2/18 | New Dragonball Super Pages (Patreon)
2022-02-18 22:01:01
Welcome back to another day of new posts! I've been excited to show off this week's pages. Here's what you'll find in today's links:
All Patrons
The Various Bonus pics have been moved into the pinups section of your folder, where they will go after I post them here/on Twitter.
$10 Patrons
In new Dragonball Super pages, ChiChi sucks off more than she can chew when she baits Piccolo into unleashing his inner aggression!
$5 Patrons
In new Dragonball Super pages, we check in on the other battles of the tournament, where ChiChi faces an issue with her opponent!
Thank you as always for being here to support this extremely lucky artist. I hope you enjoy this week's content and it's worthy of your continued support! Hope to see you next week!