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Commission for Imightbeezio or Voryn Dagoth Ur.
Featuring his OC: Rosa Crownlocke.

The story is written by Imightbeezio himself and help of Acidinyourcoffee.

"It was a stormy night, and darkness seemed to envelop the kingdom. The rain seemed to slam down against the roof of the old dark castle. But inside the library, it was warm and dry, with a raging fire illuminating the corner of the room. And within that library, a beautiful young woman perused the shelves, finding old, dusty tomes. 

She brushed her flame red hair aside, and gazed on them with her golden yellow eyes, the fire lighting up her pale skin. Her name? Rosa Crownlocke, one of the most beautiful maidens in the land. And she had no idea what she was in for... As she gazed on the shelf, she happened upon a book, written in a very old, outdated form of common speak, and with the title "The Book of House Zarovich." House Zarovich had ruled the land for centuries, and now that she had some more free time to herself, she was interested in learning more about them, especially since she was due to marry the last son of the family, Cecil. 

She pulled the book from the shelf, and sat at a nearby desk, and opened it to a random page. On that page, she was able to decipher that a buried treasure was deep in the castle walls. A chest full of gold. And magical incantation was printed on the page, that was said to lead right to it! Rosa was overjoyed! She was no stranger to adventure books, and she loved reading about all kinds of mysteries and legends. She stood up, and brought the book over to a nearby reading table, and at last, spoke the words aloud! Immediately, as she said those words, however, she suddenly felt her body freeze. She tried to move, but it was as if she was being held in place. 

Her golden eyes widened in fear, and her breath began to quicken, as she wondered what was happening. Then, to her horror, the shadows on the wall began to shift, and twist, taking shape, and suddenly, she felt cold, as a gust of wind seemed to blow onto her and she could feel her clothes suddenly seemed to drop to the floor, as if phasing right through her body, leaving her completely naked, save for her thigh high socks! She struggled, trying to get away, but whatever was holding her in place did not want to let her go. Her mind began to race. What was going on? She tried to yell out, but her mouth seemed to be held shut by the same invisible force, and her arms and legs seemed to slowly come together. 

Suddenly, two streams of rope shot out from the shadows, wrapping around her wrists and her ankles. They quickly pulled together, and tied themselves, tightening around her. She was being tied up, and there was nothing she could do about it! And to make matters worse, she tried to yell out, but suddenly found her mouth was sealed with a thick strip of tape! She tried to squirm, to fight it, but the more she struggled, the tighter the ropes seemed to get. To make matters worse, she could feel something forming over her eyes, some sort of blindfold!, Right before she lost her vision, she saw the stone bricks of the castle library wall begin to shift and reveal a passageway. She felt a sudden yank, as a rope leash suddenly seemed to attach to her wrists! 

Now, in the dark, alone and stripped and tied up, she had no idea what was going on. She was dragged to the wall, and was pulled inside, and suddenly, the stones slid back into place, leaving her in the darkness, causing her to suddenly pass out... Rosa awoke, groaning, as the blindfold over her eyes had disappeared. She blinked a few times, looking around, and realized she was in a strange, secret dungeon. She had been shackled to a strange alter, and she was restrained in a spread eagle position, with leather belts tightly strapped over her chest and thighs, barely covering her breasts and crotch, offering her a cruel hint of modesty! There was only a single light source in the room, hanging on a wall to her left, which revealed there didn't seem to be any sort of door or way out, if escape from her restraints was at all possible! 

She began to squirm and squeal, trying to scream for help, but all that escaped was muffled noise, as her mouth was still gagged, preventing her from speaking! She pulled and pulled on her cuffs with all her might, but they didn't budge! She struggled, her breasts jiggling lightly under the strap, her cute butt and thighs rubbing against the cold stone that she lay upon. Her cheeks burned bright red in embarrassment. Would someone find her like this? And would they be friendly or take advantage of her? She struggled for a little longer, but finally gave up, falling limp against the stone slab, breathing heavily, trying to catch her breath. 

As she did, however, she felt something strange, and looked down at her chest, and was horrified. A strange, disembodied pair of hands had materialized, and were beginning to rub and grope her tits. She moaned, feeling them knead and squeeze, and her nipples grew stiff under their touch. She tried to pull away, but was still stuck, unable to move. The hands were gentle at first, but their touch became more firm, and she gasped in surprise, feeling her breasts being pinched and squeezed roughly. She felt her blush deepen, and her cheeks were nearly as red as her hair. "Mmhhph!" She tried to cry out, but the gag was so thick and tight, no sound could escape, not even her own voice. Her breathing was quick and heavy, and her chest heaved. She tried to ignore it, but the hands didn't stop. They kept on groping her, and she began to whimper. This was too much! How could anyone stand this? 

Suddenly, she felt another pair of hands, grabbing her hips and butt, squeezing them gently. They caressed her body, making her blush grow deeper. Her eyes grew wide in shock, as she could see another hand materialize, holding something long and phallic shaped! To make matters worse, it was being aimed right for her exposed crotch, as she was helpless to do anything to stop it! Rosa felt a wave of panic, and began to struggle harder and harder, thrashing on the stone table, trying desperately to break free. She kicked her legs and bucked her hips, trying her hardest to resist. But then, just as she could feel it reach her crotch, she heard a slam on the wall near her, and all of the hands simultaneously vanished! 

She stared at the wall as she could see something forcing the wall to split apart, waiting anxiously to see if if her salvation had come, or if things were about to get worse! Rosa gasped, as the stone wall finally fell away, revealing her knight in shining armor. It was her fiancé, Cecil von Zarovich! He was a tall, muscular man, with ghostly grey skin and long white hair, and piercing black eyes with red irises. He wore black armor and a coat, with a cape made of silk as dark as midnight. His body was lean, but strong, and he looked quite powerful. 

His gaze met Rosa's, and he looked down on her with a look of confusion. "Oh, Rosa..." He spoke. "What have you gotten yourself into?" He walked up to the slab, and gazed upon her naked body, and a slight smirk crossed his face. "Hmm, I'm surprised... You've always been so innocent and pure. So sweet and proper." He teased. "But here you are, stripped and bound, like some sort of helpless damsel." "Mmph!" She pleaded. "Mmmhhpph!" Cecil chuckled, and shook his head. "Don't worry, I'm going to save you." He smirked. But suddenly, he leaned in real close, his vampiric eyes locking with hers. "Eventually." He teased, as his hand made it's way over to the strap that covered her breast! Rosa stared at his hand, breathing heavily. 

While she had never expected something like this, now that Cecil was here, a strong sense of comfort overtook her, and she was much more excited now! So, she relaxed, letting her fiancé have his fun, as he undid the straps that covered her, and she squirmed a bit on the table, not to escape, but to show off her body and excite him. "My, my, look at you..." Cecil teased. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?" He asked, and she blushed and nodded, her golden eyes staring at his own crimson gaze. "Good." He replied, as he leaned in, and gently kissed her cheek, and then her neck, causing her to giggle and squirm under his touch.

 His hand gently caressed her breast, and she cooed in pleasure. Her night had gone from a nightmare to a dream come true!"




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You can find the reward with tag bellow:

ULTIMATE: 'March 2024 Ultimate'

COMPLETE: 'March 2024 Complete'

HD: 'March 2024 HD'

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7zip >>> HERE




Ooh a pentagram on an alter... wonder if she will be used to summon or even create a demon~