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I originally didn't want to write about a platformer this week. But then I had a few free minutes and decided to update the devlog about The Final Exam after all.

Thanks to you, a bug with one of the checkpoints was discovered and has been fixed in the new build. I think in the future I will create a separate location for each checkpoint.

Also, one of the players pointed out to me that the player has too much sliding, and it is very uncomfortable. Unfortunately, in this game engine it is not possible to further reduce sliding. If I further reduce the sliding factor, bugs start to occur.

In general, the engine I'm making this game on is very glitchy! Yes, this engine is the simplest of all the engines I've seen. But, unfortunately, the engine is no longer supported. I think this game will be my first and last game on this engine. I don't think I'll have time to learn any new engines in the future, so I'll go back to developing on RPG Maker.

I was advised to increase the size of the platforms and the distances to the enemies to reduce the discomfort of sliding. I will definitely do as I was advised. I will try to make the platforms in the new levels longer. The point is that the design of all levels is ready (I got it together with the game source as a gift). I'll have to work hard to achieve a comfortable game balance.

Right now I haven't changed anything in the first level (except for very small minor modifications). I will definitely revisit the first level during the polishing phase of the game. I will also be polishing the rest of the locations at the same phase. Please be patient! I want this game to bring you nothing but pleasure! And the main feature of the game is a lot of cool size-difference images in the cutscenes!

I've started building the second level locations, but they are, so far, completely empty. There are no backgrounds, no scenery, no enemies - just platform tiles. Everything necessary for a full game will appear later. Let me remind you that platformer is not my main project. Though I think this game will be completed faster than the main game.

The working build of the game has been updated. The link is available to active paid subscribers.

P. S.

System Requirements for the game:

1. NET Framework 4.5.2;

2. OS: Windows 7 or higher;

3. RAM: 2 GB or more;

4. Integrated graphics cards before 2009 may not work.



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