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Recently i started posting news about my mods on Lens clips that are available only for who have the Patreon app installed on phone, so, if you miss new posts here on Patreon site you may find them on my Lens clips on the app 😁

Yep boys, i still working, i never stop 🤓😎

*Edit: Lens clips can be saw here on Patreon site too, in the Posts tab of my profile, but, you don't receive a email when i post a Lens clip (the notification only goes to the Patreon app)



The Imaginator

Great continuing work as always. Can't find the latest file to redownload Watchdogs mod for hacking?

The Imaginator

When I go to download the original Thanos mod (which I liked very much) the page tells me to use the new endgame one. It is not clear if these are separate mods and the advice is just an advert for the newer one but the user will need both, or whether the endgame mod includes the original. So that's the first thing. The next thing is that the Endgame Thanos mod claims to require "dismemberment" to even work. But the comments all over the dismemberment mod page say that it doesn't work, it's buggy, it's glitchy, it clones peds that should be dead, and it hasn't been updated in over 2 years. I love your mods. The last thing anyone wants with a great mod is to be forced to install some unrelated mod that's not nearly as good just to create a particular aesthetic. If gore and violence in GTA need better solutions (I use euphoria ragdoll mod for example), then new or updated mods should be made to do that. Not old, outdated ones that even experienced modders can't get to work. Further, the instructions on the dismembermemt mod page for installation SUCK. Any installation instructions with the words "don't forget" are awful as they assume the reader ALREADY KNOWS and STILL REMEMBERS some other thing not spelled out explicitly on the page. In this case, the dismemberment installation instructions require the user to "don't forget to add the entry to dlclist.xml." What the actual f***? What entry does he mean? What's the syntax for adding it? Where does it go? Where is dlclist.xml located? Is it in file explorer or in OpenIV? JediJosh does not provide any of these instructions. When one turns to the comments section for clarity, one finds comments like this: "i have latest update and it dont work anymore." So then I begin to wonder if it's worth the effort and why I'm installing this unrelated mod in the first place: Because you told me to in your installation instructions for a mod that I'm not sure whether it replaces the original mod I even wanted yet. This is confusing and needs a lot more clarity.


Ta incrível Julio! Mal posso esperar pra ver o que vc pode fazer com o Thor! :D :D :D


Nice mod Im gonna try it


E ai Julio blz? Você ta pegando inspiração no novo game dos avengers? Eles tao lançando videos de gameplay no twitter.


Um I have a error with the iron man mod it crash my game now because the new update to the rockstar launcher

Donovan Greer

plz make the captain marvel mod after this one


hey julio when I press thanos in characters it goes on black screen and the game exits


Flash 3.0 might be next he said, people been requesting it too much. After that maybe Captain marvel


why does it open 2 menus when i use my mods


because you probably have a copy of NIBMods menu DLL somewhere inside Scripts sub folders


Where’s the mod


Iron man wip 1

daniel marasco

What type of patreon offer is wip 1 on


every time i edit dlclist to get the addon peds to work it crashes on the loading screen




thank you it worked

Dowell Aldous

guys just download a custom gameconfig.xml