitations. I apologize for that. I probably won't be making any more games on this engine because it is no longer supported.

One of the problems with the game is the very large character inertia. The character keeps moving for a while (like sliding on ice) when the player releases the control keys. I tried to fix this problem by digging into the engine code. I was even shown the lines of code responsible for sliding. However, I was never able to change anything. Moreover, I did something that made the game stop launching altogether. Fortunately, I made a backup copy of the game beforehand.

Apparently, this engine is made in such a way that the same sliding function applies to all characters: both player and enemies. When I tried to change something, some enemies started moving slower, others stopped moving altogether. After several futile attempts, I decided to leave things as they were originally. I don't exclude that I will come back to this problem later, during the polishing stage. But I make no guarantees that it will be fixed. I will try to make the level platforms longer so that the player can move around more comfortably. However, since the location schemes are already done (as PNG files), I am primarily transferring the levels into the game as is. I'm only making minor changes in the process of adding new levels. Final changes will be made during the polishing phase. Please take this into consideration if you want to write me a comment about excessive character sliding.

I've also made some changes with checkpoints. There are more of them, and each checkpoint is now placed in a separate location. And a health regeneration elixir has been added to each location.

The last things I did this weekend were adding some more empty second level locations, and changing the background images. It's possible that the background images will change a few more times in the future. It's a pity that the engine only provides one layer for the background image with parallax.

At this stage of development, I don't plan to make any more changes to the first layer. I will definitely write down all comments and suggestions and try to take them into account in the future.

Now I plan to make decorations for the second level. After that I need to create new enemies. Images for the cutscenes also need to be replaced (right now my old images are temporarily used in the cutscenes).

The working build of the game has been updated. The link is available to active paid subscribers.


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