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Today we have a special* treat for you: A blog post updating you on the project status.

Despite me being called into work a lot last week (which is what happens when your department losts over HALF of its employees), I've made some good progress. If nothing horrible happens this week, I should have the scenario work for the Tellurium Mines done. Then it's on to Text Adventure mode!

*Not actually special.



Out of curiosity will the text adventure section play mire like inform games or like ones where you choose from a list of ootions (Either is fone with me but inform style would let you slip in some easter eggs).


Upside of Inform-style: Player can do practically anything. Downside: Hunt-the-verb. A very common problem where you can't "Get ye flask", you have to "Pick up flask" So, list of options is the way I'm going.