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Skorpion Gamer helped me in this case sharing the commandline he used to block game forced update on launch :)

So, now the zip contains a commandline.txt that would allow you to open the game in offline mode avoiding forced update.

Steam backup of .exe only:

Steam backup with update.rpf:

Let the game update the files normaly, then close the game, apply the backup including the commandline.txt and launch the game.

Obs.: This is for Steam version only, Rockstar launcher or EGS version won't work :(




Anything to help with the Rockstar games launcher? purchased directly from rockstar.


i tried this idea with that version but the launcher wont allow game to launch :(


We'll have to wait then. thanks for all the mods and help!! :)


Nooooo im on epic, did this happen to everyone.

Backyard Bobby

I have an issue with it saying I have "conflicted keybinds" any help?

Backyard Bobby

Actually not working at all :(

Tom Heldak

I wonder when Alexander Blade will do a Script Hook V update

Matthew Lichtenstein

Is there any other way to avoid the keybind glitch? I replaced my Update.rpf with the back up one, and I still get the keybind glitch. Please help


Game is working. But can't use rockstar editor. Any way not working to render video


Having the same issue as before - using the new update.rpf, but still conflicting key bindings that can't be changed even with new fix.


O mega tem limite de download, nao da pra baixar. Pode fazer o upload no mediafire?


Just change all conflicting key. It's unusual control but works


thanks my game works now!


If anyone is having problems with the key binds, this is what worked for me. Simply replace all the conflicting key binds to another key and then reset to default after the game loads. for example, i replaced all mouse 1 keys to the mouse 4 button. Just replace the keys to one the game doesn't use and you're good to go :D

David Triana

I have a problem, I already changed the key configuration. and at the time of entering the campaign mode, the game crashes. Any solution? my game is steam


Is there a video on it? Cause i'm very confused, My game keeps on crashing.


try renaming mods folder to see if the issue is with modded rpf files


try renaming mods folder to see if the issue is with modded rpf files