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Which should be my next story?

  • The Golden Ark 23
  • Kicking Depression in the Pants Online 10
  • Hidden Class: Card Slinger 41
  • 2024-06-10
  • 74 votes
{'title': 'Which should be my next story?', 'choices': [{'text': 'The Golden Ark', 'votes': 23}, {'text': 'Kicking Depression in the Pants Online', 'votes': 10}, {'text': 'Hidden Class: Card Slinger', 'votes': 41}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 10, 19, 57, 40, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 74}


Hi, everyone!

I want to decide which story to write next.

It will still take time before I start writing it, but I want to start rounding up ideas. Which of these three stories would you prefer me to write next?

Thank you for helping me decide,



Golden Ark

The moment Noah first logs into the new game Fortress Online, he’s overtaken by memories of a bleak future.

At first, a future where humanity barricades itself in VRPG from their invasion and how the game is the last free bastion of mankind seems too far-fetched. 

But how else could he know so much? How does he know what’s about to happen before everyone else? How does he know so much about the newly released game?

Follow Noah in this time regression litrpg story where he is given a second chance to save the best of humanity.


Kicking Depression in the Pants Online

Sean is taken aback when the hospital calls him and tells him his twin brother, Charlie, is suffering from catatonic depression. 

Conventional treatments aren't working to awaken Charlie from his stupor. That's when a doctor comes forward and proposes an experimental procedure: if Sean full dives Charlie’s mind, he can cure his depression from within.

Once Sean enters his brother’s mind, he's surprised that everything feels like an RPG. Is it because Charlie was addicted to gaming? Who is this Depressius character that has taken over his brother’s mind? How can he fix Charlie’s mental world?

Join this riveting litrpg with a funny take on mental health.


Hidden Class: Card Slinger

Hugh can't believe that Cardia, the most played card game in the world, announces they will close their servers. Card games have become obscure, and everyone prefers to play the new game… What is it called? AstroTerra.

When Hugh joins the game and finds that, unbeknownst to him, there are actually cards in it, he is beyond excited. Could there be some untapped potential here? Can he bring back the potential of card games in this MMORPG?

Follow Hugh as he captures creatures, crafts decks, and carves his path in this deckbuilding litrpg.



I think all of the possible suggestions are great story opportunities but I’m addicted to HCP so another perspective on it sounds pretty darn cool to me.


There is already some backstory of the card game in HC:Pacifist. Honestly it is an aspect that I wanted to see more of especially since he got the card from the Rats. It would be great getting another viewpoint of stuff happening in the AstroTerra IP.