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Hey everyone, sorry for the couple day delay. I was having a bit of an issue writing this chapter. I wrote it one one and just didn't like it, so I scrapped it and made this. Hope you like it, let me know what you think. Also I have 3 chapters basically done for the other story. I plan to post them all when I have the other four done... I might aim for getting it done this weekend. Maybe...

After everyone was caught up to speed on Hank’s team finishing the quantum tunnel. They moved on to who was joining the team to help find Hank’s wife. Hank wanted to do it alone or with Darren helping him, but Ezekiel shut that idea down quickly.

Hank was seated next to Ezekiel, not looking pleased as Ezekiel asked, “Who wants to go on a rescue mission?”

Agatha raised her hand as she said, “I'll go. I want to test a few things there with spell casting.”

“You can do research another time, the priority of this trip is finding Janet.” Hank said in a huff.

Steve raised his hand as he said, “Peggy and I would like to join.”

Peggy nodded in agreement before Ezekiel said, “Great, with a few of my clones joining that should be more than enough.”

Ezekiel turned to Tao as he asked, “Did you finish that spell I asked about?”

Tao nodded as she said, “Finished it about a year ago with Agatha's help. She'll cast it on everyone before they leave. We also made a couple magic device barriers to place in front of the tunnel and one at the emergency exit.”

“Magic devices and spells? Why do we need anything like that?” Hank asked.

Ezekiel glanced at Hank as he said, “Think of it as a type of biological filter, but using magic. We have no idea what is in the quantum realm and I don't plan to bring back something that starts a zombie apocalypse.”

Everyone turned to look at Ezekiel as Fury said, “You better be joking.”

“Unfortunately I'm not. In a different reality, Hank goes to find Janet but she's a zombie. She infects Hank, then they come back to Earth and the world basically ends before a bunch of super powered zombies wipe out the rest of the universe…”

Ezekiel glanced around the room before he said, “We shouldn't have to worry about that happening since Hank was supposed to find his wife in about sixteen years or so and she was not a zombie. That said, we're not taking any chances.”

Ezekiel glanced at Hank as he said, “Let's finish this meeting up and then we need to have a chat about a few things.”

Hank nodded his head as Ezekiel turned to Tao and asked, “You'll plan to be in Genosha and act as an emergency exit for them, if they need it right?”

“It's the main reason Agatha's going to the quantum realm.”

“Perfect. I think that's about it, does anyone have anything to add?” Ezekiel asked as he looked around the room.

When no one spoke up, Ezekiel glanced at Steve and Peggy as he said, “Go with Tao and Agatha, they've been working on some special suits to help protect everyone in the field. You'll get to be the test subjects for the trial run.”

As everyone started to leave the room, Hank and Fury stayed back. Ezekiel waited for the room to clear out before he asked, “Could you leave the room for a bit, Fury, I need to discuss something personal with Hank.”

Fury gave a curt nod as he said, “Find me later, we have a few things to talk about.”

After Fury left the room, Ezekiel turned to Hank and said, “I didn't bring this up before since it wouldn't have been productive to your work. But I need to tell you about a possibility that might have happened.”

Hank's face was schooled, but there was a serious glint in his eyes as he focused on Ezekiel who said, “There is a chance that Janet might be in a relationship with someone else in the quantum realm.”

Ezekiel watched the shocked look of betrayal cross Hank’s face before he narrowed his eyes and said, “Janet wouldn't do that.”

Ezekiel raised his arms up as he said, “Maybe not yet. But at some point after she gives up hope of ever coming back to Earth… Well she makes a new life for herself in the quantum realm.”

Ezekiel watched Hank for a few moments before he said, “I would have told you sooner, but I didn't want you to stress over something that might not happen.”

Hank’s tone of voice was low as he asked, “And you think I won't stress over it now? The possibility that she could leave me for someone else?”

“And this is why I didn't tell you sooner. Just know if it hasn't happened yet, it never will.”

“And how would you know?” Hank asked with heat in his voice.

Ezekiel let out a sigh before he said, “Because of the circumstances. She has the chance to escape the quantum realm with the help of someone else. The problem is that person would also be free of the quantum realm.”

Ezekiel typed on his computer and pulled up some info along with a picture of someone as he said, “This man is Kang the Conqueror. A very nasty version of him is currently trapped in the quantum realm.”

Hank read the info on the screen before he asked, “So she has a chance to escape by working with this guy?”

Ezekiel nodded as he said, “Pretty much. Only she doesn't know the type of person he is, until they finish fixing his Time Sphere. When she finds out, she destroys its power source and gives up any hope of ever leaving the quantum realm.”

“And that's when she starts another relationship?” Hank asked.

Ezekiel shrugged as he said, “I'm not a hundred percent sure when it happens. Could be right afterwards or in a few years.”

“I'm going to punch you in the face when I meet the real you, you know that, right?”

Ezekiel smiled as he said, “Sure, but you know you’ll be punching a child right?”

“That's fine with me. Are we done here?” Hank asked.

Ezekiel closed down his computer before he said, “Pretty much. I'll send my clones to join you in your lab in about a few hours or so.”

A second later Ezekiel turned into a cloud of smoke leaving Hank alone with his thoughts.


A couple hours later Minato, Tobirama and a man with bright red hair walked into Hank's lab. Inside the lab near the back was a small ship designed to transport up to ten people into the quantum tunnel. Which was currently open in front of the ship and painted the area around it in a golden light. Off to the side was Bill and Darren along with Erik who were at work stations monitoring the portal. While Hank, Agatha, Ebony, Steve and Peggy were off to the other side talking about something.

Minato and his group made a beeline towards Hank and the others who were wearing some slick looking black and gray body suits. Once they were close Minato said, “Sorry for the delay everyone, we were making something.”

“About time you showed up.” Hank said with a huff.

Steve smiled as he asked, “It's fine, we just arrived a few minutes ago ourselves.”

“And I just finished setting up the barrier.” Agatha said.

Minato smiled back before he looked at the red haired man as he said, “Great, and let me introduce you to someone. This is Ashina Uzumaki.”

Steve reached out and shook Ashina's hand as he said, “It's nice to meet you.”

Ashina smiled as he said, “Same to you.”

After the others introduced themselves Peggy said, “I’m surprised Ezekiel is sending someone new with us. I expected Itachi, Shisui, Kakashi or maybe Sakumo.”

“Ezekiel wants to deal with Kang while we are in the quantum realm, so he sent a sealing master.”

Peggy and Steve both turned to look at Minato as Peggy asked, “Who's Kang?”

Minato smiled as he rubbed the back of his head and said, “Oh, I forgot you weren't briefed about him.”

Hank stepped in between everyone as he said, “You can talk about Kang once we're in the quantum realm. Let's get going.”

Steve gave Hank a questioning look as he asked, “What's the hurry? It's not like a couple extra minutes will matter.”

Hank frowned as he said, “It actually might, so we need to go now.”

Steve and Peggy tensed up slightly as Steve asked, “What happened, is your wife in danger? Does it involve this Kang person?”

“It’s personal. Now if you’re coming, get on the ship. Otherwise I am living without you.” Hank said as he moved towards the ship they were using to enter the tunnel with.

“Wait, let me set up the proper spells.” Agatha said as Hank continued to move towards the ship. When he didn’t stop on his own, she pointed a finger at him and an orange spell chain shot out and wrapped around him, locking him in place.

Hank wanted to say something, but the spell binded his mouth also. Agatha walked in front of him and said, “I don’t know why you’re in such a hurry, but we are doing things properly. After I place spells on everyone, we will leave. If you understand, nod your head once.”

Hank glared at Agatha but nodded his head once. Agatha smiled before she said, “Good boy.”

Agatha then began to cast a spell which she quickly weaved with her hands and after about a minute of chanting, the spell expanded out and clocked everyone going into the quantum realm. She then looked at the others as she said, “Now we can go.”

As the others moved towards the ship, Agatha turned back to Hank and finally released the spell. Once released she said, “I know Ezekiel probably told you something and that’s why you’re all riled up right now and in a rush. But there are more important things going on with this trip than just finding your wife. Keep that in mind going forward or I’ll lock you up in the ship when we get there.”

Hank glared at Agatha for a few more moments before he exhaled slowly and then said, “Sorry. I just need to find my wife as soon as possible.”

“And you will, but only if you don’t try to rush us before we're ready.”

Hank nodded as Minato stuck his head out the ship’s hatch and asked, “What’s the hold up? I thought you were in a rush?”

Agatha smiled as Hank frowned and she said, “We’re coming, get buckled in.”

After getting into the ship Hank sat in the polit seat and started to go over a preflight check with Darren over a radio. After a few minutes Hank flipped the last switch and the ship lifted off the ground with some anti grav tech they found on Sakaar. He glanced back at the others as he said, “Engage your helmets just in case.” Before his own helmet covered his head.

The clones were the only ones without helmets, which was fine since they didn’t breathe air. A few seconds later Hank guided the ship slowly through the quantum tunnel entrance. As the ship entered the tunnel, the cockpit of the ship lit in a swirl of rainbow colors and within a moment the ship vanished from the lab. After a few moments, Erik let out a whistle before he asked, “Did you see the data from monitor two? Is that real?”

Bill patted Erik’s shoulder as he said, “Welcome to super science kid. You’ll be seeing a lot more stuff like this in the future.”