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We are technically finally at the finale!




Gonna miss this comic a lot when it ends


Hard to believe we're here. I'm gonna miss this comic once it's finished.


:O we may get to see another kataraXAzula comic omg!


I wanna see azula ravage katara


I’ll miss this comic run! It was great wish we saw more aang and toph that would be peak

Alexis Peck

Any thoughts on doing Legend of Korra afterwards?


While I actually prefer LOK to ATLA, I feel like I'm probably not gonna do it because it would be such a long process and Avatar won't even end until January. I wanna finish at least two of my current comics before anything new.

James Trammell

Since you said it’s ending in January, does that mean December and January is when this picks back up?


Jay had to remove one of his incest comics off of his Dropbox so I doubt it


Damn it feels like we’ve been on this little journey for so long


Hoping to really see some more zuko x katara or even some potential zuko x toph action before the end of this series. They seem to have had the least interactions in this whole series outta the whole gaang so far 🤔. The few illustrations you do have of them are some of the best overall tho imo 🔥👌🏿.