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Hey guys Jay here, with another week of posts but also an update where I wanted to talk to you guys personally. Recently I made a post on Twitter talking about Patreon leaks and how some recent ones have really affected my mood and motivation. But another artist I follow convinced me to not publically address it so negatively, and instead be professional and address my patrons properly.

So there have been leaks of my patron-only work ever since I started this thing, and I mostly managed to pull them down in time. Sites like rule34xxx were really reasonable with takedowns. But other sites have not been so easy, and other sites I just have no idea how to take action. 

And the first thing I think whenever I see my leaks on these sites is that I'm doing a disservice to all the people pledging and supporting me. Sure, I'm not the one who spread it, but I'm the one with the power to suppress the spread of these images. So it gives me a lot of anxiety when these leaks happen to the point where I can't work on pages and I just get very down with stress. 

Even more stressful was how to address this. I was afraid of letting patrons down. I was afraid of bringing attention to the leaks and creating more. And I just didn't think saying anything would help prevent them. But you guys deserve to know if you didn't already that yes patrons/former patrons have leaked stuff, and while I try as best as I can to get it removed and keep it exclusive for you guys, I haven't been able to get it all taken down. 

For all I know, the people behind the sites that host the stolen comics just become patrons of mine to get the work. I have no clue and no way to tell right now. But I promise I will continue to try every single day to find and remove them wherever I can so not to disrespect those supporting me. And the work will always come here Fridays at 5PM before anywhere else.

Thank you for reading. Thank you so much for your support so far. It's been wonderful being able to work full time for you guys. Just look at how before I'd update comics maybe once a year? And now I can afford to do 12 new pages of Dicky Vicky in just a few months. I'm still having fun and I'm blown away by how many people wanted to support me everyday. Enjoy this week's rewards. And happy Thanksgiving to anyone celebrating. Much love to all of you.



It's ok man! I'd still support you if this wasn't patreon only. I just like your art and want to help!


Hey man, these things happen and we're never going to hold the actions of a few people against you when you had no control over it, that would be stupid and pretty messed-up of us. I think I speak for everyone when I say that you don't have to apologize for anything. Just keep on being you, enjoy your life, (hopefully stress-free) and keep on producing that juicy content that we all pledged to support. If I ever happen to come across people spreading your Patron-content across another site, then I'll try my best to be the first one to let you know, until then, don't let this get you too down, my guy


I’m still gonna support you no matter what. I love your art style and the content you make.

Sabertooth Sable

It's not your fault, people will always try to take advantage of a good thing and try to ruin it. I may have seen one of the images that got leaked on rules 34, but it doesnt mean I wont support the skilled artist who made it.

Keith Rogers

It's all good, you have my support no matter what.

Alexis Peck

I think that you’re just going to have to accept the fact that some people are jerks and that your content will inevitably get leaked at some point regardless of what you do to try and stop it. However, despite the leaks, you’ll always have fans like myself who will keep throwing money your way because we love your art and want to support you so that you can keep making fantastic content. So try not to let people leaking your stuff get you down because, at the end of the day, you still have tons of fans here who’ll support you.