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Latest version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yN-48dzxFGQ



Don't miss the new IronmanV script mod :)

More info about the mod in the blog post:

Download link below \/


[Download] NEW GTA V Ironman script mod (v2)

Follow me on Instagram for weekly news about modding: https://www.instagram.com/tjulionib/ . . New animations, new FX, new sounds and more Download: http://gtaxscripting.blogspot.com.br/2015/08/ironmanv-installation-guide-armors-and.html Become a Patreon for "Work In Progress" access: https://www.patreon.com/JulioNIB PC specs on description of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltmRKzlcVtM Some Tags ;) GTA IV, GTA 4, GTA 5, GTA V, The Flash, Hulk, Superman, Spiderman, Green Goblin, Wonder Woman, Batman, Ironman, GTA Mods, GTA Scripts, GTA hero, GTA Heroes, GTA powers, GTA modifications, GTA God Social media: http://twitter.com/julionib . . More mods (GTA 5): https://gtaxscripting.blogspot.com/p/my-v-mods.html More mods (GTA 4): https://gtaxscripting.blogspot.com/p/mods-list.html PC specs on description of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltmRKzlcVtM https://www.patreon.com/JulioNIB http://twitter.com/julionib . . . #GTA5Modding by JulioNIB . https://www.facebook.com/GtaIVScripting . http://twitter.com/julionib . . . #GTA5Modding by JulioNIB . https://www.facebook.com/GtaIVScripting . https://twitter.com/julionib . . #GTA5Modding . by JulioNIB



I wonder how to use the first person HUD? It just can't load the first_person_extra file in the HUD folder.


Do a black panther mod


This is a good mod, but how do I pick things up? When I hold "Q" on cars I can only pick people up but not cars.


Would I just enable the pickup entities setting and set it to = 1 instead of = 0?

Bradley Oxbrow

Any way to make the IronMan invincible, used to be an option?


never added this as option, i can try to make, but is not 100% secure that will work


Hey Julio, just a quick message to say I have finally added the Iron Man V2.4. The thing is it is not working for me. I have followed the tutorial completely. However, when I open up your menu and click the V2.4 a window pops up saying "Your Game Version Changed, download the newest version of this script at GTAXScripting site".


Sorry I mean't to add in any help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks in advance.


I will give it a go Julio and let you know how I get on. :)


Oh btw, do I install to my mods folder or the game folder? So far all mods I have been saving into my mods folder.


Well I have managed to get a little further. I can access the suit, but unfortunately I have no HUD, no powers as such. So I am not sure what's going on. Never mind, its working dude :). Awesome mod, I remember the GTA4 version but the game itself was a bad port to PC and therefore it was very unstable. This though is awesome. Many thanks bud for creating this and the other mods.


I will check it out. I am doing a complete reinstall. I think it was the amount of mods I had in there. Most Superhero mods plus LSPDFR. I don't think the game liked everything. Lessons learned. I shall not be installing as many mods again.


I installed the MOD, but when I started the mod, It showed that I needed to log in.(Sorry,my English not well)


Excuse me can you make a huge hulkbuster of tell me how to make it ??


When spawning an enemy it spawns only the rage guy and I can't remove the suit?


what option are you usin to spawn? if you press ctrl+o (or s, cant remember) it shows spawn options for selected armor


It doesn't prompt anything for me when i start the game so what do i do?


How can i assign a hotkey of unequipping armor? if it doesn't exist, plz make it. it is very inconvenient to enter the menu everytime for unequipping armor


Hi. when could you add a hotkey to unequip armor? i m waitting for it.. T_T


i added today, check it out: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/12617773">https://www.patreon.com/posts/12617773</a>


Could make it that attachments of weapons don't let them reset to the first without any of them when i switch from armor to characters (ex. trevor) ??


i will, need to research a little to find the proper methods, tis a missing feature in my clothes and weapons restore method


I have a one more question, could you resolve that characters lose thier voice in the mission in which they are switched from armor ?


I think tis better to add a hud to show types of weapon of iron man to select them when pressing Tab key like v1.


Я нажимаю на ctrl + n , но у меня ничего не работает.


check the troubleshooting <a href="http://gtaxscripting.blogspot.com.br/2016/05/ScripthookVDotNet-Troubleshooting.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://gtaxscripting.blogspot.com.br/2016/05/ScripthookVDotNet-Troubleshooting.html</a>


Hello, I apologize for my english, I can not connect to use the iron man armor


The game will not load. Getting a corrupt game data message. I installed through open IV.


did you installed choosing mods folder? openiv.asi plugin is installed?


Hi, when I press ctrl+o or s, nothing shows up. Unfortunately because of this I cannot choose any enemies or allies expect for random choices. Also ctrl+n works.


Hi sir, followed the install instructions properly but I'm getting an error when I start the mod.


System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'GTA.Native.MemoryAccess' threw an exception. ---&gt; System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at GTA.Native.MemoryAccess..cctor() --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at GTA.Native.MemoryAccess.GetVehicleHandles(Vector3 position, Single radius) at GTA.World.GetNearbyVehicles(Ped ped, Single radius) at IronmanV.TIronMan.63AAA() at IronmanV.TIronMan.imtick() at IronmanV.B7AAA() at IronmanV.67AAA(Object ᙂ, EventArgs 1AAAA) at GTA.Script.raise_Tick(Object value0, EventArgs value1) at GTA.Script.MainLoop()


Any idea how I can troubleshoot? Tried with the latest scripthook.net and also tried downgrading to v2.9.5 but still no luck.


Got it to work now with the latest scripthook.net. Didn't include the dll and xml files during my first install. Many thanks for this mod. Big Iron Man fan here!


I'm sorry for my bad English. I have a problem, iron man's armor does not load, as if x64g did not load from the mods folder, I will add that everything else in this folder works, only these armor do not work. do you have an idea how to fix it? Thank you in advance. I will add, that I looked into the troubleshooter and there is no solution for my problem


Hey for some reason when i try to equip the powers + suits in GTA it tells me i have a different version and to install the newest version, could you help me?


I cannot log inside the game. I have these horrible suits. It says to contact JulioNIB Team.


it says to send message, not make comment., check the troubleshooting: <a href="http://gtaxscripting.blogspot.com.br/2018/05/nibmods-patreon-login-problems-and.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://gtaxscripting.blogspot.com.br/2018/05/nibmods-patreon-login-problems-and.html</a>


What r differences between 2.4b2 and 2.4c ??


How to operate the iron man


正在使用发音 How to catch people and throw them out


Can the weapon power and armored value be set?


hello julio,how to make more lives, quick regeneration of armor and lives? ironman


you mena give more health to the armors? check the l=following variables in the ironmanV.ini file healthRegenAmount=10 armorRegenCoef=3 they are related to health regen


would it be possible to edit which ped is spawned as the villain for this mod?


make a copy of the suit .ini file and edit the model and name variables using notepad


I need help it tells me to get the newest update eventhough i have the newest update


what is the message exactly? are you sure that you installed latest version of script and reloaded scripts?

The Imaginator

Ironman: Edit: SOLVED. If that ini was a snake it would've bit me. Original query (truncated): JulioNIB Team: In order to use &lt;some mods=""&gt; I will need to be able to specify different hotkeys. Until I can change keys, certain JulioNIB Team mods are basically "not working" for me, even though I can tell they ARE working. Just not in any useful way. How can I specify which hotkeys I can use so that these mods are useful to me? Thanks so much for your help!&lt;/some&gt;


all mods or just ironman and just cause? in those mods i use old hotkey idea where i check for key press and not for game button press (E is the Context button by default, for example), i will release update for those mods soon to make them use actual idea of hotkeys. i removed the .ini hotkey set because lot of people change the hotkey in the .ini file and cause issues with other game features, like for example of you set something to Tab key, it may call the switch char HUD tell me what mods you are using and i will update them first

The Imaginator

When I first equip Iron Man Suit, the weapon is "machine gun." But when I cycle through weapons, the weapon never goes BACK to machine gun. It goes through missiles, "darts" (whatever that does I can't figure out), hand repulsor, chest repulsor, and then back to missiles without ever going back to machine gun. (The only way to get the machine gun weapon back is to unequip and re-equip the suit.) Also, both of the "repulsor" attacks briefly summon half a helicopter behind the ped. Is this intended?


lol, the helicopter... this happens when you dont install the fake beam model, i replaced the crashed cutscene helicopter model because it is big and renders properly. So, to fix the helicopter issue you should install the mod using the .oiv package installer and choosing mods folder when asked, also make sure that OpenIV.asi plugin is installed. what armor has this bug? in my recent tests i didnt noticed, maybe its a bug with some of the armor configs.


Could you make the flying animation from the movie <a href="https://media.moddb.com/images/downloads/1/59/58033/iron_man_fly_render_farrukh.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://media.moddb.com/images/downloads/1/59/58033/iron_man_fly_render_farrukh.jpg</a>

Minh Tran

Hey I have trouble to download the Armors for the mod, the link to download keep crashing

The Imaginator

How can users add different peds as more suits? This works for me with your Hulk, Flash, Superman, and Thanos mods (I've added suits galore with both default and addon peds). But for Iron Man V, even if I add config files for additional Iron Man suits, the suits don't appear in game. I must be missing a step.


are you adding them to Armors folder inside the Script files folder? you need to keep the file name pattern armor_ .ini




send me the patreon link that opens to login: gtaivscripting@gmail.com


My Thanos peds are not working but they are adds with addonspeds and put in the good files


Hello julio. I wonder how can i set total health of armors more than 900? I would like to set it up to 7000,


Would adding maxHealth=7000 to IronmanV.ini work at all?

Kendall Hagans

Do you know how many enemies you can spawn before it crashes the game. I see a terminator robot that could substitute for the Ultron bots to replace the Ultron ini and I would love to do like an avengers vs Ultron bots video and I was just wondering

G-Rom Crytes

Every one are asking for a Flash upgrade but i want an iron man one ! since your are better now ! ironman needs more weapons to battle you super cool new scripts ! would like costumisable life and dmg in the .ini, like that you could have a stronger iron man with a sheep iron army ! He realy need new attack and gadgets , Could drop boms like green goblin like warmachine do in IW He could have a force field bubble Jericko from is back or sholders a special attack like the red lasers in iron man 2 iron man shouls allways have upgrades ! and one day have laser swords from the gunklets


Would it be possible to make the repulsors and chest beam shoot further?


not sure, with this mod i tested like 10, but FPS drops a lot because each entity needs a lot of control about anims and sounds


i bought this mod ,but i can't play because when i click press 1 button, mod says "Error starting the Wep Brower, are yoou ruuning game as adminstraror?" so i can't play :( . how can i do?


Need a little help with the mods. The mod screen keeps flickering all the time and I think that affects whenever I transform into any of the heroes it doesn't feel smooth, almost laggy. Just wondering if you could help me with that :D


check this: <a href="http://gtaxscripting.blogspot.com.br/2018/05/nibmods-patreon-login-problems-and.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://gtaxscripting.blogspot.com.br/2018/05/nibmods-patreon-login-problems-and.html</a>


Is there a way to enable the suit but no powers?


''Error; Can't connect to the server'' And altenative server was set.. anyone else having this problem? :/


it says invalid game version


or its outdated game version


Is there any way to put people down without throwing them? I want to gently carry them to the police station and put them down in a cell (using the police mod)


mmm, cant remember, but when i do this i set in the same key that grabs


I still haven't got this mod working and i have followed the steps exactly (or as best i can) and it hasn't worked and im stumped. can someone please help me??


I have payed 2usd but in games I get a message that I have to pay 2usd to Active the mod :S


How do I let the game know that I have already payed


when that message appears it tells you to press 1 (the number 1 close to Q button) to make login and activate, did you tried?

Christopher Harrison

i see you added a flamethrower that really cool. Might i recommend adding stronger repulsors similar to the old version of this mod?

G-Rom Crytes

JulioNIB Team iv reinstaled all my iron man , an then my war machins are not ok :( , shooting like a minigun for the machin gun, dont remember how it was fixed


this is determined by the .ini files of the armors, maybe you have a copy of ironman script somewhere inside Scripts folder


my game keep crashing at loading screen please help


How to uninstall the mod?


remove the script from scripts folder, restore possible modified files inside RPF files

Florida sucks

hello Julio, i'm having an issue with the models, they're appearing all wonky and have random objects instead of the iron man models. i installed with the oiv packages. what could be causing this?


my gta game is offline all the time, do I hae to login to julionib to be able to use mods?


Hi Julio team, I installed superman, thanos and recently iron man scripts. now every time I try to open the Julio menu using CTRL +N it shows double screens overlapped by each other. can you help please!


The issues are with Alexander Blade's script hook. Is there any way around this Sir? I've been crashing for 2 months.... meanwhile Im pay the patron for mods that I cant use... Ill have to cancel if the script hook isnt working unfortunately :((((


Ye take my $2 happy now?

Kuan Fu Chen

Could you make this an addon ped? cause I don't wanna replace any original files, make games look weird sometimes


Como eu adiciono novas armaduras?


Game locks up whenever I get a wanted level while using this mod. Any ideas what could be causing this?


mmm, thats odd, didnt had anyone reporting this issue before, i imagine is something else


vc baixa o modelo que quer, instala substituindo algum ped do jogo ou entao adicionando, e entao vc cria uma cópia duma das configs (arquivo .ini na pasta Armors) e edita o campo model, geralmente as armaduras vem com este arquivo de config


you can do this renaming the ped model files and editing the armor .ini file of ped to set the new model name


Melee attacks through Q or R are so strong now. its so far from reality. why do u change it like that ??? plz rollback it or add option to adjust its power.


will you make MK50 because my addon ped are not working


and can you make the light on in hemelt


hey the downloadlinks for the armors don't work anymore. i would like to download the hammerdrone and warmachine


Please note I have paid for Ironman v2


Please note I have paid for Ironman v2 I need to know how I can edit range for hand laser and missiles attack How can I change laser visual effects Thank You

Vinni Cooper

There's bits and pieces from the old Ironman version that we should've kept. For example, ragdoll when falling. I enjoyed getting close to the ground then turning on flight. or falling thousands of feet out of the air via ragdoll. And Flight. The take off from the new update is amazing but the flight is a bit off. Whenever you're flying up or down ironman doesn't aim directly towards the sky or towards the ground. its almost like hes falling but his body stays straight as if he's planking.


I installed using open 4 and have scripthook and asi loader installed but nibmenu will not open for me i need help


Hi julio! Just started modding gta 5 and love it! Your mods are great and work flawless! Just a question, now that I've downloaded the iron man mod is it possible to download more heroes and use them at the same time? What I mean is, do I need to remove the iron man mod to play like hulk? Keep making great stuff!


HI Julio....love your work...the thing is i dont have my own credit card plus i cant donate in my currency..any way i can get these mods and support u??


Melee attacks through Q or R are so strong now. its so far from reality. why do u change it like that ??? plz rollback it or add option to adjust its power


Сука,ёбанный разработчик а ну быстро делай бесплатный мод.


I am a member and I pay for this script but none of them work I am on GTA V version 1.44 any help to fix this I have the latest nativeui screephookv scripthookvdotnet




so i downloaded this version but i found another version in a folder of mine that is 2.4.5d, is this the current version or just the 2.4.5?


I downloaded the mod and all is ok. But when i'm opening the Menu on the game, the menu is Open but i can't do anything like the only option that i have is ''close''. Help me please


send me email with a picture showing the issue gtaivscripting@gmail.com


hi julio is there any free mod we can use to try your mods i did download your mods and its really okay but i cant donate any currency cause i dont have credit card


did you tried the "try the mod for free" option that appears in game?


Wait what?? We have to pay to play the mod?


It said I had corrupt game data after I down


loaded the iron man mod


i do not know how to download the mod


I need help


um...i playing game and i moving mouse, my Characters is going out of the screen


And this mod needs update too man.


This mod need update man coz in latest version of gta v the game crash suddenly a couple of times


please make it so you can spawn a specific suit instead of random thanks


I've got a question - Can I pay once 2$ to play this mod forever? I've heard that there's some restriction that you have to have the newest version, so after I stop being patron, would I be able to still use this mod?


i installed everything and pressed Ctrl+d0 (sidenote boths oS are next to the P so not helpful) and it didnt do anything


Hey, why dont u roll back iron man's melee attack power


hi i need to pay for this mod?


Why we need to pay for this mod? I thought it was free because we can download the mod.


can you make mark 50 skill?


why cant i use all those lazer weapon or missiles shown in the video. all i can use is only palm machine gun and flying around with the armor. I wanna figure out whether i have done something wrong with the installation


hey i downloaded the mod and there is no fire or exhaust coming out of the blasters as i fly


check the mark iii armor .ini file, the fx sections determine the fire exhaust, your new armor .ini file must have it, you can set "player" as model to keep player char


my ironman body not show when the mods is active, can you help me


probably issue with the armor .ini file, check the variable related to hide the ped char


do i need to pay?


Hi, If you are planning on remaking this mod, maybe add something non-lethal weaponry to stun or knockout, pickup people and put them down safely and something to put fires with like fire extinguisher or water canon. Just some ideas. Thank you for the awesome mods been seeing you're work from first ironman mod from GTa 4 lol anyways . Hope you have a good one! Maybe some day a captain america mod with very nice melee moves. Thanks again Cheers!

Ruben Gomez

Yeah, I would love to see Captain America. Pretty much all the Avengers lol.


im a member and it wont let me log in . i press 1 to log in it takes me to the page i click allow then when i go back to game and press incert it just keeps saying oops ?? any idea

David Leung

I haven't been playing gta for a while and came back finding out this mod has been updated, good stuff. I have a question tho, after updating, I am not sure if its just my game or its this mod but now when i use melee attack on cars or throw them, they fly sky high instead of the previous more realistic distance. Is there anyway I can adjust how far cars and peds fly away after I punch them?


Hey your mod is great, Ive been using it for a while but sometimes when I load the repulsor/ Chest Repulsor when I fire a structure in the back of iron man comes out, I think you already showed how to solve it but any help?


you probably didn't installed the .oiv properly (choosing mods folder)

lucian Wainwright

aww damn its a shame i cant pay for this


If I buy the silver tier do I have to stay a patron or is it full access permanently


who do you think you are charging for mods? I mean come on, this is my first experience with mods and my homie was telling me how great modding is and how it is all free and that people who charge for mods get laughed at. Are your mods really that good that you feel they are worth $5? No demo version to even try it out first?


another person saying non sense things... you at least tried before come say shit? my mods can be used for free


Hey man loving the mod! When i activate the mod and its powers i only get the abilities but not the suit itself any idea or advice i could get. PS Keep up the amazing work :)

Full Name

Any idea why when I punch cars they are sent into the next dimension? I tap my fist on a car and it travels 300mph


well,the game crashes at loading screen after i activated the mod by press 4 method. Anyone has ideas of how to fix this?




my camara is screwd up and i can not turn, plz help


Hello, the mod is awesome but my audio is lagging way far behind the action that I'm doing. Example: shooting the laser, I will shoot it then about 45 seconds later hear the sound for it. Is this something I'm doing wrong on my end? Thank you


Please help..it says 2$ (locked)


Dear Julio please help me...it says [today this script is locked]....please helpppp.i like this mod.it says 2$.thank you


I installed mod.but in nib menu says locked.


Which part?


send me a screenshot of this screen you talked about: gtaivscripting@gmail.com


Did it come?


I am waiting... ... ....


Where are you?




Julio please answer me.are you sleeping?


Does this and the new Thanos have controller support?? I’m a $10 pledger 😊


actual version has, but in wip i didn't tested all new features with controller yet


So iron man does? Green goblin?Your awesome dude. I have Spider-Man, dragon ball, and flash and controller works great!


Thank you for your very fast responses. I saw that you said you can cancel your donation and still have the mods permanent but I’m keeping my pledge. You deserve every bit of the $10 a month. One last question. What is wrong with flash that makes people keep asking for a new version? It seemed fine to me, other than phasing getting stuck on


Julio how i can make to sure gta5 in firewall?


It is allowed.but when i go to the julio nib menu says again locked.


Outbound and Inbound are allowed to connection.why iron man v is not working?


What is activatino code?


is a code that you receive when buying outside patreon, but it need internet too


It says press 4 to try mod free.help


When i press4 says;waiting for trial activation,press insert to reload scripts(or load a saved game)when you are done


it should open a web page for activation, are you running game as administrator?


Hey Julio.When I press4,a page opens.I should press activate trial period?


But when i click on activate trial period a page opens again.says Error(code)


you should open this page from game, when there is no other error appearing in game, it will work fine


My problem is only connection to page.Even with vpn doesnt enter.i am tired😥😥😥


Why for everyone this mod is working but for me isnt working...


Julio,connection fixed.when i click on activate trial period,a page opens again and it is empty.only the page has an icon


Hey.I have a question. This mod needs always to internet?or this mod is offline?


How I can use your mods offline?


It is too bad


Julio,I have a good new.the mod is working😁😁😁😁😁😁.but why iron man's eyes and his chest are empty?


Where is it?


i dont know man, its you that download and installed the ped model


Hello, great mod, but how do i get iron man suit? i see a green suit? i can get powers as franklin. THANKS!!!


i thought so can you give me the link?


im little outdated in this case, search for ironman in gta5mods site and you will find some good options


all i need is the outfit? i cant find his armor in the mod when i load it


cant you help? i just paid 5 bucks


in the blog post (linked in readme) there is some links to armors made by me, they can be installed using openiv package installer. case you need more help, send me email gtaivscripting@gmail.com


ok thanks!


is this 5 bucks a month? or just one time payment


not worth 5 dollars a month dude


why after i installed this iron man script in my OIV, i can't enter the game (exited unexpectedly)?


have a solution?


are you sure its action of my mod? didn't you installed ped models too? the setup of iron an don't cause game crash in normal situations. send me email gtaivscripting@gmail.com


Hi Julio. I have a problem with the armors. Since I've restored my backup (because I messed up my game), addonpeds is not working anymore (the mod works but when I put an armor in the peds file my game crashes because "FATAL ERROR") and it's very annoying because the ranger armor is awful


hi i cant get armors to work the mod just puts me as an invis character and the hud doesnt apear (edit i got the armors to work but the hud doesnt work still for the mark 50 and more)


need cash?


julioNIB Listen I have a problem the Iron man suit saying all the time warning and I don't know how to mute it


i need your help sir


A free play with the mod does not work?


Can I do without OpenIV?

Jake Foster

What kind of gun does ironman's suit shoot? I want to make the bullet model "physical" so I can dodge them as the flash


yes, open the .oiv file with winzip or winrar and see files inside folder "content"

Colby Rivera

Please forgive my stupidity, but is there a way to access that editor for the flame effects in the hands and feet in game? I want to edit them to work on Boba Fett's jetpack if possible.

Colby Rivera

Also, is there a way to stop my game from crashing whenever I reload scripts? Its a common problem I've had playing GTA 5. I probably have too many scripts as well.




O jogo fecha sozinho


provavelmente é resultado de added peds https://gtaxscripting.blogspot.com/2019/05/gta-5-added-peds-limit-fix.html

lucian Wainwright

is there going to be a new iron man mod and if there is when

Teodor Dragan

that endgame ironman post is the update of this mod?


no, just news, the releases are entitled with "download", "release" or "wip"

Jeron Williams

Hey im new to moding and I don't know what to do I did everythinhg step by step but nothing working


what's wrong with pressing CTRL+N without any response?

lucian Wainwright

when is the iron man endgame mod coming


Hi just wondering what payment is required to use the iron man mod?


if i press "shift" to run,the game has crash!! please help me :(


Crushes the game, when I activate the ability the camera goes somewhere, especially when taking off and the game crushes.


same here , i Toggle powers and then the game just crashes 5 seconds later


Hulk mod is buggy , everytime i press left click animation is very slow and when i throw things like cars and peds the animation plays and then a few seconds later the object then get thrown




Your mods probably need some updating, game crashes whenever you try to use it.


how to change armor..which armor should i install


I followed the video you posted on how to install everything but I can't pull up the mod menu using CTRL+N. Some help would be appreciated, thank you


I am only seeing the ranger suite. What happened to the actual Iron man suites?


when I click CTRL+N nothing happens what should i do


clean install. directions followed. Mod does NOT work. Refund


Is there any way to set the model for when i take off the suit to the tony stark model i have installed ? . At the moment it defaults back to Michael even if i set my model before putting the suit on?


mods works perfectly, you did something wrong, answer to my message


why the f it isn't free


make sure you don't have firewalls blocking gta5, press 4 on lock screen like the text says to


Hello, many thanks for the free version, I installed everything like readme and 46 ironman addons, but the game crashes during loading screen, I used every updated requirement, please help.


I did everything right and press ctrl n and nothing happens please help

Hoàng Long

how can I disable fast running


all that happens when I press ctrl + N is a little wifi symbol on the bottom of the screen apeears but nothing else happens...


I did everything right, please help!

Rueben Ortega

I wanted to be able to use this script for a really long time. I was excited when i finally built my pc and played GTA 5. I am a patreon now and paid for the mod. I followed all steps and it says that it is active but whenever I press Ctrl+N, Nothing happens. I even went into the files of the NIB script and changed "N" to "U". That isn't working either. I then proceeded to download visual studios to see if anything would happen and nothing is working. I would really like to be able to use this mod and I want to keep supporting but I can't even get it to work. Please if anyone could help that would be amazing!


Will this mod ever get updated and fixed?

david 751

I have crash and difficulty of fly


Same here


The Ironman Endgame is it out yet or is it still being worked on at the moment


How do you reduce the power of the melee attack?


I bought $5 months ago, and today I reinstalled OS and it is always saying Ops - login failed. I have tried to log on via the 1st server and the 2nd server but still no luck. Can you help me out?


m8 stop asking people for money just to play a mod that is ridiculous there are people out there that are struggling to feed their kids and work 24-7 and I know u do to but at the end of the day people want entertainment and ur asking for money just to have fun when people out there struggle if u want money aka a real job get one and if u want to make mods don't expect money of people people just want to enjoy them self maybe there are kids using ur mods what if they cant become a patreon what u gonna do then m8


But, he is working very hard in these mods and i understand it becuse look at this it's only 2$ or maybe 5$ and when you buy for 5$ in game you don't have to do verification in game ! and tell me if you have a job and they are paying you for this job can't you just pay these 5$ fuc*** dollars ? i hope you understand


i cant use the mod without being in your patreon???


i hate u why the mod need money ha


Oi, when I buy the iron man endgame mod, do I have to paid for the next month? Or it's a one time thing?


Hi, There is a problem. When ever I try to equip the armor, It's stating that it cannot find the ped. Can you please help me with this? Till today it worked fine.


bro please help


If I make a $5 pledge, do I have lifetime access to his mods? Or do I have to be on a monthly subscription?


How long is the trail for?


I know that the V3 mod is alredy Prerealese


Oi tudo bem? Então eu não entendo porque meu GTA da erro em alguns Mods... Eu baixei um Mod do Superman e tipo ele até tava funcionando só q tava bugado... na hr de voar ele bugava e pra dar socos tbm ele bugava e olha que eu fiz certinho oq tava no tutorial tem como vc me orientar melhor em alguma rede social como por exemplo discord? Poxa mano me ajude por favor eu queria jogar GTA com mods pra me divertir por favor se tiver algum discord me adc D4rkyTH#8652


would i have to pay per month for patreon, so i can access your mods? Or I pay and that's it


e eu sou brasileiro, como poderia comprar pelo cartão brasileiro pelo mercado pago ?


tenho a msm duvida


Hi! I have installed the mod and it works, but the HUD doesn't appear. It happens the same with Crysis mod. Any idea? Thanks!


hi i downloaded the iron man for my son and i get the menu and i am able to access the ped but i cannot select the armor in the menue will not let me do anything in there. not sure how i can make it fully work. please help.


did you saw this guide? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_t_5A9xp4IA


I'm trying to help my friend install this Iron Man mod. Everything worked the menu popped up and everything when he pressed ctrl-n but he isn't a patreon on your page and when he tried to use iron man for free he kept getting an error.


haizz the mod of skill of iron man isn't free, í it?


hi i downloaded the endgame suit as i sawyour video on youtube but it said i need to pay 5$ in order to use that


I just want to say AWESOME job un the update! :) Glad you fixed the problem with 3rd party armors! They work perfectly now. This new version is SO cool! (AMAZING job with the HUD, new repulsors and flight. LOVE IT).


When will you update The flash mod


awesome work man


great update , i love play with this script , can't wait flash update !


hope i can finish this month, ironman took more time due to HUd and to old codes idea that had to be rewriten

TheIronicist (Mike Dewar)

Hey, what's the difference between 2.3 and 2.4? Couldn't see anything in readme file? Unrelated note: would it be possible to release a separate script that "just" does your hold-right-mouse for slow-mo function. It's incredibly useful for setting up set-pieces and other cool cinematic things...


www.youtube.com/watch?v=11Aspi1I8GA&amp;t=12s Please see


i had to limit angle due to new flight idea, the turn ani.ations was buggy and i removed them


some small fixes and now laser beam sgould affect fixed objects and also cause more damage. i will see if i can make a simple slow mo hotkey for you


love this


wow, the new flying system is way better than the old one. it feels way more flexible. great work on this. But i can not switch back to the old HUD. it can select using the old hud, but nothing changes. i like the new one but it's overlapping with the mod menu, so it would be nice to have a hotkey for short disable/reanable. btw. i loved the HUD you created for gta 4. can we get these two huds to chose from?


how do you spawn in allys and/or bad guys. i've looked at yours and others how to install vids and it hasn't worked. its definitely on my side not yours

Vinni Cooper

Bruh, would be dope if the ally's and enemies could actually stand on the ground instead of in the air the entire time.


Julio can i have installed two scripts? Hulk and IronMan


Oh how do you lift entities? Like in the Hulkbuster segment


Hi, great julioNIB. I wanna give you some advice, hope you can see this : 1. Your armor "war machine" minigun's power (damage) is so weak and useless. Maybe you can improve it or switch to minigun that come from the game. I know you did it for hammer drone since version 2.2. 2. You delete the weapon 4 "handrep" for "hammer drone". Could you re add to it ? Because other armor like "iron patriot" and "war machine mk3" need handrep. (their armor.ini set parameters "bHammerDroneGun=1") 3. When iron man flying underwater, maybe Inexhaustible oxygen ? And movement motion need be perfected. That's all I want to say to you, thank you.


What MOD are you currently working on? :) I am just giddy with excitement for the coming updates. If they are as good as the Iron-Man one, then things are going to get really awesome really fast.


How much Flash has been completed?


There is a problem with sound effects going missing 10 minutes in. Please help!




Another great mod! Only issue that I have encountered so far is that I can only use the machine gun when I first load the mod until switching to another weapon (lasers, etc). Then I cannot switch back to machine gun, it only will cycle through the 4 weapons. Any fix?


cant remember if i already talked to you or not, did you installed openiv.asi plugin?


everything works, except the armor.


Hey, I have installed this mod, and some of your other mods, i really enjoy them but how to i change the enemies from the default skins. Could you explain how or even make a enemies and allies mod, I think people would enjoy that. Thanks


you need to install armors that you can download at gta5mods site for example, and in the armor .ini file you can set if it can be enemy too, press ctrl+o with a armor selected to see spawn options


Hey there! So I love the update to the mod but I have a question, whenever I grab an object and start flying at top speed the ironman moddel flips out a bit and flies with its legs facing ahead and the eupper body faceing the where his legs should be, same thing happens under water, is that normal ?


Hey, awesome mod man. You're doing amazing work, but I do have a question. How do I enable First Person for armors?


check the armor .ini file, but some armors cause game crash when using first person


Everything runs smoothly except I cannot switch back to the machine gun weapon and there are no flames coming from the hands and feet when flying. Even after a full uninstall and reinstall of GTA V and the mod. I am wondering what could be causing these errors.


mmm thats really odd, after error happen again, check the most recent scripthookvdotnet log file for errors in ironmanv script


Hey man, just payed for two scripts yesterday but i cant get the mod showing up. I have a few mods installed right now, which are working just fine. (Menyoo and some custom skin mods) just cant get the mod screen to open with 'N'. Im having the same issue trying to get addonpeds screen open with 'L'. Was wondering if you do Teamviewer or something to look through my files to make sure its all correct. Will make a higher donation if youre interested! Thanks


read this <a href="http://gtaxscripting.blogspot.com.br/2016/05/ScripthookVDotNet-Troubleshooting.html?m=1" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://gtaxscripting.blogspot.com.br/2016/05/ScripthookVDotNet-Troubleshooting.html?m=1</a>


can you let it breathe and move unter the water.


Hi wonderful work as always ! I was wondering if you have an idea of the date you will update the flash mod script ? because I read that you are working on it


next month, i had some issues and was unable to finish this month


If your working on a spiderman mod, PLEASE let us have an ally/enemy option. it would be so fun running away from spiderman swinging and webbing people up!


Best mod ever, I love your Mini Hulkbuster mod. Just wondering whether do you have any plan on adding in the glow or missing texture to the armor eg. the energy light at the chest. I seen some re-texture mod in <a href="https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts</a> but the skeleton (model overlapping) isn't anyway as good as the mini hulk buster created by you. Keep up your good work! :D


For some reason the sound is delayed on the Repulsors and the Uni-Beam, any ideas?


Hey I love the mods. Is there any way from the iron man transformation you make the suit fall from the sky and open in front of you.


Hi! I really like the mod. Is it somehow possible to activate radio while in armor (or could you add that)? It would be awesome to have some music while rampaging ;)


Julio, if you could make as Luke said, instead of going into the menu, you could like press E, and then leave the suit, and when you wanted to go back into the suit, you could either press E, to make it come down from the sky, or if its close to u the suit you could go over to it, and press E, to enter it! That could be soooo fucking cool! I would honestly pay even more than 2 dollars for that!


hi ! Great job. I wanted to know how to change the level of strength of the armor? I would like to increase the punch of the hulkbuster. thank you in advance ;)


Man you';re a true pro. I am glad that you've setup a patreon for this since you definitely deserve to be compensated appropriately for these game changing mods. I love this v2, and thanks so much for releasing it to the public


Hi! I've just donated new.Umm i want to ask can i use it in original GTAV (Lastest Version) ? and The Flash Mod?


Why does it say that this file contains a virus

Emmett Niles

Downloaded this version after posting my comment on the previous version. Sry, i didn't realize this was out. But this doesn't work either. I keep getting the notice "go to DL site and update"


Julio please check if all of your website`` s mods are all safe and do not contain a virus my antivirus program is saying that it contains some sort of severe virus


its safe man, my files are stored here in patreon. what antivirus you use?


Fine i will try. Thx anyways!

Emmett Niles

Appreciate the help NIB. Gonna download from this post and ill let you know what happens

Emmett Niles

Hey. I tried it out and it worked really well. Thanks a bunch man! It was great fun and reminded me why I support ya. Just one question though, the repulsor blasts behave a bit weirdly, how do I fix that? There's a second or two delay and it doesn't seem to fire properly.


Hey, I shouldve asked this earlier but, do you have a blank Armor ini file I can use to put Add-on peds? Kinda like this: <a href="https://www.gta5-mods.com/misc/armored-batman-bvs-scripts-armors." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.gta5-mods.com/misc/armored-batman-bvs-scripts-armors.</a> I would edit it but if I do, it disappears from the Julio Ironman menu


Julio what do i have to do if i have the model and all the powers but the background does not appear(Like where it say all miles and stuff) and i can fly only in one direction. What to do?


i installed the mod and when i tried to load it, it said this version of gta 5 is newer, so do i have to wait for a new version of this?


the actual version here in patreon posts is the latest one for the actual patch


It keeps saying that there's a trojan on my computer when I install. Also I can't get it to work.


false positive, you need to add file to white list or something like that


when you will release flash mod


Release date for flash mod ?


Hey JulioNIB, I have a question. I downloaded the IronMan Mark V armor but it does not show up in the NIB Mod Menu.


download link is not found


armor only will appear in gzme if it have a .ini file in mods folder


hello i installed the iron man mod and when i go to start the game it says corrupted data.What do i do?


@JulioNIB What's up man, Iron Man repulsors and chest unibeam seems to be completely broken due to this smuggler dlc update. The ai can still use these features but I can't use them at all. This never happen before so I know it must be this new update messing with the mod.


I was able to fix the issue by replacing the prop in x64d rpf, your installation has the prop replacement in x64g rpf. So it's in two locations now.


When you gonna release flash mod? you said you was gonna try to release it last week.


Why I don't see any Ironman Armors but only the RS Ranger...? I am a new user, please advise. Thank you.


cant wait for spiderman bro !

G-Rom Crytes

VERY cool mod ! the attacks are so much better , a bit less fluid animations on flight, i think, But so much better Overall ! You need to give war machine some love ! and would be cool if your iron man could do heavy sound when he walk ! and customable life points Thanks tho your a king !!!


Is there a way to have inverted flight controls? So down is up and up is down (on controller) or pull back on mouse is up, and push mouse forward is down? Just got this working (and it's amazing), but I'd love to get that hashed out so I can start enjoying for real


sorry man, i missed your comment, thx for the advice, i will check


check the .ini file, search for axis, you can invert by setting to -1


Hey JulioNIB I'm completely stumped I done a fresh gta5 install and still couldn't get the mod to work.i also went step by step with a tutorial I left link of tutorial I used, and still can't get past the start story mode screen. Please Help


Here's the tut link i used <a href="https://youtu.be/-wAgIFCGjAo" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/-wAgIFCGjAo</a>


Thanks in advance


just curious (before I systematically go down the list of all settings to see if I can figure it out), is there a known issue/bug with extreme tearing/visual glitching while the menu (ctrl+N) is open (also flying high/altitude)

G-Rom Crytes

a costumable Max flight speed would be cool too ! but all my hopes are for the sounds , war ,and life

G-Rom Crytes

when i fly super fast like 1790km , MY game misc can have problems showing up , but not all the times , and you dont have to fly that fast , so its easy to avoid , And could be my RAMS , holding me back... Ctrl+N dont affect your game. At the end im telling you , you NEED to try those mods , you will have alot a fun, and you creat a 'mod' and 'script' folders , into the game , you delete it and your game is like new. that iron man mod is a must !


how do we open the mod menu


how come mine shows up as a green ranger? not specifically iron man


Cara, cade o link do mod?

Chris Powers

I wasn't a big fan of the first one, just didn't find it user intuitive. However, I've either grown as a gamer or your mod has become a bit easier because the new version is awesome to play! Thanks!!!


Is there a way to remove the green ranger? Or to spawn a specific ped?


press ctrl+o to see spawn options or use specific menu. also make sure to install the armors that goes in separated setup


i cant remember if i added a option for this in the script options menu


is there a way to turn down the sound it's too loud! and when i try to turn it down in volum menu it doesn't change anything


i cant remember if i added a otion related to volume in .ini file


where is the ACTIVATE MOD


let's say I download the flash mod how do I download other mods? because I tried to do this with other mods but it wouldn't let me do the hulk one is there a certain thing I have to do? or is it just one mod at atime?


each mod post have a download link close to the end of the description


Hello, I just installed the oiv package with the hulkbuster armor addon also. If I press ctl+n I get an inventory menu but I don't know how to start the mod or activate the armor? Is it supposed to be in this menu?


Correction: Pressing N or Ctl+N brings up my player interaction menu. How can I start this mod?


are you sure you are pressing ctrl+N? the player interaction is activated by ctrl+m by default


ok well, I'm dumb. I have went step by step. cntrl + n doesn't open menu. I can see all the armor files. The file I don't see is the .ini file for hotkeys. when I used open iv, everything worked like tutorial said it would. I think all I am missing is the menu.


I downloaded the nibmods.net.dll file and it is in the scripts folder.


did you installed scripthookvdotnet? check the required plugins in readme


yes sir, and readme? I will have to find out what that is.


check the troubleshooting <a href="http://gtaxscripting.blogspot.com.br/2016/05/ScripthookVDotNet-Troubleshooting.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://gtaxscripting.blogspot.com.br/2016/05/ScripthookVDotNet-Troubleshooting.html</a>


lol, thanks for replying, I will check troubleshooting. I did this one time before when I had to replace each individual .yll and everything one at a time, but that was well over a year ago, and this is a different system, and I am old, lol. 45. doing it for my son.


i think i might have found my mistake, i have to have the scripthook download and scripthook v.dll?


yes, you need asi loader, scripthookv and scripthookvdotnet, the links can be found in readme file that goes with the mod or in the blog, also in the troubleshooting link


ok, you were correct. it works now, but it freezes up and crashes after about 2 minutes of play. i may have old files installed? advice?


game crash isnt normal, maybe other mods or changes in game files that was made before, the game is updated?


it seems to have a problem with hulk. ironman runs fine? could that be something I have loaded badly? the second time I tried hulk it went to loadscreen and never stopped.


have hulk wip, hulk v, abomination wip in open iv, that sound right?


i see in my scripts folder i have hulkv, hulkv.net, hulkv.nib. sound right?


have the nibmods.net.dll in scripts as well. i think that's right?


hi julio, it is possible to make a last update for the script iron man and watch dogs, to change attack melee key Q by A for iron man, for watchdogs same problem for the radio the problem is for the azerty keyboard even for your future script avoid using the Q key for people who have an azerty keyboard if it's possible it would be great! thank you


This is a good mod!!! How do I use him in story mode? Use the mod can't start the game mission.


I can't seem to launch the mod, when i press CTRL + N nothing happens, the other mods of yours seem to open fine for me...


How can I activite it?


check the troubleshooting <a href="http://gtaxscripting.blogspot.com.br/2016/05/ScripthookVDotNet-Troubleshooting.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://gtaxscripting.blogspot.com.br/2016/05/ScripthookVDotNet-Troubleshooting.html</a>


how do i activate it