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Just a quick 5-question poll here to steer development for Prototype 5-3. Obviously I intend to do everything presented as an option eventually, but what makes it into 5-3 is dependent on you, the patrons.

I'm also curious about what I ought to do for the minigames. I am intending to cut two of them, since the repeatable work credits option is now fulfilled by the Tellurium Mines, and that was the primary impetus for the addition of the minigames in the first place. The minigames haven't been polished yet because the previous survey specified otherwise, so what do you think? Cut them, polish them, try something else?

The final question on the survey concerns a bit of Doll-based bonus content I've been wanting to make for a while now. Basically, there were characters in Chambers of Pandemonium who had a short story that was largely left unfinished because Passalel stopped development to make House of Pandemonium. Well, I want to finish their story, and it involves Dolls. If I see a majority of Yes votes, I will definitely get it into 5-3 though I don't know if that will require delaying the prototype at all.



It's a little tricky to decide which transformation is a favorite since not all of them are complete yet, but I answered as best as I could. Also, for the questions were it says you can select multiple answers, it seems like it only allows you to select one.


Just double-checked and I had the wrong flag set. You should be able to edit your previous inputs now.