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Hey everyone,

It took some deliberation but I have made the decision to axe the request tiers. I have been balancing my work load with co-producing and editing for Dom Noble which has been going amazingly but I wanna be able to keep up a schedule that fits with the time I have available to me. So I have made the decision to post once a month so that I can give you the quality content you deserve and keep the videos on theme with what I set up for with my channel.

With that being said I have RESET the tiers so be sure to check which ones you would like to switch to so that you can receive all the benefits that go along with each level.

The exception for more than one video will be October where I still plan to do my halloween series. Now if you have already donated to the request tiers you have been grandfathered for one last request of me and I will incorporate them in my schedule. I will message you if you are from one of these older request tiers so we can get that situated.

To make up for less content I have something in the works but it won’t be ready for at least another month so stay tuned for that major update. For now I will be regularly posting on Discord so make sure you’re in the appropriate tier to hang out and chat.

As for the video for this month, Young Hercules will be posted by the 24th. In the meantime, depending on which tier you are in you will be able to see my progress as well as set photos when I begin filming. I hope you stick around but if not there’s no hard feelings and I appreciate you all for hanging on when you did.

Stay safe and have a lovely day <3


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