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Let's make this a votation :)

Original text:

"What you Patrons think about letting people try the mods for free on Wednesdays (or other day of week)?

I'm planning to add this feature to let people that can't buy the Patreon access due to issues related to payment methods, temporary use my mods.

Give me your opinion Patrons :)"



Don’t let those guys discourage you. Your mods are amazing, the absolute best in any game that I’ve ever seen. You’ve literally nearly created the Avengers in GTA 5, that speaks numbers. I don’t mind paying for your mods at all, in fact, I’m happy to. I love supporting your work.


I would say once per month would be good. We pay monthly so let them try it out before buying.


These mods you have created are a lot of dam fun and with how much time you have put into every single one of them I at let it be free once a month like Sam Perrin said just so people may try it out but I am staying a patron because I can spend so and so $ every month.


Having it free once a week just means they play the mods so frequently they may as well buy it but they won't because they just have to wait a week and then they can play it again. Do you know how much revenue movies like Deadpool would loose if they made it free once a week. No one would see it on release that would wait until its was free. Even once a month is a bit frequent for my liking but this is your patron page so who am I to judge.


Make Avengers Mod in GTA V please.


You can make them try the mod, but once a month is still a bit too much, someone might find a way around your login system especially for the previous mods which actually has a way around. They just might download it and find a way around and never pay, its a big concern. Though this trials will enable them to experience the mod and might encourage purchase. Although we got to be aware that some people might be asses and download the mod find a way around the login system and never pay ever. I still pay you though and support you no matter what your decision is.


your great !


nah dont let them get it for free mate its only a poxy £1-£10 if they can respect the graft & grind enough to pay that then they can F*** rite off


It's just 2$, literally a 10 year old can afford it. They can use their mums card if it's really not affordable for them.


Once per month seems fairer to you, and means that if they really want the mod they'll either have to wait a few weeks or just pay the $2


I'd say once a month is a fair exchange. Keep in mind, your work deserves at least some kind of appreciation.


don't make the mods free if they want to complain about having paid mods then they can just fuck off, just only $2 minimum, seriously?


I don't like someone forcing you to do something. Unfortunately hackers and crackers are just part of it. My kids had some good fun with your mods $2 was a small price to pay. The dude must have some personal issues. Did he send you any real proof like his injection or jump point, maybe he's bluffing if he has no proof. Update your security or change your code slightly, don't be forced to do anything.


You shouldn’t do it. If you do, someone would probably hack the code and make it so that he won’t have to pay. Then he might post this so that no one will need to pay, and then you’ll stop making mods :(


Nah don't do that, make a demo mod they can try. Only have that mod be allowed to do certain things. You literally only charge $2 for any of your mods and people being stingy af and trying to get it free. It's only 2 freaking dollars, screw them, you have you to think about.

Chris Powers

I've been paying $2 a month for god knows how long, if I and do it---not sure why others cannot. In america Paypal and prepaid credit cards are abundant, hell there's even banks and ATMs that access paypal accounts (send/receive, etc). I believe some of the grocery stores and gas stations also do this...


I'd say once a month. Wouldn't really dis benefit anyone if they only played once a week. I'd say once a week is to consistent because people wont find a reason to pay then. Compare it to those trial apps lol. Most don't pay the subscription because they can easily get it for free over and over again.


Once a week is a good idea! It's basically a demo for your mods and if people like them they will pay anyway. And if they really want to schedule playing your mods just to save 2$ a month, so be it. Those guys couldn't/wouldn't pay either way... I'd say go for it, it's more chances to try out your mods and then get addicted =)


Once a month but on a weekend for maximum enjoyment. Doing it on a weekday is pretty cruel

TheIronicist (Mike Dewar)

Hi. Busy playing Vampyr (a non-GTA game, the horror!) and thought - have you ever considered making a vampirism mod? Lots of cool powers to play with: turn into mist, strength and speed, shapeshift into animals etc...


Savitar mod please.




can i pm you stuff about the mod because i need help


people already share my files after becoming Patreon :( was reported to me that a big youtuber did this to the guy that said would crack my files. so, i guess its impossible avoid unwanted copies, this is why the login system is here, hope nobody craks it or i will have to change my login idea again


problem is for some people here in brazil for example, i cannot pay with paypal, my credit card get blocked when i tried lol


On weekends please lol


Like Saturdays or Sundays

Ryan King

I don't think it's a good idea to change that much I'd say make free for a limited time about one week then go back to what you had set before.


Please create Script Naturo - Sasuke - Paint ! I think it great !


it's not that easy, he has to find the effect in the game


yeah, some people already requested, i guess is not that hard to make happen :)


is the schedule Hulk v2 release then Flash savitar mod?

Kendall Hagans

Is there a way to make all allies fight any enemy. For example it kinda sucks when I want flash and supergirl to fight against reverse flash and she does nothing. It would just be cool if they automatically fight any enemy no matter which mod you’re using


its complicated intereact between scripts, at this moment i dont have a communication between my scripts, i need to detect damage to the VI`P entity to start the combat, flash and superman has some issues in this aspect, need to be fixed


As much as I love free mods, you have to pay the bills and you work hard for this stuff, you deserve to get paid.


Hi,die mod funktioniert nicht mehr.Verstehe ich das jetzt richtig das ich JEDEN Monat 2 $ zahlen darf.Ich hab nämlich letzten Monat aufgehört zu zahlen.


did you made login in game before removing the pledge? send me your patreon link that opens when you press to start login process in game: gtaivscripting@gmail.com