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Empress, the 8 foot tall dragon brawler you never knew you wanted more of. The fourth playable character in chapter 2, she once ruled over the entire continent and even named it after herself. But that was a long time ago, and that empire has since crumbled. Dragons live a long time, and now that Sanya is here, it's time to put to rest the distant past.

As a bonus-bonus, here's her combat pose. Empress fights with her hands, using gauntlets as her weapons. She's the one of two characters in the game who can use heavy armor (Christine being the other one) and has lots of HP and survivability options. However, she's a tad bit out of shape, and maybe getting a bit on in years. But if you get her back in the swing of kicking ass, I'm sure you'll learn to love her.

Hey can you tell Chicken REALLY likes drawing dragons? Like as soon as I mentioned this character during the team meeting, she started drawing her. She has a problem.



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