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The week is flying by. Here comes another weekend, and time to update the devlog.

As I mentioned in the last post, I decided to change the concept of the game, making it more like a board game. This weekend I started putting the idea into action. The first thing I tackled was a combat system based on dice rolls.

I want to say that I'm not very good at RPGs. My childhood and teenage years were spent playing platformer games on 8 and 16 bit consoles from Sega and Nintendo. I don't think that, with that experience, I could make a good RPG. So I decided to remove RPG elements from my future game. It will be a relaxation game, the feature of which, as I've said many times, is a lot of size-difference images.

I also started to create a world map, which will now be accessed by the player from the teleportation room. The already created locations will also remain, but now the player will get there in a different way.

Unfortunately, the new game mechanics have not been worked out enough to show them yet. Therefore, the working build of the game, at the moment, is presented in the old version. I just added some new images that I created this week on weekdays (teleport1-8 and in-toilet-1).

By the way, I also have a new idea about the images. I know a lot of my subscribers liked it when I created images with anime characters. So let the anime characters be present in this game as well. I think it will be interesting if the tiny player will meet sexy anime heroines in the game. I will also make a version of the game that will also have anime heroines instead of the already created characters. I think this game will be much more interesting than the version that was originally conceived. What do you think?

Of course, the process of remaking the game will be gradual and not quick. Next week two more images with non-anime characters will be created, as the sketches for them are almost ready. After that, images with anime characters will be created, and, in parallel, the already created images will be remade. Because of this, there will be both old and new images in the working build of the game for some time. I ask those who have access to the working build not to be surprised by this mess.

And, of course, one of my main tasks now is to make a demo version of the game with new game mechanics. I will create a demo as soon as I finish creating and reworking these game mechanics. I will try to do it as soon as possible. Like I said before, I'm doing my best. And I've said many times in previous posts what my life situation is. I ask everyone to be patient.


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