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The last few days had been very productive. Roth finished reading the first five tomes of the Fox Canon. The gains had been substantial. He had not only unlocked 3 intelligence, 4 wisdom, and 6 charisma, but he also unlocked a new title.

Well-read (Common)

Title description: You have taken an essential step toward becoming knowledgeable and scholarly. By reading, you have expanded your mind and heart and can better grasp the truth.

Title effects:

- Grants +1 wisdom.

- Grants +1 inteligence.

Conditions to unlock [Well-read]:

- To have spent ten or more hours reading in-game literature.

Each of the tomes had a unique theme. The most useful to him was the first volume which contained many stories about wolves and foxes. He looked forward to using his new knowledge of the wolves.

Roth had also attended the poetry sessions in the Council of Badgers every night. His map now featured all the harvesting spots for mushrooms, herbs, spare ores, nuts, bark, and fruits. His map was so rife with information on harvesting spots that Roth was tempted to learn the herbalist or forager profession so he could harvest it.

Roth had also gone to the Rat Cave to be given the tour of the two tapestries he'd rescued. He had not gained any stats or rewards from doing that, but he enjoyed seeing the two new art pieces beside Rattatoiles' throne.

He had also tried to take a closer look at the Enigma Diamonds, hoping to unlock some benefit from doing so, but Count Crow hadn't let him near the rest of the collection. He couldn't complain. He had gained plenty from completing the [Cat Burglar] quest.

He had to say that he loved his new race. He had been running around in Fox form as it made his charisma skyrocket. Everyone was friendlier to him, and everything he did and said warranted him more reputation points. It had been instrumental when he went around to negotiate the items that each race wanted to buy from the other.

After tasting how good high charisma was, he used some of his free stats to get it up to 50. In truth, Roth felt that he should attribute all of his free stats. As a Zoomorph, the more stats he had, the more powerful his transformations would be. But at the same time, becoming a Zoomorph had given him a lot of versatility. If he was in a sticky situation demanding more strength, he could activate Boar Form.

If he were to assign free stat points to strength, instead... well, there would be no going back after he did that. He still didn't know what his other profession would be, nor what class he would get. What if he used his free stats in strength only to discover that he needed wisdom instead?

Roth had settled with using 20 of his free stat points in his charisma to have the [Well-Spoken] bonus always active. Doing so enabled him to unlock the next stat bonus whenever he activated [Fox Form].

System Notification: Your Charisma is over 200. You have unlocked the bonus [Magnetic Personality].

Passive Skill: Magnetic Personality (Rare)

Increases favor with NPCs.

It was a boost from just slightly increasing reputation with NPCs.

One of the experiments that Roth had performed to test the limits of the Zoomorph race was to try to revert to his human form while he was one of his animal forms. He sighed in relief when he confirmed he could do that. Being able to revert to a more balanced stat sheet could make a massive difference in a sticky situation.

For example, if Roth had a full inventory and activated [Fox Form] to gain a temporary boost to his charisma, it would suck to have to wait 22 hours to revert to his human form. He would be stuck with a [Heavy] debuff until then, forcing him to walk at a snail's pace. That was a potentially deadly situation.

Roth had also conducted some experiments with his broker profession. He found that he could reset the counter on his ledger by conducting trades within the woods. The countdown also only reset when he did a full run. That meant that every week, he would have to make the trip back here.

After much preparation, Roth was ready to explore a new region. Green Woods had become his home and had given him the tools he needed to forge his future, but he had outgrown this place. It was time to set camp in one of the cities.

According to the forums, when players reached level 10, they were offered a one-way free trip to the city. Roth had postponed using it because he wanted to fill his bag with the merchandise he had for sale before he left.

He had already planned everything neatly and had left the two stops closest to the teleporting gate in the beginner village for last. He went to visit one of the representatives of Greanleaf Inc. He refused to return to Greenfield because of the horrible torturous episode he had experienced there, but he settled with seeing Margaret, who had a shop in Traverse Town.

His inventory was complete so that any form change would get him a [Heavy] debuff. He waited for the shop to be empty of customers and changed into his [Fox Form].

Fox Form!

System Notification: Your Charisma is over 150. You have unlocked the bonus [Eloquent].

System Notification: Your Charisma is over 200. You have unlocked the bonus [Magnetic Personality].

You are carrying too much weight. You are [Heavy]

You move 50% slower.

"Hello, Margaret."

The beautiful way in which you greeted Margaret deeply touches her heart.

+18 reputation with Greenleaf Inc.

Roth smirked. Fox form was working its charm. It made a huge difference. Even small things became impactful and gave him reputation points.

"Oh, broker! It's good to see you."

"As requested, here are the badger claws and the pine cones you requested."

You have traded 5 badger claws and 10 pine cones.

You have been traded 10 old wheat and 15 berry juices.

The pristine condition of the goods and the charisma you exude touch Margaret's heart.

+26 reputation with Greenleaf Inc.

You are now respected by Greenleaf Inc.

None of the races wanted to trade goods for money but were more interested in bartering. Roth explored how much each race undervalued or overestimated the good produced by others and was able to increase the number of items he had to sell. There was a minor difference, though. The profits from the excess merchandise he was accruing would all go into his pockets—for example, 1 badger claw cost as much as 2 berry juices. Greenleaf Inc. was willing to trade three berry juices for a claw.

By exploring this price difference, he made a few silvers on the side while gaining some free XP. Three days of doing this had been enough to fill his inventory with goods, and he looked forward to selling it off in the city.

“You have been in the business for long, Margaret, and your family's connections run far and wide. Can you recommend someone to me in one of the cities close by? I want to set up my business, and a word of advice would go a long way.”

“Well, I suppose I could recommend you to my teacher. He was the one who showed me the business, you see. You are good friends with our association, and as time will teach you, young one, in this business, you can’t have enough good friends. Friends are what are going to take you places. Try Hillford town up north. I will give you a letter of introduction. My teacher works with GoldenMine Inc. and might be able to point you in the right direction.”

You have been given a [Letter of Recommendation].

Roth waited for a quest to pop, but nothing happened. Too bad. He had expected that since he had built a good relationship with the merchants out here and had the [Fox Form] activated, he would be given some extraordinary quest, but that didn't seem to be the case. Nevertheless, it was a good starting point.

Being introduced to someone influential in the city could go a long way. He must cultivate a good relationship with one human merchant association for things to work. After all, he had unlocked [Supplier's Fortune] and had to focus on trade between NPCs. This way, he could set up supply channels that would allow him to develop goods to sell to the animals in the woods and sales channels to drain the products they provided him.

“I thank you, Margaret. I will tell him you are doing well for yourself.”

“Godspeed, traveler.”

Before leaving, Roth reverted to human form.

System Notification: Your Charisma is over 50. [Eloquent] and [Magnetic Personality] have been downgraded to [Well-Liked].

You're no longer [Heavy]. You can move normally.

There was only one last place to visit. Roth crossed the street and entered Red's shop. This time, it was empty. When Red saw him, he bolted upright from his stool, excited to see him.

"I'm so glad you're here. I can finally charge you for the appraisal fees." Roth's shoulders sank. It turned out Red was only happy to see his wallet.

"It will be 4 silver." That meant he had been able to find 4 items that still worked. Considering that he had given him 30+ items, it wasn't the outcome Roth awaited.

Let's see what you got, Red.

3x Hydrogen Grenade (Rare)

Item description: This state-of-the-art explosive combines nuclear and atomic fission, provoking a dreadful explosion.

Item effects: Consumable. Causes an explosion engulfing a 20-meter radius and causing a fixed amount of 5000 damage, regardless of resistance.

Roth gulped, looking at the grenade. This was an op item. He was sure a noobie like himself should never have gotten their hands on this. He could instakill even a boss with it.

???????? Machine

Item description: ????????

"What's up with this machine? Weren't you able to fix it?"

"I could clean it and replace some of the simpler burned components. Although I have a working knowledge of tinkering, it seems to be a software problem now. You'll have someone else to finish repairing it."

"Oh well, thank you, anyway. Maybe, someone in the city will know how to fix it. I'll see you soon, Red."


Roth went to the center of the town, near the teleportation gate. It had been in a very similar square two towns over that he had been beaten up and tortured. It seemed an eternity ago, but it had only been five weeks.

He took a last look around before teleporting away. The feelings he had for this area were bittersweet. On the one hand, he had never suffered as much as he had here. On the other hand, he had experienced some unforgettable adventures.

As he sighed, he looked toward the end of the road and saw a man in dark green armor. His forehead became drenched with sweat, his knees started shaking, and his breathing became roughed and fast.

He turned toward the teleportation device and hurriedly selected Hillford. The teleport started channeling. One second. Two seconds. Just as he was about to disappear, Roth's eyes met Gary's, who was dumbfounded at his departing figure. He turned into light and disappeared.


Who does this SmellyShirt think he is? Does he think that, just because the [Miniaturizing Potion] operation has become a bigger thing, he has become some long shot or something? Why didn't he come to meet me where I found it convenient? Cursed be that idiot.

The feeling of returning to this beginner zone was truly dampening his mood. This is where they had lost track of the Slayer, and Gary had spent weeks dashing and darting, looking under every rock of this forsaken place for his former captain. He still didn't know how Roth had been able to escape them at Greenfield Village.

As he walked up the road toward the square of Traverse Town, he looked for Smelly's figure but found nothing. That bastard. He was making him wait to show him he was a bigger shot. Gary stomped toward the square, and his eyes landed on a familiar figure. Few men were as tall and well-built as the Slayer. That noob resembled... Gary paused. Could it be? The figure turned into light and disappeared.

"Wilson, Xana!" screamed Gary as he dashed toward the teleport gate.

"What's up, Gary?"

"I think I just saw Roth. He teleported from GreenCountry to one of the satellite cities. Teleport to as many as you can afford and try to get a good view of him. If we're lucky, we'll find him."

"Are you sure it..."

"Go! If I'm right, he is still playing with the Pax avatar. We're screwed if it's him! Go!" Gary was so surprised he hadn't turned on his observation skill in time. But it couldn't be a coincidence.

They had to find the Slayer and finish him for good.

Ch. 53 - The Basement


Ch. 55 - Hilsford


End of Book 1: The Green Woods

Available on kindle, paperback, and hard cover from July 7th on Amazon.

Roth's adventures will continue in Book 2: Hilsford