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Some time ago some users reported a issue with the Thanos script mod, the grab victim feature simple wasn't working and was causing a script malfunction. I made many tests in my code and found nothing, then i finally found out that the issue is with the ScripthookVDotNet v2.10.10 (or later) :(

I never had the issue because i was using  v2.10.9 that works as expected with all my mods.

So, to fix the grab victim issue, use  ScripthookVDotNet v2.10.9, actually, this version now is the OFFICIAL version for my mods.





this is not a store


Do I simply just drag the files to my gta directory? Because every single time I put these in the directory & get rid of the updated scripthook shdonet my mod menu won't load up & my game crashes on loading screen with a window saying fatal unable to load Scripthookvdotnetv2.dll.... Only time I'm able to pull up nibmods menu is with the new Scripthookvdonet but the mods work terrible example thanos mod beam doesn't shoot aiming dot is in upper left hand corner of screen. ANYONE HELP PLEASE

daniel marasco

when is the release of iron man endgame coming out on £5 tier is it going to be a wip 1 or 2.


hallo wie geht der grap neck er packt alle opfer nur normal auch mit version 2.10.9 das ist der beste move mit kopf abreissen


grab by neck