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edit: Fixed sprint speed increase not working on keyboard


Probably latest changes in this mod, time for a new project :)

Download here 




wow amazing you the best


You've done an 🌟AMAZING🌟 job with this mod Julio! I can't tell you how much fun I've everytime I start playing with it bro! I even modified some of my old, favorite Peds just so I could add the Suit configuration for them to fight against them! 🌟👍🌟Thank you for such an awesome mod Julio! Keep your amazing Scripts coming man!🌟💖🌟


hello julio, i got a question about falling z force coef, why does it feel that the superman peds fall to the ground faster than the normal human peds? what's the default human peds falling z force coef for normal peds if you know it?

Will Noon

This might only be me but whenever I try to edit a Ped's laser offset with this version the character just de spawns.

Adam Nilsson

any plans on updating Ghost Rider mod?

Sizl _

Julio idk if u can do this but for the flash mod u know the justice league flash he has more lightning around him when he runs is it possible to add more lightning to the running effect because that would be dope af

Sizl _

Julio idk if u can do this but for the flash mod u know the justice league flash he has more lightning around him when he runs is it possible to add more lightning to the running effect because that would be dope af


another problem arise julio, now superman cant increase his sprint speed, the shift+double W no longer works

G-Rom Crytes

I see you put a movement option , is there a phone move or something i could use for cyclops ??


no, this isn't related to one animation only, its related to movement animation group for walking

Kid Flashhh

Julio I really want to enjoy this mod but I can't due to story mode crash. It happened right after I downloaded menyoo. I've messaged you, can you assist?


this is commonly related to added peds, but if you think its due to menyoo, remove it to test

Sizl _

Julio also if u ever do make a vision mod i requested let me know

G-Rom Crytes

Man all those option ! your a King ! cant wait to see the future projects !!! is there a jump hight limits ?


Please create harry potter mod, thx

Joe Mama

"time for a new project". *Flash theme intensifies*

G-Rom Crytes

ahah yeah now i want all is old script to be like super man V2 ! but what i realy want is a Ghost rider revamp ! Flash and Ghost are is classics i think :)


a Transformers mod would be dope

Kid Flashhh

Hey Julio, my freeze breath is covering npc's in suitcases. Do they have a vacation planned that I didn't know about, or did I download something wrong?


one last thing Julio.. if you have time to do superman work again, can you make the superman script have the option to set the constant knock away speed for peds that got punched? like in the hulk script when the hulk punched enemies that are in the air, they seem to be getting knocked and sent flying at a constant 500kph speed. It'll be better to have the option at both the slow motion timescale punch and normal timescale punch. it'll make it more like in the movies, because in the current superman script no matter how many hit force coef i add whenever i punched the enemy and sent them flying the falling speed is reducing itself at max 250kph speed

Will Noon

Is there any indication of when you might be able to update the flash mod because that would definitely be awesome