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As Roth followed the guard through the imposing entrance of the citadel, he marveled at the number of guards in shiny armor filling the castle. The air was cool and still, and the echoes of their footsteps reverberated against the stone walls. Torches lined the perimeter, casting flickering shadows that danced across the polished marble floors. The crest of Hilsford was proudly depicted in flags and armors all around Roth.

"Since the matter you reported to me involves inhabitants from within the city, I think it will be best to take  to the Peace Corps."

"I thought the garrison kept the order in the city."

"Yes, but our jurisdiction only lets us intervene in case there is an outside danger to the city or when foreigners cause trouble. For domestic affairs, you have to see the Peace Corps."

So the guard seemed to handle problems caused by players, while the Peace Corps was an organization that regulated matters between in-game factions? He wasn't aware of this; otherwise, he would have gone straight to the Peace Corps.

"And are the Peace Corps located in this building?"

"Oh no, but both the garrison and the corps have access to the dungeon. I usually wouldn't do this, but I will take you through the dungeon straight there." The guard winked at Roth. Roth hoped to unlock a better quest or cut through red tape when he activated Fox Form. But being taken through a shortcut worked just as well.

They were already descending a flight of stone steps, entering an underground tunnel. The tunnel was dimly lit by torches and had an aura of mystery and secrecy. The dampness in the air added a touch of foreboding as they made their way deeper into the labyrinthine passageways.

"Regarding matters between..." Roth thought of the word that the guard himself had used, "Foreigners... Imagine that a group of them targets an innocent foreigner. What would the garrison be able to do for the victim?"

"Well, we do stop any battles we see happening in the city. Any disorderly visitors are sent to a cell to clear their thoughts. However, we don't settle disputes between foreigners. They have to come to an agreement on their own."

Roth bit his lip. He thought the garrison would show him how to hide his identity, but the guard's remarks worried him. Now that he thought about it weren't the NPCs at the garrison more of the warrior type? Warriors have more straightforward skills that focus on combat. For something more discreet or specialized like this, chances were that this wasn't the place.

Roth hadn't encountered any former squad members yet, but it was a matter of time. He had to find a way to disguise himself. Oh well, at least he could still advance his quest with Soros. He would try to ask for this information again once he met someone from the Peace Corps.

Eventually, the tunnel leads them to a sturdy iron door guarded by a solemn guard. With a nod from the soldier escorting him, the door opened, revealing a grim sight—the dungeon. As they passed rows of iron bars, the air grew heavy with a damp chill.

Some cells were empty; others were occupied by players caught doing what the city considered illegal. Roth felt his legs grow heavy and his mouth go dry. He had been four years of his life in a very similar place. Thoughts of misadventures and anxieties in prison darkened his mood. He tried to focus on the rhythmic stomp of the guard's boots leading the way.

"Got caught, greenie? Ah! Welcome to the slum!"

"Guard, I'm innocent. I demand a trial!"

He tried to ignore the players and the NPCs taunting him and kept walking behind the guard. They finally made it to another metal door, similar to the one at the other end of the dungeon. The guard on this side did not wear metal armor like the guard escorting Roth. He wore a black leather uniform. The city's crest was also engraved on his chest and shoulders.

Leaving the dungeon behind, they ascend a narrow spiral staircase, gradually emerging into a sunlit corridor. Eventually, they made it to a bullpen full of desks with several NPCs in black uniforms. It's a police precinct, realized Roth.

Different officers of the Peace Corps were escorting prisoners, and others were chatting to players. Although Roth didn't remember seeing the Peace Corps mentioned in the Gazette, this seemed a popular place to receive quests. The guard led him to an office and knocked. On the door, it read "Peacekeeper Jack."

"Come in," Roth heard from the other side of the door. As Roth entered, he took in the sight before him. A polished mahogany desk occupied the center of the room, adorned with a neat stack of papers and a display of gleaming medals, each a testament to acts of valor and service. The officer working sitting at the desk exuded an air of professionalism and order. The shelves neatly lined with reference books and meticulously organized files added to the ambiance of quiet efficiency.

The peacekeeper was in his fifties and had a commanding presence even while sitting down and working on a document. Like the other peace corps agents, he too was clad in a sleek black leather uniform. He proudly wore a distinguished medal pinned to his chest. A neatly groomed mustache accented his weathered face, lending him an air of seasoned experience.

Looking up from the document he'd been working on, he studied the two guests.

“Guard Peterson. How can I assist you?”

“Sir, this righteous citizen wishes to speak to one of the peacekeepers.” Turning to Roth, he added. “You can report your concerns to peacekeeper Jack.”

“Thank you, guard; I appreciate your help.”

“Certainly.” The guard left and walked away.

Roth was left alone in the office with the peacekeeper. The man regarded him impassive.

“Thank you for seeing me without any prior appointment, Arbitrator. I am sure you're busy.”

“We always make the time for the righteous in our populace, especially one who’s a martyr. Tell me, how can I help you? Are there any crimes you wish to report?”

First, Roth would try his luck with changing his appearance.

“Well, I've been the target of constant harassment by a group of players, I mean, foreigners, sir. I mean them no harm, but I wish to be left alone.”

“Hmmm. I see; it’s unfortunate that you are going through such a trial. Sadly, unless this is witnessed by one of the guards of the garrison inside the city grounds, we can not intervene. We have limited jurisdiction, you see? I suggest you try to reach some agreement with this party that hunts you?”

As expected, there wouldn’t be an easy way out of this.

“Sir, I understand that you can’t arbitrate every single confrontation between foreigners. But all I wish for is to go on my way in peace. Do you know of any way of protecting my identity from being found by these violent foreigners?”

The arbitrator looked at him thoughtfully. Seeing how serious he looked, Roth wondered if the man would have stopped looking at the documents if he hadn't 250+ charisma on him right now.

“Well, I suppose that there's one way.”

There was a way to safeguard his identity, after all! Sweet!

"If you provide meaningful assistance to the Peace Corps, we will put you into our witness protection program. We have protocols to ensure the safety of our informants' and those who collaborate with us." Roth smelled a quest!

"Is there anything I could assist you with to get me into the witness protection program?"

"No. Not at the moment." Roth frowned. Hadn't Soros said that the crime families in the city were expanding their turfs? Did the peacekeepers not know of this?

"What about the Gazpacho family, sir? I have a..." As soon as Roth mentioned the family, the agent put a finger in front of his mouth, signaling him to be quiet. He pulled an item from his drawer. It was some kind of sphere. He pushed a button in it, and it formed a golden cube of light around them.

You have entered Peacekeeper Jack's Silence Cube. No sound can come in or go out.

"You know about the Gazpachos?"

"Well, yes... I met this merchant called Soros. He runs an association: Golden Mountain Inc. He's been a victim of a protection racketeering scheme. The Gazpachos came to him demanding a weekly protection fee, and when Soros refused to pay it, they started to sabotage his business and cut him off from the other merchants." The peacekeeper sighed.

"The families are a weed we can't seem to pull out of this city. They keep getting stronger. Regardless of how much we try, they are always two steps ahead of us."

"Is that why you're afraid of being overheard, even inside the Peace Corps building, sir?" The peacekeeper nodded his agreement.

“The Gazpachos family has been becoming bolder and bolder. I have suspicions that they have been bribing local officials. I have no evidence of this, however. Tell you what... you want to enter the witness protection program, right? Look into this for me. I'll gladly place you in our witness protection program if you can find anything. This will also protect you from being hunted by those players.”

"Don't worry, sir. I will look into it and stay in touch."

You've left Peacekeeper Jack's Silence Cube.

"As I was saying, sir, we can't do anything to stop foreigners from settling their disputes. Please, see the other party. With good communication, a fair agreement is often possible." The peacekeeper winked. Roth played along.

"Well, if you can do nothing for me, I'll let you be. Goodbye, peacekeeper."

The official went back to studying the documents on his mahogany desk. As Roth left the office, his quest window was updated.

[Stop the Gazpachos] has been updated.

Stop the Gazpachos (Uncommon)

Crime has been going rampant in Hilsford. Merchant Soros is one of many victims. The organized crime division of the Peacekeepers in Hilsford has been unsuccessful in getting a lead on the Gazpacho Family. Peacekeeper Jack suspects the family has law enforcement and city officials on their payroll.

Quest objectives:

Help Soros break free from the racketeering scheme of the Gapachos.

Discover who is working with the Gazpachos under the table

The quest was beginning to gain shape. More importantly, he'd secured a way to mask his identity. He had to hurry to complete the quest. There was no telling when he would come under Loki's radar again.


"What do you mean, he's not inside?" Gary was losing it. He knew it! That had been the Slayer. If Loki learned he had lied to him, he was dead meat. If he were lucky, he would end up a slave in his permafrost cave. If he wasn't...

"I don't know, Gary. I've tried everywhere inside the fortress."

"What's your relationship with the army?"

"I'm esteemed. But there's no way the Slayer has a higher reputation with the army than I do. I only reached esteemed at level 37 or 38."

"How does he keep slipping through our fingers?" Said Xana. Now that Shirley was gone, Xana had replaced her as the nervous nelly of the group.

"OK, guys, think. What's the simplest explanation?" After a few moments, Gary answered his question. "Countersurveillance skills."

"Do you think he can already mask his identity?"

"It's the only explanation. Xana, how high is your insight right now?"


"As a Robotician, Xana doesn't invest a lot of stats into her insight. Her observation skills focus on range, not on seeing through disguises."

"Are you saying that..."

"Yes, he has probably gotten a hand on an item that masks his avatar's identity. He's good... he's good..."

"I just looked up our guild's library. There is only one countersurveillance quest listed here for players under level 15. It's done in the slums. It requires unlocking the first level in the evil alignment. One of the local crime families gives a mask that disguises identity."

"That's where he must have gotten into. Quick. Show me the item's stats." Looking at the item numbers and comparing them to his observation skills and the rest of the team, Gary came to a conclusion.

"Wilson and I can see through his disguise if this is the item he's using."

"What do I do?" asked Xana.

"See if you can find a way to improve your observation skills so that you can help us look. I'm ready to chip in with funds in case it helps. Then, try to find a way to guard the gates. We need to know if he comes in or out of the city."

Roth was a slippery snake. But they were getting close. He wouldn't run away from them again!

Ch. 62 - Garrison


Ch. 64 - Search