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Happy Holidays from the "Carmen and Kelsie" Girls! Wanted to make an image to go along with a little holiday message for you guys.

I just wanna say thank you guys for being so, so supportive of some guy who essentially just draws naked cartoons. Years ago I thought even drawing this stuff would label me a social outcast, and I was always counting down to the days I would leave this behind and burn all the evidence. I even went through five years of college planning on getting a "real" career.

But 2 years ago, I was fresh out of college, and for some reason I couldn't leave the Jay Marvel name behind or the following I had been building since I was 18. And I took a crazy risk to basically leave my degree on my wall, and start being a full time NSFW artist. I didn't know how it would pan out, I didn't know anything about Patreon. I just knew some people liked my work and maybe I could build a decent Patreon page.

And wow, you guys blew my mind. I could have never dreamt that I could be where I am now doing what I do. A future as an artist is so uncertain already, but a nsfw artist?! "No way should I do that! What will people think? How can you be ok with making a living off of that?!" 

Well fast forward two years, and you guys have erased those doubts from my mind. I can afford to fly my family out to be together for the holidays after so many deaths in the family during the pandemic. I could singlehandedly afford to pay for my mother's funeral annd burial since she had no life insurance. I could help my brother avoid being evicted by paying his rent, I could fulfill a long time dream and host an art contest. After all of these blessings, I knew I should be proud of the road I chose, and I don't regret doing this one bit because it's helped my family out so much and changed my life.

And I owe it all to you, my wonderful patrons. You all make everything I can do possible. Not some boss or salary, just you folks deciding my work is worth something.

 I can't thank you all enough. And though most of my fam doesn't know exactly what I draw, know that they all thank you too. My future kids thank you for the house they'll one day call home. I love you guys and everything I make I make hoping that it brings you joy and makes your overwhelming generosity worthwhile.

I'm a bit worn out these days, and sometimes I wonder how much longer I can keep this workload going. But I'm going to rest up next month, and I promise to come back in top form for you.




We love you too Jay<3 enjoy your extended break. We'll be here when you get back. And thank you for taking that risk.


Awww! Thanks to you for all the hard work that you are always doing for us!! ❤ You deserve every single support that you have right now and moar!! *---* We love you Jay!! Keep it up! You are the best!! ꉂ(ˊᗜˋ*)♡


Glad to hear that you were able to overcome all of those difficulties, and happy of knowing that you're succesful in the path you have choosen. Merry christmas and a kind of early happy new year to you, Jay!


Awesome to hear everything is going good in your life, you earn it and here's to more wonderful years

Angel Hernandez

In the wise words of Goofy “ILL DO IT AGAIN”


Take your time, do it at your pace. You have our full support.


What Tommy Said!


Aww Jay ❤ nothing but love man im glad you stuck to what you like and as long as you enjoy doing it thats what anyone can ask for. Many blessings to you and your fam and your future endeavors!

Cole jones

I'm happy to hear how much of an great impact patreon has had in your life and how much supporters like me have helped you I'm glad things are going well in your life and I am most happy that you followed your passion and continued to make your art it is wonderful and I love it and I can't imagine what it would be like if you didn't continue doing what you do. Lastly I hope you have a wonderful 2 week break you deserve it for all the fantastic art you make and I can't wait to see what you do next year.

J Thunder

I can't thank you enough for doing what you do. There's nothing I can say about the series of events that occurred in your life but I just hope you don't lose your spark and drive to do what you're passionate about. Coming frm a guy whose in the similar dilemma, yet I want you to have fulfillment and a Merry🎄Christmas. Oh, and have a good New Year's break man

Ricardo Buenrostro

Thank you for your content man, keep it up and get some rest and I'm glad we are able to help you out financially and keep drawing without being judged. Your drawings are fire and Im glad to be part of your Patreon. The best work always takes time to finish, take your time on your drawings and no rush. Have a merry Christmas and sorry for your loss of your mother. Don't stop on the things that love and your passion and keep up the good work.

Chief Bandit

Happy Holidays man I'm so glad to support you and proud of you. I never knew about what you went through or truly knew you went fulltime with this and reading this post just now is some true shit. You're doing amazing things on a canvas and outside the canvas, bless you and all ya loved ones. Take all the rest you need, we'll be here for you now and then :) You matter always! G shit

colin burke

Group hug! *hugs* I'm sorry for your losses during the pandemic, but I'm glad we've all helped you achieve so much. You've earned every member of your fanbase, and every dollar in your pocket!


Much love and strength for you and your family. Stay strong and enjoy your off time. CYA next year:)<3


Thank you for your content. I love the current direction and progression in Carmen and company's story. Even in the non-lewd moments, you still manage to include enough to keep people coming. Have a great 2022 everyone.

Horus Lupa kal

Love you and your girls! Wishing you the best my man