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WIP access: https://www.patreon.com/posts/20335997

Change log:


  -Added Magnetize attack, click and hold to charge

     You can choose to grab all entities, vehicles, stab things or weapons only,

     weapons will shoot against the target, stab things will stab :) and the others will be throw.

  -Improved EMP time, added variable to customize

  -Improved Bullet Shield, now it catches Rockets and grenades too

  -Improved Bullet Shield FX

  -Added sounds to Bullet Shield

  -Improved throw entities speed

  -Improved grab/lift entities movement/orbit

  -Improved get target method

  -Fixed attacks being triggered when power selection HUD is On


  -Added ''stab'' attack

  -Improved get target system

  -Now its possible grab/lift some objects too

  -Improved lift entity targetting

  -Improved EMP FX


  -Added HUD to select/configure special powers

  -Added EMP special attack

  -Added options to bullets shield: Hold bullets, destroy bullets, ricochet bullets or shoot back automatically

  -Improved bullets shield, now is possible set shoot direction when aiming

  -Improved bullets shield, better bullets position

  -Added ''grab by neck'' attack

  -Improved smash lifted entity method, added FX

  -Improved grab/lift entities method


  -Fixed no collision issue with entity that was released after grab/lift


  -Fixed ragdoll issue

-v1.0.0:  -Release version




estimated release?


Is this availble to 2 $ Members..


It it one time paymnt or every month


its like the 2usd, every month but the payment grants access to all released WIPs, so, even if i release another WIP of this mod in the next month, you would have access (but this commonly dont happen because i finish the mod before next month in great part of cases)


Bom dia se eu pagar os 10 $ ja vou ter acesso amigo?


do i still have acess to my downloaded mods when i cancel my payment ?

dudi sgoolam

when it will be relesses for 2 $?


How do I get the lights to look like that? Is it a GTAV setting?

Chris Powers

Hey last month I upgraded to the $10 a month but when it renewed this month, it dropped me back to $2... I don't remember downgrading...as I wanted to participate in the early release testing of the Thanos and this mod...


you mean the purple lights in his hands? they should have that color, im manually setting the color


maybe something went wrong when you changed your pledge and they rolled back the changes, here in the payment list we only have 2usd pledges in your account


If i pledge 10$ for wip will i aswell have access to the more requested updated mods


JulioNIB Team, Do you have an e-mail?


Through paying kiwi purse you can not buy a mod?


If you can make magneto be able to control metal fences or throw them out of the way

G-Rom Crytes

i wonder what its gonna do to hulk , XD

G-Rom Crytes

will he have a super like thanos when he snap the fingers ? I would do that all the car are lift in the air , and all of them fall on one enemie

Chris Powers

omg just got done destroying los santos and the military base, tons of fun. I only have one problem. I'm not sure if you have it by default or I set it up this way long ago but when I press the L1 and the L2 buttons on my PS4, your nibmods menu pops up. This gets in the way with my Magneto gameplay. Is this a function I can change in your app? I couldn't find it, I'm assuming its in the *.ini file.. My only other request/comment is, can we lengthen the time the EMP keeps everything dark? It seems like its far too short, I was hoping 30 seconds, enough time to fly away out of harms way...


Looks great! :) Just a note for when you get around to The Flash again. After the power the others have gotten, especially the Hulk and Thanos, he needs more HP. It would be nice to be able to adjust it, since it is now stuck at 2k. The Hulk can just one hit me. It is impossible to defeat him with a speedster.


so i have to pay again when my mods are outdated....


mmm, those hotkeys are fixed in nibmods menu, i can make it customizable, the blackout lasts for 15 seconds so far, i can add option for this

Kendall Hagans

Is there a way to make iron man allies invincible?


yeah, i fixed this, check the wip post link


Is there a way to make time more slower in flash mod v2?


@Aaron John Panganiban Ye. Download the Slow Mo Mod (<a href="https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/slowmomod" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/slowmomod)</a> Get rid of the closing bracket in the hyperlink, I have no idea why that’s there, lol. Follow installation instructions. Press “J” to activate the mod, “+” to slow the time dilation factor and “-“ to accelerate time. There’s also and extra feature called “Flash Mode” which can be activated when pressing “Z” although, I wouldn’t recommend it.


You can combine them. Some of the attacks will be broken, but it helps you save people better. Also lining up shots


can someone help me im trying to use the flash mod but everytime i press it it says my game version has changed PLEASE HELP


I sent the money but it was through paypal and not patreon. I was wondering if you could help me.


I need help with the thanos mod, the script itself is working however when I try to use the ped it says I don't have it. I've uninstalled it and reinstalled it correctly. I get the exact same results every time, so I'm just running around with thanos' powers as franklin


can u make all magneto effect show in Video Editer GTA V ?


the only effects that may not appear so far are: -the blue energy sphere that appears when the bullet shield stops a bullet -the orange light that glows for a while in the bullets stopped -the extra purple/blue light that appears when charging the EMP what other FX you cant see?


Hey JulioNIB, so I just installed gta 5, but whenever I have script hook v and everything needed for the Flash mod to work, my game always crashes when I click story mode. Any ideas?


It would be awsome if you made a god of war mod after this one with freezing effects like the one from your superman mod and axe throwing

Jonah Cipparrone

My thanos Enemy wont work it will just stand there

Ash Blayze

should we re download the script or are the features not out yet


everytime i update the post i add a new file with the new features

Ash Blayze

we going to get a mele attack anytime soon. would be a bit cool if we had some sort of power to crush and kill peds since theres iron in the human body and police and military have metal gear on


There's not enough iron in the human body for magneto to manipulate it unless you manually inject more iron into the bloodstream, atleast i think so.


Dude, you’re a literal god.

Ash Blayze

I still think the sounds should be quiter or atleast changeable there ear shattering


you can change the files, check the magneto folder, also the issue is probably because your game volume is low and the windows volume is high

Ash Blayze

I checked the folkier how am I meant to change the volume of the sound files


can anything be downloaded for free?


always looks good


When do you start doing? Prototype MOD


you should edit the .wav file with a sound editor, i will add a option to set general volume coefficient for my mods, but only will affect new releases


I have a suggestion. At the scene where he moves the cars to the sides. At the bridge scene. Can you add that as an ability so we can clear traffic like that? xD


I am sorry to be that guy who keeps bringing up The Flash. Especially while you got a W.I.P going. But just another thought outside the obvious need for HP. I think it would make him a lot more like the actual Flash if his attacks occured in Speed-time, instead of normal time. The normal time allows stronger opponents like the Hulk, Superman and Thanos to just cancel the attack before it is done. Like the Machine Punches. I never get to finish that skill against those guys. They just blast me away mid attack. It makes it so I have to throw lightning and tornado over and over to stand a chance. I also think nudge/push/shove would be awesome. Like that scene with Quicksilver in Xmen. Also, quick exiting of vehicles. The last one alone would be a gamechanger.

Chris Powers

Thanos took all the metal out of my laptop &amp; ran off to vacation... I crash shortly after I load the game &amp; this is what the Thanos log says, Error disabling powers: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Method: UBt6JVj9SeVp2O6SQ84tBOCe6CO6SQ84tBOCe60ocw8tsCNbQDNAsv3DkU1NzNyA at offset 97 in file:line:column &lt;filename unknown=""&gt;:0:0 Method: ovPAPXBapNSG2lFbia60bRanZ5lFbia60bRanZATk51XukO7ZnDAY2l6MWaOY7SA at offset 274 in file:line:column &lt;filename unknown=""&gt;:0:0&lt;/filename&gt;&lt;/filename&gt;


this error is old, it happens commonly when you deactivate powers, the game crash in loading is commonly related to models or RPF files the script only really acts when you enable powers or spawn enemy/ally


yeah, i need to update that mod, lets see what comes after magneto


Amigo tô ansioso para ver magneto pronto..☺


can you update thanos it is a bit broken


something is wrong in mods i installed. when i aim at enemy hulk or enemy flash he tries to run away instead of attacking. how to fix it?


Pre-release soon :O, , ,

G-Rom Crytes

Wow you kind a did it


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