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I hope you're all feeling fabulous today.

I wanted to take a moment to keep you in the loop on our darling Madison series. Firstly, I want to shower you with gratitude for your patience and understanding. I know you're all on the edge of your seats waiting for Part 2 and believe me, your excitement mirrors my own!

Now, here's the tidbit you've all been craving: I've kicked off the captioning for Part 2! That's right, my dears. Although I'm still weaving together the story and need a bit more time to paint the whole picture, I couldn't resist dishing up the first couple of images to fan the flames of inspiration.

And because you mean the world to me, I am thrilled to give you a sneak peek of the first two captivating images from Part 2! I have to admit, these images have stirred even more creativity for Madison's unfolding story. I'm more giddy than ever to let you in on Madison's continuing journey.

Do note that these images are still blossoming and may undergo some tweaks before the final reveal.

Bear with me a smidge longer before I can drop an estimate for when Part 2 will be available. I want to ensure Madison's saga continues to be as tantalizing, thrilling, and satisfying for you as it is for me to craft.

Thank you once again for your unwavering support and patience. You make these storytelling dreams possible and for that, my heart overflows with gratitude.

Keep your eyes peeled for more updates and sneak peeks.

Edit: I wasn't happy with first image so I changed it.




Sorry for delay in response. I ended up going out of town for a little bit back now. I plan to have this out mid next week.


Would be great to hear something somewhere from you