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Download link in the end of this post.

New controls

With grabbed ped:
  -Left mouse button = Melee attack, hold Aim + Left mouse button = Throw ped
  -T = Finalization, hold to choose the mode

Grab rockets feature:
 -Hold Aim to grab incoming close rockets
 -With grabbed  rocket, hold Aim to throw or press Attack button to stab to the target ped.

Demo video:  https://youtu.be/AXKz1TYp8IE

For the finalization attacks work properly, you need the .asi file of this mod installed:

Check readme for more info.




how do i takedown a helicopter it says to press left mouse bt and it doesnt work how do i fix


mmm, try pressing R, i didn't tested this feature recently, not sure if it's working


can't remember, check the mod menu, in suit .ini file you may find some variables to customize few things


plz add setting Remove enemy after player dead

Alex Yarbrough

Hey Julio is there a way to disable peds from equipping rpgs? It's getting very annoying.

TheElectricPower .

Hey Julio for some reason when I use your mods if I use the mods folder my game crashes


probably due to added peds: https://gtaxscripting.blogspot.com/2019/05/gta-5-added-peds-limit-fix.html

TheElectricPower .

Its not I dont have any peds I dont even know how to install peds lol


well, you have something wrong in mods folder then, probably a corrupted rpf file, also, you should send message case you didn't yet, it's better for support


Julio, how do you grab persons on the helicopters and throw them off? which controls, couldnt find them...

john chin

Hi Julio, my hulk dont have skin, its appear please add ped model, i dont know how solve it, i add everything ydd, ytd in open iv . it wont come out hulk skin.


Hi Julio, big fan. I had things running with your nibsmod and just added all the hulk files including the peds via peds addon, scripts and main oiv, but im getting a crash at launch. I checked the openIV, scripthookV, asiloader and nibshdotnet logs but i dont see anything. I have a heapadjuster and an updated config.


hello julio, just saying in the past when I first tried to donate using the iron patron it charges me every week instead of every month is it supposed to do that?


it charges each day 1, maybe you pledged close to the end of month

Jimmy Ganann

Julio, can you use this mod without a number pad? I have a laptop.

Jimmy Ganann

...I mean using a controller like with V2?


i think i fund a bug with the rockets


Why is it missing HULKv3.net.dll ?


Wheres the blog post link to your website with all the mod controls, especially for this one??

Andre Tull

The mod works, but I can't get the models to work. They just stay as "error peds".


Julio, This is TheFuumaSage, Bringer of Cloth. For your THOR Script, if you end up needing someone who can create 3D GTA LIGHTNING for the attacks, LET. ME. KNOW. This is NOW an old video, but You can see here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kR_9b4Aedh4

Peter Ioane

when i go into open iv mods update x64 data dlc packs i cant find the dismemberent folder here???


you must download and install peds, the script is just saying that was unable to load the ped model of that suit .ini file


it shouldn't exists, isn't part of gta, its a mod that you download and install, and for my mods you just need to install the .asi file of the dismemberment mod

Andre Tull

I was also wondering if you could help me with the flash mod? I’ve used it many times and now when I install it, correctly, an when I try to change my model or summon and enemy/ally it gives me an error or crashes my game

Karl Sucaldito

Cant wait for thor to be realesed :)


Could You Make Captain America mod?


I've seen people spawn really big monsters as enemies... where is the mod add on for that? please and thank you!

Ashley Johnson

is there controller support




when i run in game, a black triangle appears every time, can you help me?

Marvin Bermudez

how do you grab the heli and hijack it?

Deeds YT

Julio, when i load in the game it does not show "Hulk V3" Any solutions?


when i run over peds I doesn't do any damage to them, this is also the case with superman. other than that awesome mods.

Luke Cullen

where can we get skins that work with your UI

Chandler RH

hey man where can i find suit ini files to change colors for the hulk? like red and blue?


each mod has a folder inside scripts folder, you will find all files there, suits .ini, images, etc.

Chandler RH

What do I do from there to change it? Do I click on suits folder?

Chandler RH

I found fxBaseColor what numbers do you change it to for different colors?

Chandler RH

Right now by default the numbers are 255;0;255;50

Chandler RH

What does changing the code in the alpha space do?


you should search about RGB colors before changing, alpha is just transparency, not applied in this case, but must be there

Jacob Waitman

what are the controls on a gamepad?

Jacob Moore

How do I download hulk mod for my son on PS4 just did 10 dollar donation a month need help


my mods are for pc only... message me here on patreon to receive a refund.

Jacob Moore

Okay are there any for ps4


openiv dose have the option to load xbox360, Ps3, and Ps4 Files though but im not sure what you can do with them on openiv.


would it be possible to make it so you can rip a car in half and use them as "boxing gloves"?


unfortunately i don't know a way of removing big part of a vehicle or a way to split it

aws bader

all the ini suits doesnt work

Jayden Beattie

why does it say there is an error on all the peds I'm trying to use?


probably because you replaced dlclist.xml in mods folder, must install packages again or add again the addonpeds line to dlclist.xml

Ayyy Thanks

is there a way to make sure the game does not remove hulk after you die?

Ayyy Thanks

Yeah I'll be trying to take out a hulk killer and then after I die the AI is gone :(


i can't remember, but maybe there is a remove enemies after death option in the mod options menu


Hey how can i change the sound effect in the sound file? it just doesnt play any sound efffect when i change the sound effect on sound files


it must be a .wav file format (renaming other formats wouldn't resolve, must be converted), also, if it's a loop sound, it should have same length


Is it possible to prevent friendly hulks from attacking the vehicle when the player enters it?