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Spring of 346, A.D.

“Hey, Kai.”

“What are you doing, Alex? Did you see the state your sister was in? You go there and talk to her right now.”

Alex stood unmoving.

“Why are you doing this?”

“You know why.”

“Because of her? WAKE UP, ALEX! Even if you ask for exile, there’s no telling if her sector will do well in the exams. There’s no telling if you’ll just end up somewhere else. You won’t even remember how you feel about her!”

“At least there’s a chance. It’s the only chance. You said it yourself, Kai. I can’t be in a relationship with someone across a wall. This is the only way I know to cross it.”

“What about your sister? What about me? Are you willing to forget us just like that?”

He turned his head away. Kai spotted a tear. “It’s not just Cassie, Kai. I’ve thought long and hard about this. If things keep going like this, it will be just us three in the whole sector. You and Ariel will be together, and I’ll be the third wheel as long as we both shall live. It’s for the better."

“That’s nonsense, Alex! You’re a genius! You can get an awesome exam score and get more people to come. Then you won’t be alone.”

“I’m just a frog in a well. I might look like a genius, but you haven’t spent time with Cassie like I did. They make us look like children, Kai. They are so much more advanced than we are.”

“But, Alex. We can do this. Please, don’t do this. Don’t go. Don’t forget me.”

“I told my sister that you knew about Cassie and that you tried to help me, but I asked you to keep a promise. I told her to forgive you. Please, Kai,” he put his hand over his shoulder and looked him in the eye for the first time. “Take care of her for me.”

“B-but I…”

“I’m sorry.” Alex turned and walked away.


353rd Daisy Exams, Round of 64.

After crafting a mythic card, everything else Kai did felt lackluster. Regardless, there were still recipes to try, and some fun ones at that. One of the recipes that he wanted to try involved [Sand]. He had missed the opportunity to merge it with [Fire] before, but luckily, it still had enough hit points for him to make an attempt.

[Fire] + [Sand]

[Fire] | Hp: 4→3

[Sand] | Hp: 1→0

Crafting Successful! You've crafted [Glass].

Glass (Common)

Versatile, brittle material valued for its optical clarity.

Hp: 1

Vp: 2

The result was a little disappointing. Now that he thought about it, couldn’t he have gotten this from taking a picture of a glass shard in the factory arena? After that, he decided to equip his animal cards with the [Fire Axes] he had secured. The results were whimsical, to say the least.

[Fire Axe] + [Spider]

[Fire Axe] | Hp: 4→3

[Spider] | Hp: 1→0

Crafting Successful! You've crafted [Barbaric Spider].

Barbaric Spider (Uncommon)

A violent spider mutant breed that has learned how to wave axes around.

Hp: 0

Vp: 4

He laughed at the drawing of a spider wearing axes on two of its legs and waving them around, so he made a second copy.

[Fire Axe] + [Spider]

[Fire Axe] | Hp: 3→2

[Spider] | Hp: 1→0

Crafting Successful! You've crafted [Barbaric Spider].

Then he turned to the oryxes. After experimenting with animals in the last round, he was pretty sure combining them with the axe would yield a more peaceful result.

[Arabian Oryx] + [Fire Axe]

[Arabian Oryx] | Hp: 4→3

[Fire Axe] | Hp: 2→1

Crafting Successful! You've crafted [Oryx Lumberjack].

Oryx Lumberjack (Rare)

Hp: 6

Vp: 1

The difference in the quality of the tools granted them one more hit point than the forager version, equipped with a flint blade he had provided. Unfortunately, he didn’t have many resource cards, such as a tree with which he could use [Oryx Lumberjack]. He didn’t see much benefit in crafting more of them. He would leave it be for now. Finally, there was the unicorn.

[Unicorn] + [Fire Axe]

[Unicorn] | Hp: 4→3

[Fire Axe] | Hp: 1→0

Crafting failed!

As the table went dark, he grabbed the unicorn card and frowned. Why hadn’t this combination worked? Tools could be merged with wolves, oryxes, and even something as far-fetched as a spider, but not a unicorn? Was he missing something here? He placed the used-up [Fire Axe] in the graveyard pile and put [Unicorn] with the other cards. He couldn’t figure out why this combination had failed.

He looked at all the other cards, trying to find combinations he might have missed. Just as he was about to give up, he spotted the new card he had created earlier.

Glass (Common)

Versatile, brittle material valued for its optical clarity.

Hp: 1

Vp: 2

He had thought of merging it with light, but since the result would probably be [Fire], he stopped himself. This other card, however, might synergize well with it.

Perspective (Rare)

An object's depth and scale can alter depending on an observer's position and point of view.

Hp: 1

Vp: 3

He shrugged. They were both going to lose 1hp anyway, so he might as well run the experiment now that he was ahead and confident about winning this round.

[Glass] + [Perspective]

[Glass] | Hp: 1→0

[Perspective] | Hp: 1→0

Crafting successful! You've crafted [Lens].

Lens (Rare)

Glass with curved surfaces that focuses light.

Hp: 0

Vp: 7

How about that! He had found a rare card at the very last minute, and the point count was incredibly generous. After reviewing each card again, he was confident he hadn’t missed anything. The only question was whether he wanted to copy something on the photocopier. There was nothing for now. Unfortunately, [Mega Scrapdroid] would require copying two other mythic cards, which he didn’t have anymore.

He kept going through the cards he had used up, looking for any synergies he hadn’t noticed, and before long, the bell rang, signaling the end of this round.

Congratulations! You’ve earned 253 victory points!

The following cards will now be destroyed: [Acacia Leaf]; 2x[Ash]; 2x[Barbaric Spider]; [Brittle Copper]; 2x[Broken Console]; 2x[Bronze Frame]; 2x[Bronze Sheet]; 2x[Circuitry]; 2x[Copper Wire]; [Dried Drive Belt]; [Fire Axe]; 2x[Flint Arrow]; [Gaslamp]; [Glass]; 2x[Heater Copper]; 2x[Heated Tin]; [Lens]; [Neglect] [Perspective]; [Pond]; [Radioactive Waste]; 2x[Recycled Power Core]; 2x[Recycled Power Source]; [Rusty Gear]; [Rusty Pipe]; [Rusty Steel Door]; 2x[Salvaged Bronze Chassis]; 2x[Salvaged Control Panel]; 2x[Salvaged Gears]; [Sand]; 2x[Scrapdroid]; [Small Flint]; 2x[Solder]; 2x [Spider]; 2x[Steam]; 2x[Super Scrapdroid]; [Thorn]

This was old news for Kai, who could keep track of the score thanks to the scoreboard upgrade. He watched as the stack of cards he had organized neatly into the graveyard pile faded to ash. He had broken his record from the last round, gaining 26 more points!

After a few seconds, all his remaining cards began losing durability.

[Fire]’s hp has been halved.

Fire (Rare)

Useful for creating and destroying.

Hp: 3→1

Vp: 3→1

All other cards lose 1hp.

Arabian Oryx (Rare)

A creature known as the desert’s unicorn.

Hp: 5→4

Vp: 2

Arabian Oryx (Rare)

A creature known as the desert’s unicorn.

Hp: 3→2

Vp: 2

Fire Axe (Uncommon)

Cutting tool designed for emergencies.

Hp: 4→3

Vp: 0

Flintstone (Uncommon)

Hard rock, suitable for various applications.

Hp: 1→0

Vp: 1

Light (Legendary)

A form of electromagnetic radiation that stimulates the sense of vision

Hp: +∞→+∞

Vp: 2

Mega Scrapdroid (Mythic)

A Scrapdroid that has fed on so much technology that it has transcended into the realm of sentience.

Hp: +∞→+∞

Vp: 40 (Max)

Oryx Lumberjack (Rare)

Hp: 6→5

Vp: 1

2x Spider Web (Rare)

Delicate, intricate structure woven by spiders using silk threads to serve as a trap for catching prey or as a shelter.

Hp: 3→2

Vp: 4

Unicorn (Legendary)

The mythical one-horned horse. Legend has it that its horn can pierce through anything.

Hp: 4→3

Vp: 15

Water (Uncommon)

Transparent, tasteless, and odorless substance essential for life.

Hp: 1→0

Vp: 1

Water (Uncommon)

Transparent, tasteless, and odorless substance essential for life.

Hp: 3→2

Vp: 1

Seventy-two points would carry over to the next round, more than half of which would be thanks to his new mythic card. His opponent had reached 148 points, 100 less than Kai. The poor thing. She never had a chance.

Congratulations! You’re among the 64 trial runners who passed through to the next round.

You have 4 hours and 13 minutes to select your upgrades and rest.

Kai didn't need the break right now. This crafting round had been significantly easier than the previous one. For one, he was ahead during the whole thing. Secondly, he already had hormones. His promise was already secured. Funny how the mind works.

It was more important to him to keep a promise to Ariel than to live longer. What did that say about him? Did it mean he was madly in love? Or that he had integrity? Or maybe it was just that he was damaged? After considering it for a few moments, he came to a conclusion. Ariel was the only person he had. She represented 100% of his circle of friends. Disappointing everyone felt worse than death, even if everyone was only one person.

He approached the console and activated it. All the upgrades appeared on the screen. He had 284 points to spend.

Purchased Upgrades: [Android Companion].; [Flash]; [Gaslamp]; [Hunter Eyes]; [Map]; [Photocopier]; [Scoreboard]; [Text Description].


Requirements: Reaching the northernmost point in the arena.

Description: A simple compass that points north.

Cost: 10vp

Failed Recipes (Recipe Book Upgrade)

Requirements: To have one failed crafting attempt.

Description: Your recipe book can now maintain a record of all failures in crafting.

Cost: 20vp

Log (Recipe Book Upgrade)

Requirements: Destroy 30 cards in one round.

Description: Your recipe book records all the cards you’ve already owned.

Cost: 30vp

Zoom I

Requirements: [Glass].

Description: You can zoom up to 4 times.

Cost: 30vp

Wide Lens

Requirements: [Perspective] and one scenic capture.

Description: You can get wider captures.

Cost: 40vp

Thorough Log (Recipe Book Upgrade)

Requirements: Destroy 50 cards in one round.

Description: Your recipe book records all the cards you’ve already owned, successful recipes, and failed recipes.

Cost: 40vp

Zoom II

Requirements: [Lens].

Description: You can zoom up to 8 times.

Cost: 50vp

Flash Bomb

Requirements: [Glass], [Light].

Description: Blind your opponent for 30 seconds.

Cost: 50vp

Stun Bomb

Requirements: [Glass], [Hallucinogen].

Description: Stun your opponent for 30 seconds.

Cost: 50vp

Web Bomb

Requirements: [Glass], [Spider Web]

Description: Trap your opponent for 30 seconds.

Cost: 50vp

Neglect Bomb

Requirements: [Glass], [Neglect]

Description: Drop the hp of 5 of your opponent’s cards randomly.

Cost: 50vp

Flint Mine

Requirements: Craft three flint-based tools.

Description: Grants you a [Flintstone] card each round.

Cost: 50vp

Pine Sawmill

Requirements: Lumberjack card, [Pine]

Description: Grants you a [Pine Tree] card each round.

Cost: 50vp

Acacia Sawmill

Requirements: Lumberjack card, [Acacia]

Description: Grants you an [Acacia Tree] card each round.

Cost: 80vp

Card Fridge

Requirements: Shed card.

Description: Cards saved in the fridge won’t lose hp between rounds

Cost: 80vp

Gaslamp II (Gaslamp Upgrade)

Requirements: [Gaslamp]; [Light]

Description: An even more powerful gas-fueled lamp.

Cost: 90vp

Regeneration Chamber

Requirements: To have healed a card.

Description: When inside the chamber, a card can regain one hp between rounds.

Cost: 200vp

Scouting Drone (Android Upgrade)

Requirements: Fully explore a map.

Description: Airborne device that aids in map exploration.

Cost: 200vp

Slow Shutter

Requirement: [Light].

Description: Lets more light into the camera.

Cost: 200vp

Mythological Discount

Requirements: Mythological creature card.

Description: All other upgrades cost 25% less.

Cost: 200vp

Shield Phase

Requirements: [Infinity].

Description: Let’s you move past shields.

Cost: 500vp

Mystery Box Fiesta

Requirements: [Mystery Box].

Description: From now on, every map has a hidden mystery box.

Cost: 500vp

The number of new upgrades here was mind-boggling. The biggest news was that he finally figured out how to access those nasty bomb upgrades—the mechanic was straightforward. The bomb needed a casing, in his case glass, and then something to stuff into it.

That meant that the first bomb he’d been hit with was thrown by a player who had unlocked both the [Hallucinogen] card in the woodland arena and found glass in the quarry. As for the bombs he’d been hit within the factory, it showed that his opponent had also managed to get a hold of [Light]. The price for these upgrades was quite reasonable, too, priced at 50 victory points each.

Out of all the bombs, the nastiest was [Neglect Bomb]. What a powerful effect! To be able to destroy an opponent’s card reserve like that was devious. This only made the [Card Fridge] upgrade more critical. What if one of his opponents got this upgrade? [Card Fridge] was the only defense against it! That could make the difference between having a vital card available in the next round or not.

Another development that caught his eye was the addition to the [Flint Mine]. It looked like making tools out of certain materials wasn’t the only way to unlock this feature. It would be unlocked by having a resource and then a specific card design to harvest it. It was a good thing he had made that [Oryx Lumberjack].

Truth be told, Kai had missed having these resources over the last round. His [Fire] had almost been put out and was sitting in his inventory at only 1hp. Also, after seeing how mighty [Scrapdroid] had become, Kai suspected that [Fire] could be brought up to legendary or even mythic grade if adequately fed.

Finally, there were all the new camera updates. There was [Zoom I] and [Zoom II]. By unlocking the [Lens] card, it looked like he could bypass having to buy [Zoom I] first and could jump grades and get the better version right off the bat. Then, there was the [Wide Lens] upgrade. At the quarry, woodland, and desert, he hadn’t been able to capture one card that included many things. It looked like this upgrade addressed that shortcoming.

Kai looked at all his cards and then at the upgrades again. He took a deep breath. He and Ariel were young and strong and had two, maybe three years left. The only medicine that could heal the blight was allcure. Allcure was only granted to the top 4 sectors, and Daisy didn’t work with absolute numbers but percentage. To get enough allcure for the whole population of his sector, he and Ariel needed 1st place, maybe 2nd. He wasn’t sure. He had a lot riding on each of these choices.

Kai stared at the console for a long time, carefully reading through each upgrade. He compared them with what he already had and the rules he had learned on the previous stages. He regretted getting [Hunter Eyes]. He wouldn’t make the same mistake again; he was thinking this through this time.

By the time he made his decision, he looked at the clock. Almost 90 minutes had passed. He tapped the console and started choosing his upgrades.

Are you sure you want to purchase [Pine Sawmill]? [Y/N]

Are you sure you want to purchase [Acacia Sawmill]? [Y/N]

Are you sure you want to purchase [Zoom II]? [Y/N]

Are you sure you want to purchase [Card Fridge]? [Y/N]

These were the upgrades that Kai decided to get. The first two were simple. He had lumberjacks at the ready. He could copy the tree cards, harvest them for resources, and then feed them all into his [Fire]. He was pretty sure there was another [Mythic] card hidden there. He would find it!

[Zoom II] was a choice based on the need he had felt multiple times in past arenas. The ability to capture an object that was far away was crucial. He had missed multiple good shots because he did not have it. Finally, he got [Card Fridge].

A new white box had appeared next to the console. Kai found the lid and opened it. Inside, there were two engravings. It could only keep two cards protected. [Card Fridge] worked as a shield against potential [Neglect Bombs]. But even if no one threw any at him, he could still keep [Unicorn] and [Fire] healthy. [Fire] lost half of its hit points between rounds. But if he kept it protected… He could slowly build it up to a very strong number. He placed [Unicorn] and [Fire] inside and closed the lid.

After spending 260 points, he had 27 left in the bank. With more than two hours left, it was time to get ready. He had made it to the top 10% of the sectors. This was the best result that his sector had since the times of Balin. He already deserved to have a few statues and streets named after him. It was time to get ready for the next stage.

Ch. 30 - Scrap Recycling


Ch. 31.5 - Rocket Fuel


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