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Hey guys! So for the longest time during the poll (for anyone $5 and up) I was sure Moonlight was the clear winner and then at the final hour it ended up tying with Blood Ties (no pun intended). So I think I will conduct a quick poll on twitter to break the tie and see which will win this vampiric beatdown haha

Expect my first Retroween episode for the werewolf drama Wolf Lake to be up in about two weeks time ^^

EDIT: Alright its official Moonlight won the Twitter poll!  So expect this particular vampire episode after Wolf Lake for my Retroween series. Have a lovely rest of your weekend :)



Awwww. I was looking forward to Blood Ties :( Henry is a much cooler vampire then Mick :P


Oh don't worry I plan to cover this show eventually ^^


Yaaaay. Maybe I'm biased BC I'm Canadian but I really did love that show when it was on. I was super pissed that the show got cancelled before Vicky and Henry hooked up, though maybe that was for the best since in the books they don't end up together or at least don't stay together :P also a bit miffed that they completely erased Henry being bi though LGBTQ erasure in the 00s in TV is a whole video topic unto itself. XD