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Time for a nice, relaxing day off.


Gloria - Siouxsie Suarez

Caspar - Joe Fisher

Ava - Finlay Stevenson

Zebulon Mucklewain - Neal Starbird

Effie Mucklewain - Julie Cowden-Starbird

Leif - Tom Moorman

Guest Starring:

Nhea Durousseau as Tamara Oliver

Cooper Shaw as Special Agent Sarah Murphy

Ian Ferguson as Terric of York

Lauren LeBlanc as Clementine

Written and Directed by Joe Fisher

Produced by Joe Fisher and Finlay Stevenson


"Testa Adorata" From La Boheme by Leoncavallo perf. by Enrico Caruso




I love to imagine Agent Murphy making the videotape for the time capsule, just all “okay boss, just don’t forget the part about the diner, one sec” (answers phone), “ seriously Mikey, you know Ms Oliver doesn’t like to wait for her helicopters! Do I need to tell Sandra about the poker game with Stevens in Vegas? No? You can? You will? Yes? Okay, that’s more like it. Sorry, boss, I’m back.” “No problem, Murphy. Hey- you’re really getting the hang of this rich person’s personal assistant gig.” “aww, thanks boss. Now look right there…”