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Hi All,

the animation is ongoing and almost 90% is finished now. Two more scenes then the animation for part 1 is complete. I will not be posting any preview or picture updates since i don't want to spoil the ending of Part 1. Anyways, i will update a treat for you guys tomorrow which I did in blender. I think you guys will like it.

Let's get real....

I know we are facing tough times and I understand if you guys retract your pledge from my patreon. I believe it would be due to Financial constraints. 

Those who retract, I hope to see you all once again when everything is stabilized.
Stay safe and obey your medical experts. Your health is more important.

Having said that, I request those who still doesn't retract their pledge and does face some constraints then, I humbly request to lower the pledge to $ 1 instead of completely retracting the pledge.

From today onwards, all my posts will be accessible to $ 1 (Donations) pledge and above till April ends.

Let's be patient and stay safe, wash your hands and stay at home.

Thank you for your support.




Awesome Work 😄🙂😃😺😁😀👍


Super initiative cross, merci beaucoup , pardon d'avoir était absent quelques temps , j'ai du arrêter des investissements suite au virus malheureusement, mais pas de soucis pour toi mon amie, même si la fin du monde était proche , je continuerai à suivre ton travail passionnant , mille merci et prend soin de toi dans ce moment difficile 😁 vive notre passion de la beauté entai game 💜