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Holy... This milestone honestly snuck up on me. You guys are crazy supportive. I'm humbled constantly by the love you all show and that I get to draw the stuff I draw for a living. I definitely want to repay this somehow but I don't know how to. 

When I hit 1k Patrons I posted an extra week's worth of content to patrons. But I honestly can't do that this time because I'm currently only a week ahead of Patreon on work. I try to stay at least 2 weeks ahead of $10 Patrons so I have breathing room, but I used a week of that breathing room for family emergencies a couple weeks back. 

So I'd love to drop next week's work today as a big thank you but it's not even done yet lol. But I need to do something to show this love back to you all. Maybe if it's art I can do something in February. I also have no problem giving back with money, though I don't know how well that fits in Patreon's rules.

Until I or we figure this out, all I can say is I love you guys and am super thankful for this level of support. My girlfriend says thank you as well and always loves to read you guys comments as well. Just know you guys have changed a directionless 25 year old's life!



Awesome. 👍


Congratulations on your well deserved milestone! I'm just glad I could give back a bit since I really do enjoy your work. Hope your next milestone comes soon!


Really happy you made a good income off of this dude


Holy shit congrats man! Yeah this came out of nowhere! I'm sure whatever you do will be perfect for this celebration! We love and Lady Jay immensely and this little community you've built, sincerely. A semi-directioned 22 year old


Don't give money, you deserve every $ :) You could do an open post for people to do requests and you could choose the one you like the most :) I think it would be a good thing


Congrats man! glad to see that you're so successful


Congrats on the 2K! Don’t give the money since you deserve and just keep doing what you been doing cause it some of the most amazing stuff out there

Mark Pryll

I was going to suggest something similar. Or do what Jerkpants does. He goes down the list of patreons and picks two people per month, And does one free sketch/drawing or something like that. could do it where $5 patrons are a sketch and $10 get a pinup.


Congratulations! You deserve it. I can’t wait to see where you take Carmen and the gang, its my favorite series of yours.


Maybe just do more random char request like pinups, otherwise, congrats man