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Oli was perched on a branch, his tail rocking back and forth, in the feline equivalent of a hand drum on a table. The cat had a smug face, but Bucky’s tail had stopped wagging, and his fur stood erect. 

Bucky’s happy demeanor suddenly turned wolfish, and he snarled menacingly toward Oli. “Oli! You stinking thief!” The temperature instantly dropped. A cold, chilly wind blew, and the sky darkened. Then, snowflakes started falling. Roth took a few steps back. Such power! Was Bucky the one causing the change in weather?

“Don’t you dare cause trouble for my contractor!” barked Bucky.

“Oh, please, Bucks.” Oli drew his claws and slowly swiped a paw as if trying to shoo a fly. The snowstorm instantly abated. “You dogs are so dramatic.”

Bucky’s ears drooped as his display of power was easily snuffed away by Oli. Roth was speechless. How powerful were these two NPCs?

“What are you doing here?” Bucky demanded.

“I was just curious. I have a modicum of interest in this furless human, and I wanted to know how he had gotten in touch with you.”

Bucky’s tail began wagging contentedly. “Of course you do. I’ve heard the story. The martyr stole from you, didn’t he? For a human to rob you is proof you’ve gotten old. What life are you on now? Sixth? Seventh?”

Oli’s tail, which had been tapping the tree lightly, sounded now like a sledgehammer, causing the whole tree to shake and the leaves to start falling with each hit.

“He didn’t steal from me. I merely let him take out my trash,” explained Oli.

“Hmph. That’s not what I heard from Oscar.”

“You…” Oli’s fur also puffed up, and he seemed to almost double in size. Bucky didn’t seem the least afraid of him. Roth noted how Prince Piglet had taken cover at the very edge of the clearing. Unnoticed by Roth, all the sheep had also moved behind the boar and tried to look small, hoping the cat and dog didn’t notice them.

“Oli, Bucky, please.” Both dog and cat turned to him. “Why can’t we all be friends here? Oli is not going to steal from you today. Are you, Oli?”

Oli looked away. “Maybe not.”

“And, Bucky, you’re a big deal. A very big deal! You’re an incredible porter!”

Bucky’s anger was somewhat abated, but he didn’t take his eyes off Oli. The cat yawned, and his fur rested. Roth didn’t know if he’d been able to defuse the situation because of his lingering fox form and his massive charisma or if they weren’t planning to start trouble in the first place. Whatever the case, Roth turned to the dog, trying to solve all unfinished business before these two started a fight. “Anyway, Bucky, two things. One, did you collect [Acorns] from the badgers?”


“Could I have them? Just discount it from the money I’d make from taking them to Soros. Also, leave me all the berries and mushrooms you have .”

You’ve been traded 60x[Acorns], 100x[Raspberries], 30x[Glowshrooms], 40x[Elderberries], 10x[Morelshroom].

Sweet. This would be important for his treeant colony. “One more thing. I just started a new trade agreement with Antioch. They need food. Can you ask Soros to give you as much food as possible for next time? They are particularly fond of grain.”

“You started a trade agreement with the treeants?” Bucky finally pulled his eyes away from Oli.

“Yes. Look.” Roth passed him his broker ledger.

“Keep an eye on that filthy thief while I read this.”

At the jab from the dog, Oli hissed at him but then started licking the fur on his butt. Roth wasn’t sure if the cat was just grooming himself or if he was sending the dog a message. The husky leafed through the pages, eyes wide.

“A whole city? You got an exclusive trade agreement with a whole city?”

“Yes. Is that a big deal?”

“A big deal? This is any merchant’s dream! There’s no time to waste!”

Bucky picked up a ball from the sled and threw it into the ground. It exploded, unleashing a cloud of red smoke, and both dog and sled shrank until they were too small for Roth to spot. Just like that, they were gone.

“Human, you know the Table meets tomorrow. Right?”

“Yes, Oli. I was about to set out.”

“Good. Just don’t leave through the tree line. It’s full of foreigners.”

Roth turned toward the tree line. His instinct had been correct. It really was an ambush. In the time Roth took his away from Oli, the cat had vanished. He slumped his shoulders. Being simultaneous friends with cats and dogs seemed to be a source of many future headaches. Whatever, he wasn’t planning to leave through there anyway.


In miniaturized size, Roth drank one of the [Miniaturizing Honeydew] droplets from his inventory, shrinking even further. Once he was in ant size, he returned to the city's safety. It was time to teleport somewhere other than here. He could leave his trade route up to Bucky. His money was in very capable paws.

Roth traveled toward the teleportation gate, but on the way there, he passed by the honeypot ants and exchanged all the berries he had gotten from Bucky for more [Miniaturizing Honeydew]. It seemed to be one of the most important consumables he had found in the city, and it couldn't hurt to bring more of it with him.

Resuming his journey to the teleportation gate, Roth reviewed the conversation he just had with Oli. The fact that the cat burglar believed it was still possible for him to make it in time for the meeting at the Table was reassuring. It only reaffirmed his suspicions that the Table wasn’t too far away and that he could still make it.

As he journeyed from the colony's entrance to the birch tree where the teleportation device was, Bucky kept showing signs of activity.

Bucky, the Husky, has just delivered 60x[Raven Feathers] to the Fox Baroness.

Broker 1000XP; 2%(x75%x15%) of the profit (1 silver, 74 copper); +15 reputation with all foxes.

Bucky, the Husky, has just delivered 120x[Stinky Cheese], 60x[Tin Pickaxe], and 60x[Tin Shovel] to King Ratatouille.

Broker 1200XP; 3%(x75%x15%) of the profit (2 silver, 2 copper); +15 reputation with all ratans.

Bucky, the Husky, has just delivered 12x[Badger Claw] and 120x[Pine Cone] to Greenleaf Inc.

Broker 1100XP; 1%(x75%x15%) of the profit (82 copper); +15 reputation with Greenleaf Inc.

All the notifications had to do with deliveries related to the trade inside of Green Woods. He just wanted Bucky to hurry up and go back to Hilsford. That’s where the most XP and profit would be. He marched through the dark tunnels toward the colony's periphery while keeping his eyes on the notification window like a hawk. Finally, the much-awaited notifications came.

Bucky, the Husky, has just delivered 20x[Fox Ginseng], 1x[Power Truffle], 10x[Crown Feather Earring], 3x[Crow Feather Tiara], 5x[Crown Feather Necklace], 7x[Badger Great Claw], 4x[Boar King's Tusk], 100x[Raven Feathers], 10x[Bucket of Mud], 10x[Badger Claw], 14x[Miniaturizing Potion] to Golden Mountain Inc.

Congratulations on completing a trade between [Golden Mountain Inc] and different factions in the Green Woods.

500,000 Broker XP, 2%(x75%x15%) of the profit (154 gold, 9 silver).

[Broker Level Up!]

[Porter] has been upgraded to [Cart-Pulling].

[Broker Level Up!]

[Broker Level Up!]

[Supplier’s Fortune] has been upgraded to [Supplier’s Loyalty].

[Level Up!]

Roth held it in and walked for a few more minutes. Once he was in a place with no ants in sight, he busted out a few celebratory dance moves. “Level 30! Level 30! I’m so rich. I’m so rich!” He had finally broken through to level 30! All of that in under two months of gaming!

After being stuck at level 11 as a broker for so many days, his profession had risen to level 20 in one single leap. Looking at all the gold in his inventory, he wanted to shout! But this was only the beginning! He read the two new skill descriptions.

Cart-Pulling (Common)

Skill description: After completing long travels, you have discovered running techniques that allow you to carry more weight and run faster. You’re also capable of carrying carts or wheelbarrows to increase your weight-carry capacity.

Skill effects:

Passive. +20 Kg carrying capacity;

+20% traveling speed when outside combat for over one hour.

You can use carts and wheelbarrows.

Restrictions: Merchant, lvl. 17.

Suppliers' Loyalty (Rare)

Skill description: NPCs treasure the business relationship you have cultivated with them.

Skill effects:

Passive. NPCs pay you 2% more when purchasing goods from you;

Percentage scales with reputation, charisma, and wisdom;

This bonus is doubled if you have an exclusive trade agreement.

Restrictions: Broker, lvl. 20.

[Porter] and [Supplier’s Fortune] were essential skills that had helped him amass much wealth at such an early level. The improvements to each of them were incredible, but [Supplier’s Loyalty] deserved the prize for the best upgrade. His gut had always told him he shouldn’t lose exclusivity in trade agreements. He knew they were precious. That’s why he had risked a lot to honor the deadlines. This upgrade to the skill proved him right!

As a broker, Roth was rewarded by conducting interracial trade, especially between NPCs instead of players. [Supplier’s Fortune] had granted him an upgrade to how much money he was paid on transactions between NPCS. [Supplier’s Loyalty] took it one step further.

Not only had the base bonus gone up from 1% to 2%, but for exclusive trades, he had received another bonus! As soon as he unlocked this skill, the amount of money that NPCs paid him in exclusive trade agreements went from 1% to 4%! That included several of his agreements.

Even for those he wasn’t in an exclusive trade agreement with, such as the snakes, Mario, the dwarf exiles, and Greenleaf Inc., his profit had received a significant upgrade. And who knew? Maybe there would be further upgrades down the line that made these bonuses even more significant. The fact that Bucky was so excited to hear he had exclusivity in the trade with Antioch only made Roth more excited about this.

It felt good to see his profession grow so much in one day. But that wasn’t all. Profession XP also helped him level his character, courtesy of his hidden class. After receiving all this extra XP, he was now level 30! Reaching level 30 was a milestone for a player. A whole new tier of equipment was unlocked at this threshold, and many skills could only be learned from level 30 up. He was officially out of the ranks as a noob.

He grabbed the two caterpillar items he had looted and equipped them. He needed to make space for the [Blue Caterpillar Earring] and decided to remove [Cybernetic Scanner], as he no longer needed it. After unlocking insight, the scanner had become obsolete. He could inspect things without needing a scanner.

It was still a few minutes before he could get to the teleportation birch tree, so he checked his character information. He had stat and skill points to distribute, and he might as well do it now. He canceled his fox form.

Human Form!

He had been holding it until Bucky could finish the trade. That enabled him to unlock better rewards in the trade, but it was time to return to human form. He looked over all the notifications signaling the stat bonuses he was losing and winning and found something new.

Your endurance is over 250.

[Stone Skin] has been upgraded to [Copper Skin]

Copper Skin (Stat Bonus)

Bonus description: By enduring hardship and arduous training, you make your skin even harder and more resistant. It's as strong as copper.

Bonus effect: Passive. Reduces damage received by 15%.

Restrictions: 250+ endurance.

It looked like his [Stat Prodigy] title had moved over to endurance, granting him 10% more endurance. He sighed. He would have preferred if it had stayed over in charisma, but at the same time, this meant that all of his forms would become 10% more powerful from now on. He opened his character’s sheet.


Name: Pax

Class: Pacifist

Race: Zoomorph (Human Form)

Profession(s): Broker, Lvl. 20 | Ecotailor, lvl. 10

Level: 30

Affinity: Light (139/300); Nature (21/100)

Alignment: Meek (364/1000)

Positive relationships:

Badgers (1723/2000); Boars (1712/2000); Corvids (1803/2000); Cyborg Union (1100/2000); Dogs (207/300); Dwarf Exiles (214/300); Flock (242/300); Foxes (1788/2000); Snakes (3153/8000); Golden Mountain Inc. (1235/2000); Greenleaf Inc. (617/1000); Hilsford Garrison Soldiers (103/300); Oli, the Cat Burglar (1/100); Peace Corps (100/300); Ratans (3495/8000); Silkworms (10/100); Treeants (1260/2000)

Negative Relationships:

Bears (-10/-100); Blue Caterpillars (-100/-300); Gazpachos (-1400/-3000); Grassland Wolves (-45/-100); Thadeus (-10/-100); Timberwolves (-90/-100);

Titles: [Adored]; [Alpinist]; [Art Enthusiast]; [All-Nighter]; [Creature of the Night]; [Darksbane]; [Discoverer of Species]; [Entitled]; [Grand Explorer]; [Hero of Ages]; [First of a Kind]; [Jumper]; [Marathonist]; [Martyr]; [Microman]; [Mindfulness]; [Novice]; [Overachiever]; [Pioneer]; [Polyglot]; [Richling]; [Single Minded Craftsman]; [Stat Prodigy]; [Sweatshop Worker]; [Swimmer]; [Triathlete]

STATS (44 Free Stat Points)

Hp: 226

Energy: 297

Damage Reduction: 46.9%

Status Resistance: 6.6%

Cooldown Reduction: 11%

Running Speed: 154.4%

Weight: [Light] - (54.3/201.5 Kg)

Strength: 56

Dexterity: 67

Intelligence: 87 (+1%)

Wisdom: 117

Endurance: 239 (+10%)

Charisma: 106 (+5%)

Resilience: 19

Insight: 24

Subterfuge: 36

Perception: 13


Right Hand: [Plumber's Torch] | +5 intelligence

Left Hand: [Flag of the Rat Cave] | +10 wisdom; +6 dexterity; +10% speed; [Ratan Stride]; [Ratan Dash]

Shoes: [Plumber Boots] | +20% speed

Bottom: [Black Toxicologist Leggings] | +5% poison dur.; +4 wisdom; +1 intelligence

Top: [Dark Toxicologist Jacket] | +1% poison dur.; +3% damage red.; +5 wisdom; +10ep

Gloves: [Plumbing Gloves] | +5% damage red.

Head: [Black Toxicologist Hood] | +2% poison pot.; +3 wisdom; +3 intelligence

Cape: [Wool Poncho] | 5 intelligence; +3% status resistance; +5% speed


[Crow Feather Earring] | +1 intelligence; +1 energy regen.

[Blue Caterpillar Earring] | +5 subterfuge; +10 wisdom

[Witness Protection Mask]

[Crow Feather Necklace] | +1 wisdom; +2 intelligence; +5ep

[Utility Belt] | +10 kg

[Blue Caterpillar Ring] | +8 subterfuge; 5 intelligence

[Ring of the Wanderer] | +2 wisdom; 5ep


Stat Bonuses: [Charm]; [Copper Skin]; [Fast Hands]; [Good Character]; [Healthy Bones]; [Horse’s Gallop]; [Inner Calm]; [Inner Light]; [Strategic Thinking]; [Timely]

Profession Related: [Increased Discount]; [Exasperate]; [Novice Hiring]; [Plenty of Fiber]; [Cart Pulling]; [Supplier's Loyalty]; [Tailors Bag]; [Wool’s Will]

Passive: [Basic Toxicologist I]; [Boar's Might]; [Farsight]; [Flag Bearer]; [Plumber Set I]; [Ratan Stride]; [Snake Slither]

Active: [Camouflage]; [Inspiration]; [Miniaturize]; [Peace Decree]; [Peace Treaty]; [Ratan Dash]; [Screeching Terror]; [Search]; [30 Steps]

The biggest improvement had been to the amount of weight he could carry. He could carry over two hundred kilograms, even in his human form. It had looked like a big deal when he was in Antioch, but his pride was hurt after seeing Bucky move around. He still had miles to go before he could rival the husky porter.

He had too many free stats to allocate, and it was a waste not putting them to work. He just crammed them all into wisdom. His wisdom increased from 117 to 161, unlocking a new stat bonus.

Your wisdom has reached 150.

[Agile Mind] has been upgraded to [Sharp Mind].

Sharp Mind (Stat Bonus)

Bonus description: You think quickly and are capable of making split-second decisions.

Bonus effects:

It is quicker to channel skills and items.

Restrictions: 150+ wisdom.

In Roth's opinion, it wasn’t particularly useful, but maybe it would reveal its true potential the more he progressed. The most important thing was to make his stats as high as possible. That would power up his every form.

As much as Roth would have liked to buy new gear, unfortunately, he was far from an auction house. Once he reached a city, visiting one was one of his top priorities. For now, he focused on the other things he could to make his character stronger.

He took out [The Way of Peace] to decide what to do with his skill points. From his calculations he had 14 unspent skill points right now. Unfortunately, he was still one skill point short of getting the upgrade for [Flagbearer]. He should consider spending his points some other way.

As he opened his class’ book, he noticed that pages that had been blank before now had writing on them. Strange. What prompted this change in the book? When he opened it a week ago, there was nothing but the introduction to the book by the retired general, Maximus Secundus, the records of his peace treaties, and the skill tree. Curious, he read the new content. It looked like the story of Maximus Secundus had been partially completed!

Ch. 162 - Such a Good Porter


Ch. 164 - The Way of Diplomacy


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