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Welcome to a special month on this Patreon, a month where I'll be celebrating ten years as a NSFW artist since I posted my first pic on DeviantART on May 5th, 2012 under the username 5ifty. 

As a result, this month will be full of new content related to work all across the ten years:

  • It just so happens that Carmen and Kelsie will reach page 100 this month, and in celebration it's getting a double sized page to close off this chapter!
  • Arguably my favorite comic Dicky Vicky will finally be revisited in a new pinup set years after the finale!
  • I started my early career doing art of mostly one series: Adventure Time. I revisit my roots in a new Princess Bubblegum pinup next week for $10 Patrons!
  • This month's requests are two of my personal favorite girls: Ramona Flowers and Alexis Rhodes!
  • I'm also working on a special anniversary pic that I'll release everywhere this Thursday, 10 years after my first post!

Looking very forward to this month and I'm hoping you are too!




Kelsie pog


Congrats to 10 years!




We sure are getting a lot of great stuff this month!


The hype dude!!! Happy 10 years man!


I'll be honest I personally think there's too much Carmen and Kelsie it would be nice to have I don't know a Naruto sequel or something new to replace it. But don't worry, I still love your art so much and I hope you continue to amaze us.


Yea I agree it would be a nice change in pace for dragon ball to start up again or if started a new comic all together but love the work so I'll be a fan of whatever u put out


I know it’s been a long chapter especially since the new format has the main comic breaks at the end of the month, but I just wanted to end this chapter on a good note after teasing so much action between Carmen and Lucas. Then it became "well why not push it a week further to get to page 100"? I hope the pages will justify the extension in your eyes when the month is done!


I've been really enjoying the story of Carmen & Kelsie and honestly have been enjoying more entries of their story. I'd love to keep seeing it, we waited a while without an update.


Ur the goat for releasing Alexis Rhodes early 🙏


When are we getting more Dragon Ball? Why’s it taking so long?