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Hello everyone! Hope everyone is enjoying themselves! The fact people are willing to subscribe to this Patreon even if only for a short while only to come right back is still amazing. Thank you all so much for the support and kind words.

There are still many plans left to continue this account, including more spotlights on the OC’s mixed in with all the other jungle animals. But, with that being said, there’s going to be a slight change starting October 1!

Having everything split up by detail was a good way for me to start so I could gauge how much people actually wanted to see in the artwork. But, starting in October there will be some changes made to each tier! They will be as follows:

Tier 1 - SFW

This Tier will now be shifted to reflect the much more tame side of the jungle. Characters you know and some you may meet for the first time will be showcased here in their adventures throughout the jungle and whoever they may come across. No hypnosis or angry panthers or NSFW here!

Tier 2 - Tug-of-War

This Tier will be used to show how these grown up man’cubs’ can still fight their way out of going to the Man-Village. All Tug-of-War‘s will be shared here, full detail, all NSFW and Uncensored.

Tier 3 - Trust In Me

As the title suggests, this Tier will be reserved for all the explicit Kaa artwork and showing how all man’cubs’ failed to escape Kaa’s coils. All hypnosis, all spiral-eyed man’cubs’, NSFW and Uncensored will be shared here.

Some extra details I’m sure you’d like to know!

  • Everything will cost exactly the same. Tier one will be $5, Tier two will be $8, and Tier three will be $10. These prices may change in the future, but for now they are staying just as they are!
  • Commissions will be posted depending on what they are showcasing. Example, if someone requests their OC stumbling into Kaa in the treetops, that will be shared to Tier 1. But if that same OC ends up being trapped in Kaa’s hypnotic stare and his tight coils, it will go to Tier 3.
  • There will no longer be any Lineart or Base Color artwork shared here. Instead, everything will be shared in the former Tier 3 style of ‘Full Detail’, with the only exception being if a commission was made for the Base Color or Lineart option.
  • The month of September will proceed as the last few months have been so as to give everyone the option to either upgrade or downgrade their current subscription.
  • I will try to go through everything that’s been posted before this and edit them to reflect the new changes so that everyone who has subscribed previously will get all the rewards they deserve!

And that’s it! Again, these changes will go into place starting October 1. Thank you all again for your understanding and support! I’ll see you all in the jungle!



can you draw Drew himself as Mowgli in Loincloth https://www.deviantart.com/mothrabro/art/Me-as-Mowgli-960502943