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This month was a slow one for me so I couldn´ t keep producing content as I wanted, at least 3 new pics each month. I haven´ t have time to promote it properly, since I´ m trying to expand as a digital colorist for indy artists and focusing into getting new clients.

In other things, maybe you know how Patreon has been losing content creators and users lately due to a series of unjustified bans to certain people over political reasons (being not being a leftist extremist, that is), and a lot of people is losing trust on this site, which is understandable, making things more difficult for people like me.

I´ m considering to leave the platform later next year, at least I want to finish some stuff I was planning weeks ago and see how I can improve as a content creator.

This next week I´ ll show you 3 new works by Skyraptor with characters from Red Ninja Momiji, a new character I´ m still developing, and hopefully some more.

I´ m also considering how to present volume 2 in the future to attract more fans. I´ m thinking I could present it as a webcomic exclusive on Patreon and later release it on digital edition on Comixology and in print on demand on IndyPlanet. To be honest, nothing is still set on stone and this could take longer than I would like it.

I´ ll try to improve as much as possible this 2019.



It's all fine, my man. It's December. Break time. You could try asking Brian (Rags team) for pointers.


I've seen you prove yourself, that is why I trust you.