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Bug related to hold Q or F to change "Grab by neck mode" or "Enter vehicle mode", after using those menus the melee attacks got limited to a basic right punch attack after few attacks, now its fixed :)




After pressing insert is says the mods are loaded above the minimap and it says error saving log file


When I use 'melee ground strike' without aiming at the ped or vehicle, it will prompt 'Object reference not set to object instance'


How can I make sure that when I die, the enemy I created doesn't die too?


depends on the mod, some have a option related to remove allies or enemies after player death, check the mod Options menu


Hey man is there any good mods to go along with this that make it so i can fight crimes or save people. Something like an lspdfr but thats compatible. If i try using lspdfr with this it crashes every time.. just killiny everyone and everything kinda kills the whole being superman thing


i made few things like Criminals, gang attack, simple bad guys and in spiderman mod we have the crimes feature


How to fix superman ulitamte version laser eye beam not showing?

JP Wannabe+

Hey Julio, quick one. What option in the settings changes the collision for superman. In short I’d like weaker superhero enemies when they try and hit my character I don’t get flown back. I know how to change the strength of throwing and hitting something but I want to feel immovable haha


there isn't a option like this that i can remember, but you can at least avoid ragdoll in my nib god mode in Nibmods menu