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Hello everyone who stuck around for January and 2022! I’m just here to share with you guys some thoughts I’m having for this year.

Obviously, I’m enjoying my break lol. Even though I’ve still been sketching here or there, it feels great to be able to do that without the looming deadline of Friday over my shoulder. And to be honest I’m contemplating if after this break is over, I just go back to the same routine and risk burning out again in a few months or so.

So I’m just here to shoot off some ideas and get some feedback. Remember that these are just ideas and nothing is certain. And nothing will be changing about what’s already planned for this month.

Sometimes I think about either decreasing my workload or taking regularly scheduled breaks. The break idea is less favorable because I like to give you all and Twitter stuff every week, cuz I believe consistency is key and that’s what I want to be known for; posting the same amount of content, at the same time, of the same day, every week if I can help it.

So the more likely option is decreasing my workload. I simply have a lot to work on in a month. Comic pages are the most rewarding with their multiple panels, dialogue, and narratives. But they obviously take the most time, and I’m usually doing 2 in a week. Except for when I do the side comic updates like Avatar, and now I’m working on 3 pages in a week. Pinups are relatively easier and more open, but they can be hard to work on in addition to comic pages; especially with stuff like alternate versions. And then we have the Patron Requests: They bring a lot of hype and it’s so fun making those handful of Patrons feel they got a special request. However, it’s clearly not easy adding four extra pinups to the workload late into the month.

So while I usually have a schedule in place to get it all done in a timely manner, some times I slip up, I fall a bit behind, and then it all catches up to me towards the end of the month.

So for a long time I’ve thought about decreasing or getting rid of some of this workload. But each thing feels like it’s essential in its own way. Obviously the comic pages are the heart of my Patreon now matter how much work they take, and the pinups allow me to draw freely without the constraints of writing a story. Patron Requests are extra work but might be the most exciting thing every month for you and me.

So I ask you the patrons, what do you think??


Matt Garcia

I think it’s the content overall that matters, quantity is always nice but quality is what we’re really here for. You should be able to decide how much you work as a freelance artist so just draw how much you feel


Yeah, as someone who's been in a similar situation this past year, I know how you feel. I think the key would be to plan out the month and spread out ideas: Like, The Comics are one of your main selling point, so I think the 2 pages should remain in the same consistency. maybe you could eliminate doing a third page altogether and do the pin-ups a slower pace (like, say, only post pin-ups or patreon requests twice a month. that way you dividide your time getting all the set up for the pages of the month first, and Then, with the time you have left, finish the pages while sprinkling in some work on pin-ups here and there or something like that). I dunno, I'm just throwing out ideas. hope it helps


I think the first week of every month should be simply two comic pages, no extra content You *could* substitute one comic page for a one off comic page or go down to one extra comic page a month. And knock down the Patreon pin ups from 4 to 3 and make #4 the poll selected pin up


Truthfully I don't think there is a real work around besides just removing something all together. Technically you're already doing that by taking all these breaks since that's an entire week's worth of content we don't get. Out of everything you do, I would agree your comics are why people signed up in general. The requests are kind of whatever really, like they're nice since we have literally no other way of getting something we'd specifically like to see from you, but at the same time they're time consuming. The pin ups are also the same in this regard. They're nice, but also I feel heavily depend on what is being featured for people to really enjoy them. So honestly I think anything not comic related can go or be cut back as your comics are the main attraction.


It's a small thing but why not take patreon requests for the following month instead of the month you're in. That should alleviate the end-of-month catch up the patreon request that you get in January you give out towards the end of February


That looks fine to me Jay!! You are human too and you need all the rest that you can have! You are already working a lot doing this awesome art every week! I damn love all of your efforts every single week! (*´˘`*)♡ Please, take the best decision for you for leep yourself rested, and keep doing this fantastic work without being burn out! We love you! Take care, and rest a lot! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ❤

Alexis Peck

Honestly, you put out far more content then any other NSFW artist I follow, so I don't think anyone would be mad if you cut back a bit. The two comic pages a week are pretty much worth the monthly pledge, anything else should just be considered a bonus that you do whenever you feel inspired to.


Here's my two cents, since you asked, I believe your already doing what's right, near the end of the month when you've got works needing to be done late , just enjoy them and love how unique they look even if they're rushed, the unfinished and the completed works all look great, overall your doing fine, if it's feeling like too much pressure remind yourself, your fans think your great 😌


I think you should do less Patreon requests or not at all so you can focus on what you wanna do with the comics and pinups, I signed up the comics and pinups but truthfully I’ll still support regardless

You are already baked

You can slow down on the Patron Requests. They are fun. But I find them little less exciting than the comics or pinups.

Cole jones

I would be fine with you taking regular breaks ever now and then but if decreasing your workload is the most likely option then maybe you can do the patreon requests ever other month so say this month you don't do them but next month you do requests and so on maybe something like that because it would be a shame for you to get rid of either pinups or requests altogether.

colin burke

Maybe take a week long break every 3 months? If you feel like a permanent cutback is in order, I'd say it should be pinups, as they aren't as big a draw as comics and aren't as "personal" as the requests.

Chief Bandit

I like the comics and pinups every week or at least comics each week. If you can do pinups every week or alternating weeks that’d be dope but if not I understand. Like someone else said comics make up for the monthly pledge and I see anything else as a bonus. I’m more of a pinup of lover but your comics and style is the reason I’m here before the other reasons I have 😌


I think if you need to decrease the workload then do it. Whatever is gonna help prevent you from getting burned out too frequently


The comic pages I feel are the main thing, the request and pinups are amazing but as you said they can be time consuming so I propose you either start the month off with just comic pages and through the middle of the month you could do one page with either one pinup or one request. If it’s a pinup with multiple alternatives then I feel those can wait can be uploaded later honestly. And end the month with 2 pages and repeat the cycle. Also I suggest you don’t put this up as a poll in case you were thinking about it because this comes down to what makes you comfortable on top of everything.


Maybe you could swap between pinups and Patreon request, like you only do pinups one month and the other would be request


You can alternate the request and have them go to bi monthly. One per month but then you put more effort into the comics panels and story and make stories longer so u can drag and switch them in and out!!


If you want to stay consistent, I think Colin Burke had a good idea with a week break every 3 months. Then you can get breaks and it would still be consistent. If you wanna lighten the work load, maybe bringing down the comics to one page per week and then you could swap between pinups and bonus comics at your leisure. Overall your personal well being is key imo


Bruh no offense, but you get paid like 6 figures or more to DRAW. How are you complaining this much. I know guys that’d kill to make that much just to draw. I’m done with you after this bs


Dude... I thank you all for the career you’ve given me every single time I post here. I truly appreciate it and I understand I’m in an extremely lucky spot that others would kill for. However, no amount of money is gonna make my workload easier. That’s not how life works. It’s still one man drawing everything and it’s not easy no matter how much I make. And I simply contemplated decreasing that workload; not quitting, not extending my break, but just drawing a little less each month. Instead of just walking away due to long time carpal tunnel issues, or burnout, or depression, I’m trying to keep things mostly the same for YOU, the patrons. And you just write it off as bs and complaining. That’s really disappointing and sad to hear. I get that many of you are here just to fap, cuz what else is the point of nsfw? But I hope that with whatever creators you continue to support in the future, you remember there’s a normal human being behind the work. Thanks for being a patron.


not apologizing. six figures and you cant put out a single page per week. I feel like im paying for you to do whatever you want and live lavishly, all you have to do is draw a single page a week and you need breaks. thats why im done with your bs. word it however you want but those are the facts man. hate me if you want im seein it as it is, six figures is enough to live lavishly and all you have to do is draw a single page of art a week and upload it to us, idk how you can write that off but you can try.

Parker Joans

I think you've been doing a fine job with your art. It wouldn't be right for you to overwork and burn out. If you think you need to lighten the load, then go ahead. We'll still be here.