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Hey guys, I have made some changes to the member tiers. I was having a hard time keeping up with all the requests and I felt like the quality of my art was suffering because of it. I want to have a little more freedom to experiment and try stuff out which is kind of hard to do with so many requests on my slow laptop. I have created a discord channel for members to join if you want, we can share ideas and I can show you the art I'm working on and so on. 

I will still finish the requests that are already on the list. Requests will still be available but the sets will be a little smaller, I want to create more polls every week, create wallpapers, hard NSFW art, and stuff like that to have a little more variety for you guys. 

Let's try this out and see how it goes, I'm always open to suggestions and ideas so feel free to share your thoughts. I will post the link for the Discord channel when I get home from work. Thank you so much for the support, you're awesome!! 🥰



Here is the discord link, not much is happening there right now but it will soon, this link won't expire so you can join when you want https://discord.gg/Dgb6EZ4Du7

Devan Naved

More sets with less images Will be ok, i like Variety.