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Congratulations! You've discovered the entrance to Mario's Secret Lab.

Roth let laughter echo through the sewers as if he were an evil mastermind who had just unleashed his plan to conquer the world. Sometimes you just knew the developers had hidden something behind a wall or a door.

Roth felt that when he first visited the Palatial Clearing in the Green Woods but he couldn't do anything about it. All he could do was to keep questing in hopes that the secrets hidden would one day be revealed.

Had he owned the [Search] skill back then, he would have instantly used it when he met Prince Piglet. But not anymore; those days of following the natural order of things and fulfilling quests to discover secret chambers were long gone.

Thanks to his skill, the entrance to the lab was now clearly highlighted on his map. He moved to the precisely marked spot and put his hands into the water, trying to feel for some lever or button that would open a secret door. It was likely a lever since any player with dumb luck could step on a button and accidentally open the lab.

He found a handle. He tried to push it. Nothing happened. He twisted it, and it gave. He then tried to pull it, and the sound of gears and a slight hiccup on the floor showed he had activated some time of mechanism. The floor where he stood opened, revealing a platform that descended into darkness.

Congratulations on being the first player to discover Mario's Secret Lab.

+500,000XP (+250,000XP)

[Level up!]

+300 reputation with the Cyborg Union.

The Cyborg Union now respects you.

The joy! What a good day this was proving to be.

What in the world was the Cyborg Union? This was the most significant benefit of discovering a secret room. In one go, players could unlock many reputation points with factions. In one minute, Roth had gone from not knowing a faction to being respected by it. It was a fantastic reward.

The platform finally docked with a start, making Roth lose his balance and almost fall. The place was still in complete darkness. Here smelled different from the sewers above. Although the smell of decomposing garbage and moisture could still be felt, an industrial smell of oil and grease overpowered it.

Roth stood still for a moment and, seeing that nothing had happened, decided to try taking a step. As soon as he moved, one lamp in the lab turned on, and then another, until the full workshop stretched out before Roth.

Everywhere there were scattered drone carcasses. The walls were adorned with shelves filled with tools and countless gears, wires, and circuitry, each meticulously organized.

Amidst the scattered machinery, rows of computers hummed with activity, their screens alive with cascades of data and blinking lights. Many of them were plugged into half-assembled gatorbots. So this was Mario's lab.

Looking around, Roth felt a profound relief at the change in scenery. Here was well-lit and didn't smell like garbage. If this Mario character didn't mind it, he might have just found a base of operations in Hilsford!

No matter how empty, the sewers, Soros' merchant association, the garrison, and the peace corps precinct were all public places. Even if they had fewer players in them, he could still run into one of Loki's soldiers by chance if luck wasn't on his side.

But this was a different story. No one knew this place, only him! Otherwise, he would never have received the congratulatory notification. Roth was in a good mood now. It wasn't just because of the relief of being in a safe place but also because the smell of oil was a significant improvement over the stench of the sewers. Here he felt he could think better.

Roth heard the sound of something being welded or screwed; he wasn't sure. It came from the other side of some big machines blocking his vision. He moved toward the sound only to find the formidable alligator cyborg, its body partially exposed atop a sturdy platform.

Roth could see the wounds dealt by the hunting party closing up and regenerating at a visible rate. Meanwhile, a robotic arm moved methodically and meticulously as it went replaced components in the cybernetic prosthetics of the cyborg.

The cyborg look of the alligator was a very different atmosphere from the more rural and monarchic one he had found in the green woods. He looked into the different screens and saw a countdown. It seemed that it would take two hours for all repairs to the alligator to be complete. "Cool," let out Roth.

"It is." Roth jumped while hearing the mechanical voice. The alligator remained with his eyes closed and immovable. The voice had come from one of the computers. "Congratulations on finding this place, human." Was the computer talking?

"Thank you, nice to meet you. I'm Pax."

"We welcome you here."

"Who is we? The Cyborg Union?"

"Affirmative." This was the first time Roth heard of a cyborg union. He had to find out more details about this organization. He ran a search in the forums and came up empty. Looking again at the robot repairing the alligator, Roth sighed.

"What's your name?"

"M.A.R.I.O. It stands for Mechanized Alligator for Revolutionary Industrial Operations." That was a mouthful. Good thing they had come up with an acronym. Roth again looked at all the wounds and damage that had been dealt to Mario.

"I'm sorry that this has happened to you."

"It's an easy fix."

The way this NPC talked made him sound more like a robot than an animal. The voice was telegraphic and stuck to the most straightforward sentences possible. It was hard to keep a conversation going. Roth would have to keep taking the initiative.

"Your lab is amazing."

"It is sufficient for the task entrusted to me."

"Are you...?"

"The alligator cyborg? Yes. My biological components are undergoing regeneration, but my interface is in order, so I can borrow this computer's speakers and the lab microphones to converse with you."

Well... Roth had the undivided alligator's attention for the next two hours. It was time to try to milk this cow... he meant this alligator cyborg as much as he could. The Cyborg Union sounded like a power to be reckoned with. The fact that he found no mention of them in the forums just added to Roth's suspicions that he had stumbled upon a super-powerful secret organization.

Dreams of receiving a bionic arm like the alligator's perhaps weren't impossible.

"Can you tell me more about the union?"

A jingle started playing in the speakers of the computer. What in the world...

"Introducing Cyborg Union: Where Cutting-Edge Technology Meets Skilled Craftsmanship!

Do you need repair or construction services that go beyond the ordinary? Look no further than Cyborg Union, the pioneers of a new era in city improvement and mechanical marvels. Our team of extraordinary service providers will revolutionize how you think about repairs, renovations, and maintenance!" Why was the cyborg playing a commercial all of a sudden?

"At Cyborg Union, we believe in pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Our Cyborgs are the epitome of innovation, merging the raw power of half-mutated beasts with the precision of advanced machinery. With their unmatched strength, dexterity, and analytical prowess, our Cyborgs are the ultimate solution for all your repair and construction needs." The catchy tune of the song was beginning to sound irritating.

"Cyborg Union has got you covered if you require carpentry, mechanical engineering, plumbing, electrical work, or any other home improvement service. Our highly skilled and adaptable Cyborgs are experts in their respective fields, capable of tackling any project with astonishing efficiency and effectiveness."

When you choose Cyborg Union, you gain access to a host of unique advantages that set us apart from the competition:

Unparalleled Strength: Our Cyborgs possess superhuman strength, allowing them to handle heavy-duty construction tasks with ease.

Precision Engineering: The fusion of beast and machine creates a seamless blend of power and accuracy, ensuring flawless results every time.

Enhanced Problem-Solving: Cyborgs possess advanced analytical capabilities, enabling them to troubleshoot and solve complex issues swiftly.

Reliability and Durability: With machines' ruggedness and beasts' endurance, our Cyborgs deliver long-lasting, top-quality results.

Innovation at its Core: We continuously push the boundaries of technology, providing you with the latest advancements in the field.

When you choose Cyborg Union, you're not just hiring a service provider but embracing the future of repair and construction. Our team of extraordinary Cyborgs is ready to transform your vision into reality, delivering unparalleled craftsmanship and precision. Experience the power of the cyborg revolution today!

Contact us to schedule a consultation with our exceptional Cyborgs. Don't settle for ordinary when you can have extraordinary with Cyborg Union!"

Roth was speechless. He never expected that this is what the Cyborg Union was. Was it a company that provided cyborg handymen? What in the world was happening here? Roth's heart sank. For a moment, he had thought he had stumbled upon something epic. It seems that it wasn't the case.

"T-thanks for that." Roth tried to think of what else he could talk to the alligator about. "So Cyborg Union provides services to all cities in Green Country?"

"We don't have full control of the market, but we're established in several cities here."

"Where are your headquarters?"

"Thunder Mountain." Interesting, but Roth wasn't planning to leave Green Country just yet.

"So what is it that you do down here?"

"I'm responsible for keeping the sewers unclogged in some places and clogged in others."

"What? You... clog sewers?"

"Yes! As per my employer's instructions."

"Wait a minute. Who is your employer? Don't you work for the city?"

"The city subcontracted all waste disposal to the Ravioli Conglomerate. They're the ones who've signed a contract with Cyborg Union." Hearing the name of a dish used as an organization, Roth thought of the Gazpachos and felt a headache coming. Another crime family!

"I see... and they ask you to clog up the sewers sometimes?"

"Yes." Another scheme, by the looks of it. Roth wasn't sure but imagined that if some faction of the city refused to pay a fee to the Raviolis, they just ensured that their bathrooms stank enough to make them reconsider their position. After feeling the stench down here, he could see it working. Roth shook the idea of an office worker drowning in sewage and tried to collect his thought.

"So, I've been wanting to meet you because of something happening on the west side of Hilsford. Strange creatures are attacking the nests of the ratans and snakes. Do you know anything about that?"

A map appeared on the screen with multiple error messages.

"Five days ago, I lost contact with some of my gatorbots in sector 4. Perhaps, that's what you're referring to?"

"What happened?"

"I'm unaware. I've sent some drones to investigate, but none returned."

"Why don't you go?"

"The upworlders are constantly harassing me. It seems that two other conglomerates operating in the city were unhappy with Ravioli securing the contract, so they keep sending their goons to harass me. I'm having trouble keeping things in check as it is in sector 1."

"Could I help, then?"

"Hmmm... You're not syndicated, but I guess outsourcing this task to you doesn't go against the union's policy."

[Down the Drain] updated.

Down the Drain (Rare)

Quest description: Strange things are happening in the sewers below Hilsford. The M.A.R.I.O. cyborg has asked for your help in finding out the reason for this.

Quest objectives:

- Discover the origin of the monsters;

- Investigate why the gatorbots have been driven mad.

"Go to shelf 73RT and take an ID tag. That way, Gatorbots will stay out of your way, and we'll let you access their panel. Also, go to shelf 94HG and take a scanner unit. That will allow you to perform diagnostics."

If this was what Roth thought it was, life for him in the sewers had just gotten a lot easier. Cruising around without worrying about being targeted by the patrolling drones was a huge relief.

"Thank you, Mario. By the way, I've heard from the local snakes and ratans that you eat them?"


"Do you think we could find a way to have you eat something else? They're my friends."

"It's not like I enjoy eating them either. But my union failed to include a meal allowance in our contract with the Ravioli Conglomerate." Ironic that a crime family named after a dish would skimp on meal allowance for an outsourced worker.

"Maybe I can help. I could bring you food down here so that you can stop harassing my friends and eating them. What do you say?"

"I'm afraid that the union won't cover those costs."

"There must be something you can trade me for food."

"I'm sorry. I'm afraid I really can't. Every single screw and bolt in this workshop is accounted for." Roth thought for a few moments, trying to think of a solution. He didn't like seeing all the beasts living in the sewers at odds with each other. How much trouble could it be to feed this one alligator?

"What about this?" Roth pulled the machine that Red had partly fixed. "This is a machine I got. A dwarf friend of mine has been able to fix the hardware, but he says he doesn't know anything about programming and coding. Do you think you can fix it for me? If you do, I can pay you for one month's food. After that, we can figure something out."

Roth figured that since this cyborg was a handyman, he was used to exchanging goods for services. If this could somehow work, maybe Roth would finally find a use for the machine he had scooped up from Oli's trash bin.

"I'm afraid I must decline."

Roth grimaced. He'd have to think of another way of bringing peace to the sewers.

Ch. 64 - Search


Ch. 66 - Front Crawl



Cyborgs? I'm in. I need a pair new spider legs. Also, I assume cybernetics would interfere with our MCs race