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This is by far the more bloody and gross mod i ever made, combines perfectly with the Predator character.

The hook feature will let you do some crazy stuff.

When attaching bodies and shooting them with Cannon, Shuriken or Smart Disc, they may still attached depending in what body part was the hit and what body part is attached to the hook. The result is sinister like we can see in the picture.

Now imagine this with dead bodies with skin removed, like in movies o.O

This feature will be released next week.

Download the mod here  



Red Harlow

mmmm perfect with skinless peds is there gonna be a skinning animation


Could you make an adventure time mod like jakes power


After trying it out, I thought the claw attack was the best, and then I suddenly realized that if I removed the skill and the ion gun, set the claw as the default attack, plus the effect of retractable claws, it would be the Wolverine mod.

Kendall Hagans

You should th for captain marvel. It’s kinda like iron man except only the energy blasts. Would be really cool


how do u install the predator ped model?


do I have to use addon peds?


it keeps saying I dont have the suit installed I have no idea how to install them

michael cox

how do u skin the people


All day. No connection to the server...


This is awesome, love it. Is there anyway to be able to get him to fire the shoulder cannon from a vehicle?


yes, use add on peds, use openIV toput the ped files in, then build the ped in add on peds, and hit rebuild. Read all the read me files, its tells you exactly in all steps of each one.

G-Rom Crytes

this is amazing ! but is it the predator script who make every one olding invisable guns ? i saw a bunch of people in olding gun position and tryed to fight flash , he was doing it too exept that I love the mod !


no, didnt coded anything related, maybe its magneto issue because i had similar isdue with one feature while developing the mod, but it only affected targeted peds in a determined situation


did you sent message or email like asked in my profile? did you checked firewall rules?

JD Huddle

Any way to get when you fire the shoulder cannon, to not be kicking like your physically beating a ped ? and any way to remove the shoulder cannon from the original skin ? my skins look like they have 2 shoulder cannons


I seem to have most aspects of the mod working, but I can't seem to do any melee attacks (i.e. wrist blades & spear). Also, I can cycle weapons with the "E" key, but I don't see any options in the radial menu as shown in the videos. Any idea what might be wrong? Thank you.


i need to improve the cannon, there is few issues related to melee attacks being played when shooting and walking/running and the models


probably you didnt copied all files from the zip file what button are you pressing for the melee stab attacks? R is the default button, check the hotkeys in the mod Options menu


I'm sorry, that's not what I'm trying to say. I haven't seen Wolverine mod either. I mean this can be Wolverine mod.


Can you make it so that when you spam R, you stab the victims many times? like a melee combo? Most predator peds have claws on them anyway.

G-Rom Crytes

Is there a way you could set a minimum life point for the decapitation ? 500 and less like that it would be more far for other scriprs enemy ! would be cool to have a normal and faster claw attack ,keeping the claw impale but man im not complaining this script is amazing where i can get the big predator , i dont remember

Kendall Hagans

I know a lot of people want venom but I really think we could use a green lantern mod. There’s so much potential for it.


Need help with installing the ThePredator ped. No info from developer except to use addonpeds. When I use addonpeds for his ped it crashes the game. I have 14 other peds installed so I know what I'm doing. Only his predator ped behaves like this. I posted details on GTA5 forums.


SOLUTION: Apparently there is a limit to Addon Peds and that is 14. If you add a 15th it crashes the game. No matter which ped you add. My Predator now works!


maybe the replaced couch model exists in other RPF files too, you would need to extract the models from the .oiv file and manually replace all occurrences of that model

G-Rom Crytes

Do you plan to make the Predator wall jump a bit like hulk ? you could jump wall to wall to climp buildings

JD Huddle

is the hook feature a 10 patreon only ? or just while its a WIP


why don't the enemy do anything ? just running.

Florida sucks

hey Julio, mod is great so far but a small request: i’d like to use this mod with my cyberpunk female player model so if you could add an option in the final release to hide the shoulder cannon or maybe even have it so the cannon comes out of our hand or something that would be sooooo cool. also i have a question about your other mods: is there a way for to fight the iron man or hulk enemies without also using a mod? they kill me even with godmode on and sometimes i just want to fight them with normal guns. thank you so much you’re a great modder!!!!


嘿Julio 我按照步驟放了所有檔案 進入遊戲內沒出現NIBMods 有無漢化版本


Hi Julio are you not going to make a mod on Batman? It seems there is one, but you are the best modeler and you will get 100 times better)) With warm and respect Russia))

Kuan Fu Chen

老兄你有沒有把ScripthookV 跟ScriptHookVDotNet 還有Addonpeds 跟NativeUI 都安裝好了?


i will see what i can do about predator, about the other mods, they cause direct damage, you need a mod that keeps restoring your health, not only avoiding normal weapons damage


请问您团队。没有Script Hook V,1.0.494.0,怎么玩得了你的作品