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Once again we find ourselves with a development update on the blog.

We've been making some very good progress in terms of art and game design. I'm pretty darn proud of how Chapter 5 is turning out, and I can't wait to get the new UI finished and a new version of Chapter 1 out for everyone to see.

I intend to go on a whirlwind promotional tour of Pandemonium once 5-2 comes out. Currently the game has slowly been building up support, but I want this to be our full-time jobs. And that means shilling the game, damn it!

To make this clear: I'm not in this for the money. I just love making games and I love it when people play the games I made. The more people that play the game, the happier I am. So, I'd go shill the game even if it wasn't being supported by Patreon. But, since apparently not paying taxes is a 'crime', I should probably get money to do that.


jon smith

If you are going around pandemonium to promote the game, watch out for Patrihumans. If you got converted we would have to feed someone code to turn them into a game developer.