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Roth kept jumping up and down as high as he could. He hadn't seen anything in the forums hinting at a title related to jumping, but he guessed it was likely enough for him to give it a shot. The gain in stats indicated that he was probably on the right track.

By practicing jumping, you feel your legs grow more powerful and your movements become more agile. +1 dexterity.

By the time the alarm rang, signaling Roth that he could again activate the [Miniaturize Skill], he looked at the results of his exercise practice. He had already unlocked 2 strength and 1 dexterity from repeatedly jumping inside the sewers.

Adding that to what he had achieved with climbing was a whopping increase of 7 strength, 3 dexterity, and 2 resilience. Not bad at all. Roth started dreaming of an epic title related to jumping. What could it be?

You have unlocked [Hopping Bunny!], he imagined. Or maybe, [Kangaroo Power]! He chuckled. He was spending so much time alone that he started laughing at his own jokes. That wasn't a good sign.

He once again climbed up the ladder. He went up much faster than he would have done so before getting [Alpinist]. Through the grids of the sewer drain, he could only see a never-ending parade of hooves and legs.

The chances that getting out, he would run into someone from the IronIre squad were thin, but his heart still raced, and he felt his breaths become shallower and quicker. He couldn't stay down here forever, though. He had to get out. He steadied his heart and took a deep breath.


Now shrunk to a size small enough to make it through the bars, Roth sneaked out from the sewers and, when he was pretty sure that no one was paying attention, turned off the buff. No one noticed. Players appearing out of thin air was common all over AstroTerra because players had to log in and appear somewhere. Roth sighed. Everyone but him. He was stuck here.

The first thing that Roth noticed was how clean the air was compared to the sewers. What a relief it was to leave that underground filth. He took in the sights around him. So this was what Merchant Street looked like. As Roth stood at the heart of the bustling street, a spectacle of movement and commerce unfolded before his eyes. Merchants and traders scurried about with a sense of purpose, their voices filled with animated conversations and the occasional shout to direct their bustling entourages.

The air was alive with a medley of sounds, the rhythmic clatter of hooves and the creaking of wagons blending harmoniously with the metallic footsteps of androids. The merchants orchestrated their operations, guiding majestic chariots laden with goods into cavernous warehouses, while others maneuvered intricately designed vehicles pulled by a mix of oxen and horses, their hooves kicking up small dust clouds.

Along the street, towering buildings gleamed in the sunlight. Each structure stood proudly, their façades adorned with large, ornate flags and wooden tablets that proudly displayed the names of their respective merchant associations. The colors were bold and eye-catching, their hues competing for attention.

Amidst the traditional sights, there were signs of the modern age: robots and androids. Their sleek frames seamlessly blended with the crowd, gracefully navigating the thoroughfare. Roth's eyes were captivated by the sight of an android, its metallic limbs moving effortlessly as it skillfully transported crates in and out of a nearby store.

As Roth absorbed the scene around him, he marveled at the fusion of old and new. It was his first encounter with such technological advancement within the game - second one if he counted the gatorbot - and he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement coursing through his veins.

He saw a player arriving in shiny armor and changing equipment to a silk garment, making her look much like the NPCs walking around. She then went into one of the offices to the side. She must have been a player with the merchant profession. Her change of equipment would probably grant her bonuses to the transaction or to the quest rewards she was about to receive. Other players around him also entered and left the association to purchase goods or turn in quests. Hopefully, he would join their ranks soon.

He started looking at the names of the associations to see if he could find Golden Mountain Inc. He walked the road up and down, reading the different catchy names proudly displayed in the prosperous buildings. The street was immense and it was difficult to wrap his mind around the number of players here.

SilverBear Inc, Salt&Paprika Inc., Mumford&Android Inc... he had read through dozens of names of establishments and could still not find it anywhere. He tried again, this time slower and more careful to ensure he hadn't missed anything. Still nothing. Where could it be?

Roth looked at the system clock. He'd been at it for two hours. Even though there were many players here, any minute he spent in the open only increased his chances of being found. He had to speed things along. Left with no choice, he decided to try the passersby for information.

He tried an NPC that was riding a caravan of oxen.

"Excuse me, sir. Do you know where I can find the Golden Mountain merchant association?"

"I'm sorry, martyr. I've never heard of it."

Roth was starting to worry. If this NPC didn't know, this meant that the association he would visit wasn't famous. Was this the right move to take? Perhaps he should enter any random association and try to dump his goods there. He tried an NPC wearing shiny silken garments.

"Excuse me, sir. Do you know where I can find the Golden Mountain merchant association?"

"Are you looking for Soros?" The man said in shock. Roth didn't know the name of the NPC, but he decided to risk it.

"Yes, that's right." The man looked left and right. He spoke in a hurried hushed tone.

"L-l-listen to me carefully, y-y-ou hav-v-v-en't heard this f-f-from me. OK? Between Platinum Inc. and Cyborg&Drones, t-t-t-there is a small side street. You find old Soros there." The man, again, looked left and right and hurried along.

What was this merchant afraid of? Why had he stammered so much? Was Soros some scary NPC? Roth was now curious. He would see where this letter would take him. Shrugging, Roth followed the merchant's directions.

He remembered the rough location of Cyborg&Drones because it was one of the few associations run by robots and not humans. Even though there was some advanced technology in the city, there was little of it. After walking up the street for a few minutes, he found the two associations, and sure enough, there was a small side street between buildings that was dark and cramped. Roth had missed it on account of being so small.

Squeezing into the narrow alleyway, he cautiously stepped forward, the echo of his footsteps muffled by the dampness beneath his feet. As he made his way through the dimly lit passage, a faint sound reached his ears; a high-pitched squeak resonating through the air, gradually growing louder and more distinct.

Finally, as the alley opened up before him, he caught sight of the source of the sound. It was the noise of a balancing tablet, its worn-out bearings straining against the weight it carried. Before his eyes, in faded letters barely clinging to the weathered facade, the sign read 'Golden Mountain, Inc.' The name seemed a cruel taunt, given the sorry state of the building itself.

Unlike the bustling street, where fancy marble structures thrived with a vibrant pulse of life, the wooden shack stood alone, neglected, and abandoned. The walls were sagged, with the paint peeling off in flakes, revealing the decaying wood beneath. Dilapidated shutters hung askew from the windows, barely clinging to the remaining shards of glass. Weeds and wild vegetation had conquered the surrounding area.

Roth tried the door. It wasn't locked. He went in. The inside of the building looked slightly less depressing than the facade due to how spotlessly clean it was. As the door opened, a rusty bell rang. The NPC would come at any minute. Now that he was inside the association and getting a slow debuff no longer mattered, Roth decided to boost his charisma as much as possible to ensure this meeting went well.

Fox Form!

Roth quickly transformed. His hair reddened and his ears became pointier. His nose elongated into a snout, and a tail popped out of his lower back.

You are carrying too much weight. You have been afflicted with a [Heavy] debuff. You move 49.8% slower.

Interesting number. Why wasn't it 50% slower? Could the resilience stat alleviate this debuff too? For each point in his resilience, the debuff seemed to become 0,1% weaker. It was nothing much, but it was better than nothing. For maps and mobs that focused on giving debuffs, a higher resilience could probably make a difference between life or death.

System Notification: Your Charisma is over 150. You have unlocked the bonus [Eloquent].

System Notification: Your Charisma is over 200. You have unlocked the bonus [Magnetic Personality].

A few moments later, the heavy wooden door creaked open, and from a side office emerged a short man, his white beard cascading down his chest. His vibrant presence contrasted with the dreary surroundings.

A blue turban adorned his head, its rich fabric intricately embroidered with golden threads, forming mesmerizing patterns. There was an unmistakable aura of prosperity and success around him as if he were untouched by the hardships that had befallen the building. He didn't blink seeing Roth's pointy ears or his wagging tail.

"Welcome to Golden Mountain. How can I help you, sir?"

This is your first time interacting with Soros. Charisma bonus activated.

System Notification: Your charisma is over 250. You have unlocked the bonus [Silver Tongue].

System Notification: Your charisma is over 300. You have unlocked the bonus [NPC appeal]

The boost to his charisma was a force to be reckoned with.

“Hi! I am Roth. Margaret told me to look for you if I ever came to Hilsford.”

At the mention of Margaret’s name, the merchant perked up.

“I see! How is Maggie doing? What about Bart and the others? I haven’t seen anyone in the family in years. Please come in, come in.” Roth inspected the NPC: Soros, the Merchant.

The side office looked considerably nicer than the association's reception or the building's façade. The chairs were delicately carved and had beautiful cushions. The big dark desk was shiny and let out a soothing wooden fragrance that Roth couldn't place but reminded him of the Green Woods.

A few shelves lined with books and a beautiful tapestry covered one of the walls. After being given the full tour of the throne room by Aramis, Roth could better appreciate the work required to make such a work of art and saw that it was exquisite. It was not Ratan-made, though.

"It's a beautiful tapestry," complimented Roth.

"It is. It's a gift from a long-gone friend. I rather starve than sell it." Roth again looked at the merchant and noticed that despite his fine clothes, the cheekbones were too prominent, as if he didn't have a proper meal in a long time.

Soros pulled his chair, letting him sit down, and sat across from him. With each glance, it became increasingly clear that he was not merely a man of means but a true merchant in every sense of the word. His meticulous attention to detail in his attire, the air of confidence that accompanied his every gesture, and how he effortlessly commanded the space around him inspired confidence. Maybe Roth did come to the right place.

He handed Soros the letter, which he carefully read.

Soros, the Merchant has a good impression of you after reading the recommendation letter you brought. He is impressed with how charismatic you are.

+123 reputation with Soros.

You are now friends with Soros, the Merchant.

Roth smirked. What a cheat. Everything became so much easier with all the bonuses he had on his charisma. Just by getting a recommendation letter from Maggie and turning it in, he had unlocked a friendly relationship with a previously unknown merchant in a matter of minutes. He had to waste a day to get here and stay longer in the sewers than he cared to remember, but it was still remarkable.

One day in Hilsford and he had already established three important contacts. The ratans, the snakes, and now, Soros. Had he not done the homework in Green Country, he would have had to do much grinding here. It had been much better to grind in the fresh air of the woods and not in the stench of the sewers of Hilsford.

“Maggie tells me you’re one of the finest merchants in the city, Mr. Soros. She said that you might be able to help me start setting up business here.”

Soros appreciates your charismatic compliment.

+14 reputation with Soros, the Merchant.

Soros gave Roth a sad smile. His eyes beamed with a yellow light, and he scanned Roth. Roth felt he was being given an X-Ray at the airport's security. “I see; you are a Zoomorph. I thought they'd been extinct. And you’re also a novice broker. Very good, very good." He stood up and moved toward the tapestry, intently looking at it.

“As much as I would like to, I am afraid I can’t do much to help you, young man. You see, I«ve fallen into some hard times myself. There is almost no business coming my way these days. I hate to turn away one of Maggie’s friends, but the truth is that I am in no condition to assist you." Roth was disappointed. Margaret had spoken so highly of this NPC, but he was struggling.

“I'm sorry to hear about your troubles, sir. Business seems to be very good on Merchant Street. What happened to you? You're someone who obviously used to do well for yourself.” Soros turned to face Roth again. He tapped his foot and rolled the ring on his finger. Sighing, he continued.

“I used to own one of the biggest wealthiest merchant associations years ago. But something happened, and I was cut off from the other merchants.” Roth could smell a quest coming.

"What happened?" Soros's gaze became stern, and the room temperature increased by a few degrees. Roth could hardly breathe. This man was an old merchant but could not be trifled with.

"The Gazpacho family."

Ch. 59 - Up and Down


Ch. 61 - The Gazpacho Family



His foxform is definetly gonna see a lot of use as a broker haha. His race really is amazing, even more so for a noncombat player who will probably only face challenges that require one stat at a time