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Who recently downloaded one of the following mods:

Dragon Ball Z
Ironman V
The Flash

May had issues with the spawn enemy/ally options, i released a update to fix this issue, download latest version from the posts below to fix the issue:

DBZ: https://www.patreon.com/posts/17186450
IronmanV: https://www.patreon.com/posts/12617773
The Flash: https://www.patreon.com/posts/14610884

Sorry for the inconvenience :)

When activating powers for first time, the script will ask you to login with your Patreon account, press L to open the Patreon's login web page, perform the login and Allow the access, a message saying that validation was successful should appear in web page, go back to game and then press Insert to reload scripts and start using the mod :)

Case you have any issue, please send me message.

About HULK mod: I'm very delayed in my mods work because of some personal life issues but I'm almost ready to release first WIP before end of this month, sorry for the delay guys, the mod will come out soon, also i will try to make more than one mod per month, will give more focus to my mod develop.



I'm severely aggravated right now , I go to activate my iron man mod and a screen pops up that says "log in with you patreon account , and I press L to type it in and nothing happens and now I cant use it ? please let me know how to fix this , thanks


when you press L it should open your web browser with the Patreon site asking for login, are you running game as admin?


I'm having the same problem. The site pops up, I allow access and then go back to the game and it asks me to do it again.


what message appeared in browser? validation successfull? are you pressing Insert to reload scripts when going back to game?


same issue, after authenticating and granted permission i get a sutle message telling me that its verifying my patreon request then does nothing


the process should be: 1 - try to activate powers or spawn enemy 2 - message appears saying that you need to login with Patreon and ask you to press L 3 - if you press L a web page will open and there you will insert your login info and Allow access to some info of your profile 4 - a message saying that validation was successful should appear in the web ´page 5 - go back to game and press Insert to reload scripts or load a saved game 6 - script will check for the previous login proccess and if all its fine will unlock the mod. if any error occurs a message will appear in bottom of screen and log files will be saved in Scritps folder (script name _log.txt) and in scripthookVDotNet log file


@lawrence anthony yahle: seems that you succeed validating the mod, i saw a entry with your name :)


How to download Ironman mod v2.. please help me


its being remade from zero, improved anims and physics, anims, sounds, fx


i'm a patreon but it won't let me use your mods?


any error appears when you try to perform login? what exactly you did when asked for login?


i mean when you use the L menu to login, i get this error: You need to be a Patreon of JulioNIB Team to continue.


i just checked your profile and you aren't a patreon, the odd part is thst you can see this post that is for patreons only


Im getting the "You need to be a Patreon of JulioNIB to continue" message, even though I am a Patreon.


Hi so I am a Patreon, I'm donating $2 a month, but I'm getting the "You need to be a Patreon of JulioNIB to continue" error. Please help?


What happens when I cancel my patreon for a while?