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The system interrupted Roth’s window shopping spree.

Congratulations! You now speak Lizardspeak.

You’ve picked up the language so fast! What a quick learner.

+1 intelligence.

+200 reputation with all rock lizards.

Your reputation with the rock lizards has maxed out. You gain 20 reputation coins instead.

This was Roth’s ninth in-game language! It was much easier to learn them these days than when he first started.

Studying the notification, he found something interesting. Once his reputation maxed out, he received reputation coins instead. He had wondered about this. It was good news. Even after he maxed out his relationships, he could still get something out of them.

“Thank you for teaching me the language,” Roth hissed, the system interface translating his thoughts into reptilian sounds.

“It is our honor. You are our treasured friend. We’re here for you no matter what.” The lizard leader’s voice was placid and calm, the demeanor one would expect from a seasoned sunbather. 

Hearing the endearment in her voice, Roth couldn’t help but feel that the whole thing was a little awkward. For instance, he felt much closer to the ratans with whom he had had multiple interactions than to these lizards, whom he was only meeting today. This made the reputation points with the different factions feel out of sync and artificial. Then again, this was all just a game.

Roth inspected the lizard and found her name.

Elizabeth, the Rock Lizard (Boss)

Description: The leader of the rock lizards inhabiting the cliffs of Rock Lizard Lair.

Lvl. 22

Hp: 20,000

Ep: 2,000

Skills: [Sunfeeding], [Sun Beam], [Rocky Skin], [Tail Whip], [Berserker Rampage], [Reptilian Recovery], and [Limb Regeneration].

You’ve seen many things and become more insightful.

+1 insight.


“Please, call me Lizzie,” she interrupted. “We’re family!”

Were they really? “I was wondering if you have any goods you would like to trade. I’m a broker, you see? I represent multiple races, and I thought you, rock lizards, might enjoy things from the outside.”

“What an excellent idea. We had a broker representing us, but that was before we got to know you, beloved. We’ll just kick him out to the curb.”

You’ve stolen business from another broker. You’re so shady!

+1 subterfuge.

Roth hadn’t expected another broker to beat him to the punch. It was the second time he had stumbled upon a competitor’s activities—the first time was when he met the moles. His previous suspicions that it was possible to steal business from another merchant were proven true. He had to make sure he cemented his relationships with his customers, or he risked someone else coming in and trying to put their dirty hands in his cookie jar!

You’ve been offered an exclusive trade agreement with the Rock Lizards.

Rock Lizards {Exclusive}

You have earned the right to represent the rock lizards in the Rock Canyon.

Specialty products:

[Rock Lizard Tail Steak] - 200 per day.

[Rock Lizard Shed Skin] - 200 per day.

[Rock Lizard Scales] - 400 per day.

[Premium  Lizard Tail Steak] - 2 per day

[Elite Lizard Shed Skin] - 2 per day

[Elite Lizard Scales] - 20 per day

[Lizard Sun Stone] - 1 per week.

Procured goods:



You keep 20% of all profits generated.

Congratulations on securing exclusivity with another race!

+50,000 broker XP.

Roth was mesmerized by the profit margin! It quadrupled compared to that offered when he had [Adored] status. Adding this to his [Supplier’s Loyalty], he would gain much more gold after getting the relationship with all his trading partners to the maximum level!

He analyzed the different items the lizards offered. He was familiar with the ordinary shed skins, but he was given the skins shed by the elite and boss of this dungeon.

Elite Lizard Shed Skin (Uncommon)

Description: A rock lizard elite’s shed skin. Even though the leather gleaned from it can’t be compared to what you’d obtain from skinning the animal, it’s still pretty good.

Restrictions: Tanner, lvl. 15.

The material had to be processed by a tanner before it could be made into leather, but he was still excited about trying crafting with it. However, the part about the tail steaks bothered him a little.

“I’m sorry, Lizzie, but I don’t want you to trade the remains of your fallen comrades.”

“What are you talking about?” she asked.

“You know. Bad humans come; they hunt your kind, and then only their tails are left after they have skinned them.” He shuddered as he tried to imagine what it was like for these poor lizards to be hunted daily.

“You misunderstand, beloved.” Lizzie turned around, and her tail suddenly fell off. Roth jumped back. The separated limb was wiggling as if it had a life of its own. “See? No one dies to get these. It’s OK.”

“Y-you cut off your own tail just to explain that to me?”

“Don’t worry. It will quickly grow back. We have incredible regeneration power. All I need is an hour in the sun, and I’ll be as good as new. You can have this tail. It’s a gift.”

Roth inspected the weird consumable.

Premium Lizard Tail Steak (Consumable)

Description: The muscular tail of a lizard. Its meat is tender and melts in your mouth.

Effects: It can only be eaten once. +1hp regeneration per second.

It was a stat booster! Roth wasn’t sure how he should feel about it. He had quit eating meat for years, and here was a cut of meat that didn’t require an animal to be hurt. Would it be OK to eat it? He grimaced as he thought of the tail by itself wiggling on the ground. It didn’t look like a particularly tasteful treat. 

He was probably just going to sell it. It should fetch a couple of thousand gold in the auction house. Besides, [Vegetarian Gourmand] prevented him from eating meat inside the game, even if it was harvested this way.

The sun stone was an item destined for guild museums. It boosted hp regeneration and should sell at a good price. Regular tail steaks were a cooking ingredient that chefs would happily buy.

“Regarding the shed skins, I happen to be a craftsman. Would it be OK if I crafted with them? That would mean I would buy these from you instead of selling them to someone else.” 

Roth wasn’t sure if this was cheating. Usually, he couldn't use money and items obtained from trading between factions. Trying this was a long shot, but if it worked, he wouldn’t need to rely on skins from the auction house anymore. This, however, would entail hiring a tanner to process the skins into leather.

“Of course, human. We can adjust the agreement accordingly.”

An addendum has been added to your trade agreement with the rock lizards.


Pax can craft with the aforementioned skins, provided he pays for them at market price.

Everything became much simpler when he had overwhelming charisma and a close reputation with a faction. He got everything he asked for without resistance. There was only one thing left to do to make the most of the lizards’ good will.

“You’ve already given me so much, but there’s one more thing I need to discuss with you, Lizzie. I’m an advocate for peace, and I’m trying to include as many races as I can in a peace treaty. Would you like to be a part of it?”

Roth felt some reluctance in Lizzie’s body language for the first time since he arrived. She took a step back, and her nostrils flared. “It depends. The rock lizards don’t see eye to eye with everyone. Who is included in this treaty?”

“Snakes, rats, and a cyborg alligator,” Roth answered while wondering who these creatures’ enemies were.

Lizzie seemed to calm down. “We maintain good relationships with snakes but have no dealings with any of those other races. We will join this alliance.”

Roth could include one faction per 50 points of charisma. Since he had more than 800, it was a waste not to include this faction. This would increase his daily passive income of XP. Additionally, how many stats he gained from each faction scaled according to their relationship. It would be incredible to have the rock lizards join.

After the discounts he got to teleportation from the [Thousand] title, he was tempted to sneak off to the Green Woods and quickly add all his friends there to the peace treaty. Thanks to the Lord of the Woods' oversight, the animals there were all friends. They would likely accept joining.

Roth grabbed the document he carried everywhere and operated the system, adjusting it to include the rock lizards. 

1st party: Solomon, the Snake Gardener

2nd party: Mario, the Alligator

3rd party: The Ratan Elites of the Sewers

4th party: Lizzie, the Rock Lizard Leader

Mediator: Pax

Treaty conditions:

No aggression;

Open trade mediated by Pax.

Total fine, affected by wisdom and strength - Current value: 1000 gold;

Your cut, affected by intelligence and charisma - Current value: 25.83 gold;

Experience if the treaty isn’t broken, affected by wisdom, intelligence, and charisma - Current value: 188,740 XP per day.

Lizzie approached the document unfurled on the ground and stepped on it, leaving a paw mark that changed the document and validated it.

The Peace Treaty has been updated!

“What a happy day this is, beloved,” Lizzie said emotionally. “To celebrate our encounter, there’s a gift we would like you to have.”


As the rumbling sound echoed on the cliff walls, all the lizards that had left earlier emerged from their caves, stampeded down the cliffs and retook their positions on the dungeon’s floor. Before one minute had passed, the whole crew of lizards stood at attention.

“My children,” Lizzie hissed, “today is the day we met the shiny one, our new beloved friend.”

Stomp. Stomp.

A percussive sound echoed on the cliff. For a moment, Roth wondered if one of the lizards was playing a drum, but on closer inspection, he found that they were rhythmically hitting their tails on the ground. Probably, it was how lizards clapped.

“He is a wealthy merchant who will usher in a new age of prosperity. The shiny one also loves peace! I’ve agreed we join his alliance.”

Stomp. Stomp.

“To celebrate this momentous occasion, it is only proper that we show the shiny one a token of our sincerity.” She snapped her jaw a few times, and the lizard elite climbed his cliff before returning with something in his mouth. 

“I-Is that…?” 

The elite male ran toward the leader and dropped the item at Roth’s feet. 

“Please, have this. That way, you will remember our bond.”

Roth picked up the item from the floor. The rock lizards had just given him a flag! For free!

Congratulations. You now have [Flag of the Rock Lizard Lair] in your inventory.

Thanks to your [Flagbearer] skill, you can wear [Flag of the Rock Lizards]. Hidden attributes of the flag unlocked.

Flag of the Rock Lizards (Rare)

Item description: The flagpole is made of acacia, and the flag has seen better days, but it still clearly depicts the symbol identifying the abode of the Rock Lizards in the Rock Canyon.

Item effects:

One-hand equipment;

Can deal no damage;

+15 strength;

+10 resilience;

+10 endurance;

You can use [Limb Regeneration] and [Rocky Skin].

Restrictions: Pacifist, lvl. 15.

The flag was in better shape than his ratan one. As Roth equipped it, he finally confirmed a doubt he’d had for a long time: He could have two flags equipped simultaneously! Flags were considered a one-hand piece of equipment. Even though he didn’t need any stats or skills this flag granted, who was he to say no to free stats?

He replaced the [Plumber Flashlight] with the new flag. He carefully rolled the flag around the pole, tied it to his belt, and kept it behind his back, partially hidden under his cape. Any onlooker would think he had quarterstaffs on his back. More attentive players would probably frown when they saw two of them, but at least he should be able to hide the valuable items.

“Thank you. I appreciate this gift. You are all incredible friends.”

“It’s hard to come across humans that can be trusted these days. Something has been bothering us rock lizards for a while, and maybe you can help us with it.”

Roth rubbed his hands together. He could feel a quest coming.

Ring. Ring.

“Just a moment, Lizzie. Hello, Drake!”

“Hi, Roth. How is it going?”

“Good. Good. How are you?”

“We’re good! We just received a notification saying we have a new strength bonus and a new faction we’re not supposed to harm. The rock lizards. Right?”

Roth gulped. “Right. I’ve just-” seeing Drake’s worried look, Roth had a sinking feeling in his stomach. “Oh, no.”

“So you see the problem, too,” Drake commented gravely.

Ch. 251 - Beloved


Ch. 253 - Algae Coffee


Coleman Bland

It looks like Roth got caught up in the good vibes like we were. You can’t make group decisions on a whim and all the stats in the world can’t repair a social faux pas.