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Hello, everyone! How are you all doing?

First of all, thank you for your continued, generous support. You are all so kind, and I don't take any of you for granted.

I just thought I'd share with you what I've planned for the upcoming months.


I've been trying to write a chapter on HC: Pacifist every workday. Since I release four chapters a week, the logic is that if I release five, I can slowly expand my backlog.

Book IV comes out this Friday on Amazon. Since many of you have read the story, I'd appreciate it if you left a review or rating on Amazon. It goes a long way toward helping my livelihood.

Corvid Riddlers, if you'd like to receive a paperback copy of book IV of HC: Pacifist, please PM me your updated address, and I'll send it to you. The same thing applies to Snap Craft II, which comes out on May 10th.


I've been slowly building Jack's story with the assistance of my dear beta readers. Creating a world with pyramids, dinosaurs, and lots of crafting has been fun. After giving it some thought, I'm thinking of granting the following number of chapters ahead of RR's release schedule:

Free Patreons: 1 chapter

Badgerian Poets & Boar Warriors: 5 chapters

Foxian Storytellers: 10 chapters

Ratan Jokesters: 20 chapters

Cat Burglars & Corvid Riddlers: Everything

I've been trying to write three/four chapters of this novel weekly, and I'd love to have at least 30+ chapters ready to go when I release the story on RR, maybe more. It depends on how patient I can be :P

Although I initially considered participating in RR's April Writathon, I decided to skip it. Slow and steady wins the race. Right now, I plan on starting HC: Handyman's release on RR in a month or so to coincide with the release of Snap Craft 2 on Amazon.


So far, HC: Pacifist has been my only successful story. The others haven't gained much traction. I'm excited to see how readers respond to HC: Handyman. If it becomes more successful or as successful as HC: Pacifist, I might decide to release three chapters of each novel weekly instead of HC:P's current four weekly chapters. Let's wait and see how the community responds.

Thank you for being so supportive,

Cássio Ferreira


If you wish to support my work further, here's a list of things I keep asking my dear friends and readers to do:

If you're in a helping mood, review whatever books of mine you've read on Goodreads or, better, on Amazon.

Tell your friends about the awesome stories you've been reading. Remember that they get two free epub novels just by becoming a free Patreon!

Stay tuned for Hidden Class: Handyman. If you haven't yet, give it a go. When I release it on RR, every like, follow, and rating will be super important.


Coleman Bland

It’s cool to know the deal. Hopefully more people will come aboard the handyman train. It’s better then the ark cartoon.

Coleman Bland

A.R.K. survival Evolved is a “popular” crafting game with guns and dinosaurs. It got a cartoon adaptation this year and it was not received well. I figured you had no idea about it since this is a similar concept that has no relation to it in any way. A feat only possible if you were super into it and hyper conscious about comparisons or had never heard of it.


Aah! Now I get it. I've heard about the game, and I recently watched a youtube video with some of its gameplay, but I never played it. Your deductions prove correct :D