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Roth squeezed his way out of the vault and pulled the carpet over the safe, hoping that the underboss wouldn't notice the slight bump caused by the safe‘s slightly opened door. He would be safe if the underboss didn’t step on it. If he did, this safe would become his tomb.

Thankfully the carpet was thick and the office dark. He heard the creaking of the chair. It sounded as if the underboss had sat down at his desk.

You have learned some interesting details about how the Gazpachos launder their money.

Quest Progression: 63%.

Roth didn't hear any conversations in the office. He wasn't sure if the underboss was sleeping or if he was going through documents. But he didn't dare stop reading through the many documents with his flashlight. Thankfully, the carpet was thick enough to block any light from coming through.

You have found some minor officials that are on the Gazpachos' payroll.

Quest Progression: 94%.

Almost! Almost there. Steps. The underboss was on the move. The steps were becoming increasingly loud and defined. He was walking toward the safe!

You've discovered that the Gazpachos are bribing one of the city's peacekeepers.

[Revenge Served Cold] has been updated.

Revenge Served Cold (Rare)

Crime has been going rampant in Hilsford. Merchant Soros is one of many victims. The organized crime division of the peacekeepers in Hilsford has been unsuccessful in getting a lead on the Gazpacho Family.

After breaking into the Gazpachos' hideout, you discover that the family is paying a high official in the Peace Corps named Ethos to cover their tracks.

Quest objectives:

Help Soros break free from the racketeering scheme of the Gazpachos;

Quick! Pass the information on to peacekeeper Josh. If the Gazpachos catch you, you'll fail the quest.

Bingo! With this, he was done. He turned off his torch. Just as he squeezed out of the safe, the rug was pulled from above him, revealing the underboss' figure.

"What in the world...?" Even though the underboss seemed like a giant from Roth's perspective, he knew he was a short man. His head seemed weirdly disproportional to the rest of his body. A long scar crossed his face from his ear to his chin, and his big eyes were wide in surprise at seeing Roth.

Roth didn't even try talking his way out, he took off. He felt a gust of wind and the impact of a blow that barely missed him.

“Argh! A rat! A rat!” screamed the underboss in a panicked voice. Roth tried to zig-zag toward the vent as quickly as possible. The mobster kept trying to stomp on him. If it weren’t for the added agility from ratan form he would never have made it.

The door to the office burst open as the two guards came in. These were NPCs that would one-hit Roth without a second thought. “Boss, you OK?”

“Over there. There’s a damn rat in the office.”

Roth finally made it to the vent by the skin of his teeth and heard the sound of shots being fired and the smell of gunpowder. Roth ran inside the vents as fast as he could toward the bathroom.

You've been caught red-handed by the Gazpachos.

-300 reputation with the Gazpachos.

The Gazpachos now despise you.

Roth dismissed the notifications and kept running without pause until he reached the bathroom. Used to the leap from the vent to the toilet, he threw himself out of the vent and managed to land inside one of the toilets.

"I think it's in the bathroom."

"Catch him! The safe was open. He was a spy."

Roth dove and swam inside the pipes through the now familiar route until he swam out of the pipe and splashed into the sewer waters below.

-50 You have fallen. You've gained a new debuff [Broken Arm].

-10 Strength for 30 minutes.

It had been dangerous, but he had gotten out with what he needed. Roth deactivated the [Miniaturize] buff, jumped out of the sewage, and stepped onto dry ground. Now, all he had to do was turn the information in to peacekeeper Josh, and he would finally finish this quest.

Roth walked away, hanging on to his arm. It hurt immensely. That had been close. He was so nervous inside that safe that he felt his heart would jump out of his chest. Fortunately, the difficult part of the quest was over.

"Over there!"

Roth turned, recognizing the familiar voice. The two guards from the Baldwins were running after him! Roth clicked his tongue and hoped his agility would be enough to escape the high-level pursuing NPCs. Now it made sense that the quest said he had to hurry. There must have been a secret passage from the Baldwins to the sewers.

Roth was running at full speed away from the goons. Even with the speed boost his [Plumber Boots] offered, the guards were slowly gaining ground on him.

"Stop! Get back here!"

Roth was thinking furiously about what the best route to get to Peacekeeper Josh was. On the one hand, two exits led up to the slums nearby, but that was probably suicide. After all, the slums were the Gazpachos's backyard. He didn't have much time to think. He headed North.

Roth dreamed of Athos being here and stopping the goons who kept shortening their distance from him, but that was wishful thinking. If he didn't do anything about it, he was done. Roth was still several minutes away from the exit leading up to the Garrison and wouldn't make it at this rate. He checked his stats.


Name: Pax

Race: Zoomorph

Profession(s): Broker Lvl. 10

Level: 21

Affinity: Light (134/300)

Alignment: Good (254/300)


Badgers (1245/3000); Boars (1313/3000); Cyborg Union (1100/3000);  Dogs (102/300); Dwarf Exiles (105/300); Foxes (1310/3000); Garrison Soldiers (67/100) Golden Mountain Inc. (564/1000); Greenleaf Inc. (332/1000); Corvids (1311/1000); Ratans (3251/10,000); Snakes (1013/3000); Treeants (400/1000)

Gazpachos (-400/-1000)

Titles: [Adored]; [Alpinist]; [Art Enthusiast]; [Darksbane]; [Discoverer of Species]; [Explorer]; [First of the Kind]; [Jumper]; [Martyr]; [Marathonist]; [Micromanagement]; [Novice]; [Overachiever]; [Pioneer]; [Polyglot]; [Richling]; [Triathlete]

STATS (59 Free Stat Points)

Hp: 186

Energy: 134

Damage Reduction: 46.7%

Status Resistance: 1,8%

Cooldown Reduction: 10%

Running Speed: 206,8%

Weight: [Light] - (21.4/74.5Kg)

Strength: 30 (-10)

Dexterity: 284

Intelligence: 22

Wisdom: 21

Endurance: 119

Charisma: 36

Resilience: 9


Right Hand: [Plumber's Torch] | +5 intelligence

Left Hand: [Empty]

Shoes: [Plumber Boots] | +20% speed

Bottom: [Woodland Trousers] | 3% damage red.; +5 dexterity; +10ep

Top: [Woodland Jacket] | +5% damage red.; +3 strength; + 3 dexterity

Gloves: [Plumbing Gloves] | +5% damage red.

Head: [Woodland Hood] | +10hp; +5strength

Cape: [Errand Cloak] | +10% speed


[Crow Feather Earring] | +1 intelligence; +1 e.regen.

[Cybernetic Scanner]

[Crow Feather Necklace] | +1 wisdom; +2 intelligence; +5ep

[Utility Belt] | +10kg

[Tin Ring] | +1 intelligence


Stat Bonuses: [Inner-Light]; [Bark Skin]; [Cat's Sprint]; [Kind-hearted]; [Fast Hands]; [Nimble Feet]

Profession Related: [Discount]; [Porter]; [Supplier's Fortune]; [Exasperate]; [Novice Hire]

Passive: [Woodland Set I]; [Plumber Set I]

Active: [Grapple]; [Brilliant Healing Ray]; [Search]; [Shepherd’s Shout]; [Taunting Shout]

The effect of [Inner Light] on the power of his forms was incredible. Even so, it wasn't enough to lose these NPCS. Roth had hoped he could wait until he knew his class, but he had no choice. Roth went to his stat window and put 16 free stats into dexterity to break through to 300.

You have reached 300 dexterity.

Nimble Feet has been upgraded to [Fast Feet].

Fast Feet (Stat Bonus)

Bonus description: By practicing your agility, you are capable of explosive bursts of speed and movement.

Bonus effects: +30% to running speed.

With this, he gained one extra burst of speed. His running speed increased from 206.8% to 220%. It wasn't enough to widen the distance, but now he could at least maintain it.

Roth found the maintenance locker hidden in the shadows and darted toward it. The steps of the chasing guards were so close that Roth feared that if he were to look back, they would catch up to him. As soon as Roth left the wet ground of the sewers' canal, he lost the bonus speed of his [Plumber Boots]. He was already jumping toward the long ladder. The [Alpinist] title's effect kicked in, and he climbed up as swiftly as possible, hoping the goons weren't fast climbers.

He felt the ladder trembling and knew the men were right behind him. Roth climbed with all his might until he finally found the familiar trap door. He hauled himself out of the entrance and, looking down, found that the goons chasing him were only 5 meters away. He slammed the trap door on them and ran out of the room the trap door led to, only to find the familiar fortress filled with soldiers walking everywhere.

Seeing all the soldiers around him, he sighed with relief. He was safe now. He hadn't expected that a chase like this could happen. This quest was much harder to complete than he first assumed. Had Roth not had the plumber boots, his ratan form, or an almost complete map of the sewers, he would not be able to escape as he did.

He leaned his back against a wall, sweating more from nervousness than out of fatigue, and let out a long sigh. He looked around him, grateful for the presence of so many soldiers in shiny armor. He knew those goons wouldn't dare hurt him here. After regaining his composure, Roth decided to find a soldier and ask them to take him to the Peace Corps. Roth deactivated the ratan form.

Your dexterity is now under 100. [Nimble Hands] has been downgraded to [Quick Hands].

Quick Hands (Stat Bonus)

Bonus description: You have the hands of a pianist. You're able to perform moves of considerable complexity.

Bonus effects:

+10% attack speed;

+2.5% crafting success.

Restrictions: 50+ dexterity.

Congratulations! Your endurance has reached 200.

[Bark Skin] has been upgraded to [Stone Skin].

[Cat's Sprint] has been upgraded to [Horse's Gallop].

Congratulations! Your strength has reached 50.

You've gained [Healthy Bones].

Congratulations! Your strength has reached 50.

You've gained [Well-spoken].

He could use the extra points in charisma now. If a soldier weren't willing to help him, he would use fox form if he had to persuade them.

Roth left the corridor filled with soldiers and turned around the corner finding the stairs that led outside of the citadel. This was right next to the main door. He walked down the stairs and froze.

"Hello, Slayer." Roth tried his best not to show fear or let out how scared he was. They had finally found him.

"Wilson..." Roth said resignedly. Wilson wore the same outfit as he did a month ago. Being at a higher level, changing equipment was probably no small matter. In other games Roth had played, players sometimes used the same gear for months until they could unlock the next threshold that allowed them to upgrade their equipment.

Wilson wore black tiger armor and a big halberd on his back. This time there was no fake smile, just a hateful gaze.

"We finally found you, Slayer." Roth gulped. "Now, you're going to come with me quietly. There's something we need to discuss with you." He looked around. There were many soldiers here. Wilson wouldn't dare cause trouble here.

"What if I refuse?" he said with a dry mouth. His knees were shaking uncontrollably.

"I'll have to drag you." Wilson sounded so convincing that he would have believed him if Roth weren't better acquainted with the game mechanics.

"Go for it," he dared. He noticed how Wilson clenched his fists.

"You called my bluff. Well done, Slayer. But aren't you forgetting something? You'll have to come out eventually. You can't spend the rest of your days hidden inside this fortress. When you do come out, we're going to get you."

Roth tried not to express how happy he was with Wilson's words. After all, he already knew at least two secret exits from the Garrison. There was the exit that led to the sewers, and there was the tunnel that led to the Peace Corps. He could even wait for the miniaturize skill to come off cooldown and swim down one of the toilets. He did his best to look the part and tried to look scared.

"Listen, all we want is for you to reset your character. That's it. You don't have to tell us what map you are going to. We need you to disappear."

"Does that mean you're letting me out of that pod?"

"We can't do that."

Roth thought for a few moments. On the one hand, if he reset his character, he could start over with a completely different name and region. That would make it harder for his former squad to track him. Had he not heard about what happened from Drake, he would consider this option seriously.

On the other hand, Loki didn't know where he was right now. His former squad had inadvertently thrown Loki off his scent. This was an advantage that Roth wasn't willing to let go of easily.


"What is that?"

"What makes you think I'll do anything you want me to do?"

"Because all I have to do is take my VR helmet out and shoot you in the face, Slayer!" Roth gulped.

"And take away Loki's favorite toy? I don't think so." Despite his talent to always keep a cool front, Wilson was beginning to let little twitches betray his disquiet. "You know what, I think I'm going to stay here. Tell Loki he can come and find me here." Wilson betrayed a flash of fear in his eyes but quickly hid it.

"Maybe, I will, Roth. I'm going to go get him right now."

"You do that." Wilson turned. He took a step but then stopped himself.

"Don't even think of leaving this place, Roth. Gary's already outside." He kept walking.

Roth resisted the urge to collapse. He had played his hand. He had rattled Wilson as much as he could to make him leave. Wilson couldn't do anything to him while he was here, but he couldn't tell Loki about what had happened either. Roth's greatest weapon was that they didn't know Brian had come to his mother's and told them everything. Wilson surely hadn't left to get Loki but to think about his next move.

Roth forced his trembling knees to move and dragged himself down the stairs leading to the dungeon. There was a soldier standing guard.

"Excuse me, sir, will you let me in?"

"I'm not supposed to, martyr."

Fortunately, Roth had been in Ratan Form for several days, and his racial skills were on cooldown.

Fox Form!

Your strength is under 50.

You lose [Healthy Bones].

Your dexterity is under 50.

You lose [Fast Hands].

Your endurance is under 150.

[Horse's Gallop] has been downgraded to [Cat's Sprint].

[Stone Skin] has been downgraded to [Bark Skin].

Congratulations! Your charisma has reached 300.

[Well-spoken] has been upgraded to [Silver Tongue].

You have gained [NPC Appeal].

The garrison soldiers feel in you a commanding presence and an assertive demeanor.

+36 reputation with the garrison soldiers.

You're now friends with the garrison soldiers.

"Of course, martyr. A kind-hearted Lightbringer like yourself needn't ask for this. I'll take you to the Peace Corps myself."

Roth sighed in relief. Good thing that he had kept racial skills on cooldown. Plus, now that he had [Inner Light] and [Darksbane] titles, he'd become even more irresistible to righteous NPCs.

"Thank you, soldier."

Roth followed the guard and disappeared into the darkness of the dungeon.

Ch. 89 - Breaking In


Ch. 91 - Witness


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