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You can find it here. It's a password-protected page on the blog, just like last time.

Whenever a new build is released, this page will get updated. Builds become public after 1 month as voted on by the patrons long ago, in the dark times.

If you have access to this page, you keep it! The password will not change for the duration of chapter 2's development. Even if you stop being a patron, you still get it. But you should keep being a patron because we spend that money on monstergirl art.

The password to the page is "Mid Banantic Ridge". I'm not going to explain why but good luck trying to guess something that stupid.


The page also contains instructions on how to get the Steam version, via the opt-in beta. Now you don't need to download a new version every time there's a patch!

Note for Steam users: If you would like to add the password to enable debug mode, your config file is in your C:\Users\[username]\AppData\RunesOfPandemonium\ folder. This is also where your achievements are stored. If you want to reset things, just delete those files and Steam will use the local copies.

Debug Password for RoP and WHI

To access debug mode, you will need to edit the configuration file. In your game's install directory, locate Config_Adventure.lua. Open it (it's a text file) and find the line that says Patron Password. Change it to:
OM_DefineOption("Patron Password", "S", "Ares Defense Industries", "Config_Adventure.lua")

This applies to both Runes of Pandemonium AND Witch Hunter Izana (as they use the same engine). Save the file, start the game, and press the "i" key to open up debug mode in-game.



I have absolutely no idea how/where I'm supposed to put in the debug password, or even what it is. Can I please get a step-by-step for the Steam version?


Ok, I've finally figured it out. I found this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/31878135 and that helped when I stopped overthinking it.

Crissa Kentavr

What does the password unlock? I haven't found anything in the game.


Push the i key while on the overworld. A menu will come up letting you warp to locations, give yourself money, or wipe enemies off the map.

Crissa Kentavr

Oh, I can't imagine wanting to do that. The game is just too balanced as is to need it ^-^

Zachary Gearhart

Hello, I downloaded the steam version and now the game won't start.

Zachary Gearhart

Ok either you guys saw this and sent out some kind of hotfix or game just magically fixed itself. Either way it works now.


I pushed an update a few minutes ago that will fix the issue. If it doesn't update automatically, verify the file cache and it should download.