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Welcome back to another week of posts! Thank you everyone who's here and is supporting the work. Much love to you all and I hope you enjoy the work I cooked up for this week.

Here's what you'll find in today's links:

All Patrons

2 New Patron Requests featuring Ahsoka Tano and Nazz from Ed, Edd, n' Eddy!

$10 Patrons

Leo and Raven's late night noise sparks Carmen to reach out to Lucas for help in new Carmen and Kelsie pages!

$5 Patrons

Mari and Mikey run into an unexpected development before they can cap off their night out in new Carmen and Kelsie pages!

Thank you as always for being here to support this extremely lucky artist. I hope you enjoy this week's content and it's worthy of your continued support! Hope to see you next week!


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